On a map I'm making, I've made two floors. No errors were occurring until I finally made it to the second floor. When I compiled, none of my prop_door_rotating doors were closing. Here's the properties I've set for them.
Name: Door01
X Y Z: 0 0 0
Global Entity Name:
World model: models/props_c17/door01_left.mdl
Skin: 7
Disable Shadows: No
Slave Name:
Hardware type: Lever
Ajar Angles: 0 0 0
Spawn Position: Closed
Hinge Axis: -4880 2613 70, -4880 2613 70
Rotating Distance: 90
Speed: 120
(I'm sure the sounds are not neccessary)
Delay Before Closed: -1
Damage Inflicted When Blocked: 0
Health: 0
Force Closed: Yes
Open Direction: Open Both Directions
Use Closes
This has occurred on all three doors and I don't know whats happening. The Doors open 90 degrees and then they don't close. They were working before, then they just stopped closing.