Visited by aliens?? Created 18 years ago2007-01-09 18:30:36 UTC by Tetsu0 Tetsu0

Created 18 years ago2007-01-09 18:30:36 UTC by Tetsu0 Tetsu0

Posted 18 years ago2007-01-09 18:30:36 UTC Post #209133
Hey. I'm taking a poll for my space science class and i need to know what people think.

Have we been visited by (space) aliens??

Yea or no.

That'll do fine but if you want to give a reason that'd be great.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-09 18:34:10 UTC Post #209135
OmfG yeAh, I ttolly got ubduckted! lololololol
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-09 18:35:50 UTC Post #209136
If we have then the extra terrstial beings(kekeke big words) who have visited us would have to be far more technologically advanced than us, like thousands or millions of years ahead of us. Their technology would have to be allow them to efficiently travel millions upon millions of miles not to mention the kind of fuel they would need, whatever that fuel may be.
It's possible, and we all know that there is intelligent life other thanh us out there somewhere, but personally I don't think it's happened yet.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-09 18:38:27 UTC Post #209138
Sweet. Good input WCD.
And dorian.... your vote has been ... counted.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-09 18:39:18 UTC Post #209139
Yeah Mr Tony Blair came from outer Space...

But my real opinion - No. However we'll find life someday and we'll watch them through a super telescope.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-09 18:52:06 UTC Post #209140
If so then there definately smart enough to avoid detection. So, a big no on all the UFO stories and maby on the question of there here.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-09 19:59:27 UTC Post #209156
no not at the moment but perchance in the future
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-09 20:30:31 UTC Post #209161
I don't think we have been visited, maybe they visited before humans dominated the Earth.

But we will be visited, given the Earth isn't gone by then :nuke:
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-09 20:33:36 UTC Post #209162
Perhaps they don't actually possess the technological means to travel that far, but rather have adapted to live in space, like absorbing solar energy or something... I don't know. :D

As for my vote... I'd probably say no, there aren't any.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-10 03:29:13 UTC Post #209179
I actually believe in aliens. The universe is so friggin' gigantic that there has to be at least one other planet with intelligent life.

Have earth been visited by aliens? No.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-10 04:28:47 UTC Post #209182
yay, atheism!

theres also a chance that WE could be the first to make contact...AND DESTROY THEM ALL!!!!!!!!! >:D
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-10 09:10:48 UTC Post #209192
The sad thing its we probably would.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-10 09:23:15 UTC Post #209194
I believe that life is abundant on other planets in other solar systems but we may never see them as we would have to travel in solar hours to arrive before we died.
The initial inertia to start us off to reach enough speed would kill us, possibly we would need to have a space craft that would use several nuclear explosions to propel us.

Looking at how the Pyramids are engineered and the history of the Aztec engravings, it does seem to point to a visit from our little green men. :|

Posted 18 years ago2007-01-10 10:53:42 UTC Post #209197
I believe visitors from other worlds are in actual fact already here and have been since ancient times. I believe they posed as supreme beings, or gods, and were worshiped, given sacrifices, and above all, power. They of course shared with us their knowledge, but to protect this knowledge, the 'secret society' was set up so only the initiated could be illuminated with the knowledge the uninitiated would never be allowed to see. (The birth of ?religion?, if you like.) I believe that these so-called ?gods? interbred with humanity to keep their genetic structure as well as their entire power structure on Earth permanent. In order to gain total global control, vast empires emerged, conquering parts of the world, moving on and on, setting up more power bases. I believe they have manipulated this world ever since through these genetic bloodlines and secret societies that go back to ancient times. I also believe that this is the main reason why the elite?s have what they term a ?divine right to rule? because of their genetic heritage. It is also why you sometimes hear about the Merovingian bloodline, the Christ bloodline, which is basically just a code name for an ancient bloodline. Interestingly enough, when you research the genealogy of world rulers and powerful elite families, they all seem to be connected through their bloodlines.

How come we haven?t seen or heard of them? Well, to answer this question, you have to understand how the manipulation of the perception of reality is important. The ?Matrix? film is a good example of a world where a false reality is created in order to hide the true reality. When you want to covertly control Earth though a vast network of interconnected secret societies, corporations, governments, etc, the first step is to manipulate humanity's perception of reality by introducing a false version of reality to act as a veil. They know that the human brain is basically what you could call a "frequency decoder" which creates a tangible reality based on the information being received, if this was to be manipulated, and there are many ways of doing this, then the perception of their reality changes. And when you have things like education, religion, law, etc, which are all controlled at its peak by the same few, the job is made much easier. The reason why we don?t see our true controllers is simply because we are not looking for them as we are convinced that nothing else exists other than our selves. The devil's greatest trick is to convince us he doesn't exist.

And of course there's a heck of a lot more that I havent even mentioned in case I end up in the Chanard Institute of Mental Health...
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-10 11:06:24 UTC Post #209198
I believe that you read way too many conspiracy theory books!
btw, I rang those guys at the institute for you, they are on their way to pick you up. They'll be expecting donuts, so make sure you get some in the next few minutes.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-10 11:19:38 UTC Post #209199
I do believe in aliens, as Sari said
The universe is so friggin' gigantic that there has to be at least one other planet with intelligent life.
But have they ever visited us?
No way.

The closest star is Alpha Centauri, wich is 2 lightyears away from here.
"Oh but it only takes 2 years to travell then?"
Yes, if you can travel in the speed of light, a technology like that is possible, but not likely.
According to Einstein you can't travel faster than the speed of light, so getting to earth in less than 2 years time is in theory impossible
Also, 2 years is quite a long time.
I don't think they would travell for 2 years to get to our planet if they do not know if there is life here (we've not recived any radio-contact from alpha centauri and if there is life on alpha centauri they do not have radio-tech so they would not know that we are here)

Edit: Oh, there is of course a small possibility of so called "Wormholes", using those they could be able to travel to our solar-system, but scientists has not confirmed wormholes yet.
Also, keep in mind that they must know that we're here before making the trip, if they do not know that we're here then I don't think they would do the trip just for fun.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-10 12:13:40 UTC Post #209204
The idea that we have been visited by aliens isn't such an absurd idea really, there is some historical references to such events as Lefty pointed out, it's just Hollywood has just made the idea seem unbelievably stupid, or some of it's the result of a pathetic rumour/idea that's spiralled out of contol over time.

cough religion cough

I'm entirely open about the idea of aliens and some of the supernatural, it could be entirely possible, but i doubt we'd ever get any solid evidence (for or against) in our lifetimes.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-10 13:30:48 UTC Post #209209
The total takeover of the globe is already well established. Just look around, humanity is losing control. You have to ask yourself, why would an elite want total dominance over humanity under one totalitarian regime? :quizzical:
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-10 13:41:30 UTC Post #209210
Jazhel, can you imagine, that a far superior species managed to develope technology to travel to a other solar system, wich requires hughe amounts of energy. And then try's to take control of a planet controlled by a dominant species that cant tolerate its own kind and decideds to destroy eachother? Heck, why would they want too have anything to do with such primate animals as humans escapes my mind.

itsnt it a little selfish to think that we really are that important? i highly question such rediculous theory's.

Then again, there are enough nutters around that feel like giving world domination a throw, and they really do not require aliens, all they need is a free open market that allows trading between country's. because trading IS power, some just dont realize that.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-10 14:41:06 UTC Post #209213
Number one, in terms of 'negative energy', WE are a definite food source. It's why sacrifices were made to these 'Gods'.

About travel - the interdimensional beings that control this planet have access to virtually any dimension, universe, etc - just like the human being. (Multidimensional capability) As someone who has experienced the phenomenon of 'out of body experiences' and astral projection on multiple occasions, I can confirm that this process is very real indeed.

And yes you are absolutely 100% correct about trade being a power mechanism. What we are seeing is the beginning of the merging together of American states with Mexico. In other words, America is vastly becoming one giant superstate. Eventually, America will merge together with the United States of Europe, which is soon to come regardless of public approval. Soon after, you?ll see the superstates merge with countries like Australia and New Zealand. All will be under one Government system. The UN troops will become a global police/military force (Police and Military will be merged together) and one world electronic currency known as ?E-Money?, ?E-Cash?, or ?E-Credits? will be introduced. Every world ?civilian? (as we will be named) will be given an RFID implantable chip at birth. Global surveillance will monitor our every move, including everything we do, say, buy, and the places we visit etc. Freedom will be a thing of the past. Those who break the law will be put in a detention camp where you would expect to be tortured, executed or given forced labour depending on the ?severity? of the crime. (FEMA already has such places built and refurbished for you America - and guess what, they don?t even deny it J) Countries such as Russia, China, and the entire Middle East etc will merge together as a separate superstate, which will be involved in a continuous war against the United States of Europe, ?Europia?. This may even involve an ?al-Qaeda? style dictaorship; whereby the western world is still under the threat of being attacked. (Even though it was the intelligence agencies in the first place that set them up as ?The Database? or ?al-Qaeda?). There will also be a military draft in place. The only well-earning careers we will be able to get will be in the police/military. Of course, those in the know will tell you that one single group, operating covertly, governs all superstates.

EDIT: There will also be a colour-coded system for your new RFID Card, which we'll all be required to posess. Green rating meens you have a good credit rating. Orange and red will mean you wont be able to travel, purchase anything or have access to the limited amount of freedom available. You'll be in a forced labour camp. Propaganda in media will be constantly telling you how bad those with red and orange rating are.

You think I?m joking though don?t you, when I say this. Most of you are younger than me, and will probably live to see these changes take place.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-10 14:56:39 UTC Post #209214
a lot of that is pure bullshit sheerly based on the fact that it would crash the world economy and send us into a nuclear holocaust. even politicians arent that stupid.

You've read to much bullshit jazhel, get real for once will you :) .

Good ol days again eh? Seems like nothing has changed ;) .
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-10 14:57:07 UTC Post #209215
<3 Jahzel.. leave it to him to hijack your thread as long as its about conspiracy XD I keed, I keed.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-10 15:03:51 UTC Post #209217
Fine, have it your way - be blind.

"Your denial is beneath you, and thanks to the use of hallucinagenic dugs, I see through you." - Bill Hicks, R.I.P
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-10 15:12:23 UTC Post #209218
What your suggesting is just a mixture of hollywood movies. Hollywood science, history.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-10 15:22:27 UTC Post #209220
I'm with pepper.

Most of what you're saying is pure movie-crap, and does not excist for real.

I refuse to believe in a conspiracy theory if it isn't based on real science.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-10 15:23:33 UTC Post #209221
No. We have not been visited.

If we visit first we are going to be hostile. Capture/kill most of them and try to figure out how they live and how they work... Science sucks...
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-10 15:27:28 UTC Post #209222
Here we go with the usual diatribe :

Oh well. I guess you could say it was inevitable. :|
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-10 15:47:32 UTC Post #209223
Ok so you're saying that what you are suggesting is based on actuall-science?
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-10 15:49:42 UTC Post #209224
Not as much science as facts that one can prove with hard evidence, and some shabby website thingie doesnt prove a thing for me.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-10 16:08:52 UTC Post #209225
i read on the itnernat that ther's aliens that are taking over our werld!! it was REALY science too
lol define
Men in white coats?
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-10 16:52:59 UTC Post #209233
Why would anyone taking over the world, let alone a group of "aliens", announce themselves, admitting they are involved in a plan to enslave mankind and risk jeopardising the entire operation as well as cause a massive uprising?

To invade a planet inhabited by intelligent lifeforms such as Earth, it has to be done covertly. When they arived here thousands of years ago, they posed as supreme Gods. The ancient people obeyed their every command, helping them achieve the foundations of new civilisations, all based on hierachical command structures. Some say that the dufferent ruling bloodlines are at a constant war of dominance, hence the fact that there have been so many battles.

Call it a Hollywood movie if you like, but make sure it?s a good one ;)

?This is no ?Snakes On Plane? bullshit.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-10 17:33:31 UTC Post #209237
Even if you're right and we're all living a great illusion, what separates this illusion from reality? What we perceive is "real" for us, no matter if it's "physical" or not.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-10 17:58:24 UTC Post #209238
Oh God.
Why would anyone taking over the world, let alone a group of "aliens", announce themselves, admitting they are involved in a plan to enslave mankind and risk jeopardising the entire operation as well as cause a massive uprising?
If some alien race has taken over the world then surely they would be smart enough to know that it would be more beneficial to them to either completely enslave us, or exterminate us all together. If they thought it better to stay hidden, then they are a dumbass race because to stay hidden would mean you have pretty much no control over things. What are they controlling in the first place? Our lives? How can they control our lives without us knowing any hint of their existance? What do you think our lives could be like if this supposed "evil race" wasn't "here"(I use quotations to emphasize skeptisism, not a theory)? They would have to have amazing technology to get here in the first place, but I highly doubt they would be the stereotypical aliens with mind-controlling powers and all that jazz.

Also, the idea of taking over a planet like Earth, from an alien race at least, doesn't seem very logical in the first place. Earth is a tiny mother fucker and there's almost nothing of value [to us] around it (not to mention the lack of planets with any form of dense atmosphere at all around it) so what race could possibly benefit from taking over this little speck we live on? We have our crap on the planet, but there's nothing anywhere near us. Hell, even our sun sucks donkey balls. The only purpose I see in that is for research on humans (aliens to them) and if that's the case then it's really not domination in the first place, but just an experiment of sorts.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-10 18:54:35 UTC Post #209244
"I cum in peace" :nuts:
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-10 19:25:50 UTC Post #209249
Always praise God whenever you are having sex. Remember, blessed is he who cums in the name of the Lord.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-11 02:23:15 UTC Post #209281
right. nice end ther WCD, thanks for the input guys. lol
feel free to rant more jahzel i enjoyed reading it.

Your theory reminded me a lot of stargate, i want to beleive but its a bit farfetched.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-11 03:47:53 UTC Post #209285
The universe is so friggin' gigantic that there has to be at least one other planet with intelligent life.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-11 04:23:12 UTC Post #209287
lol define
Men in white coats?
lol, no.
"Actuall-science" should be based on theories/ideas that has been confirmed.
If something you say works against a theory or an idea that has been confirmed it's no longer science, just fantazy (except the conflict between quantum-mechanics and the theory of relativity, but that's a whole other thing so don't bring that up)
Also, if these aliens and all that is a big coverup and they are doing everything in secret, then they would kill us for writing what we are writing here, right? I mean, we know their secret! :o

People live happy lifes, so who cares if we are slaves or not (I bet not), we're still living good lifes, except some but.. most of us
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-11 10:03:39 UTC Post #209300
yeah, a 3rd of the world is definately most of us...
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-11 10:16:08 UTC Post #209301
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-11 10:49:40 UTC Post #209305
I dont think there's a cover up.

I mean: look what else they tried to cover up; watergate, and a whole bunch of other government scandals have been exposed.

There's spies everywhere too.. well not EVERYwhere, but as much as we dont like it there's actually spies floating around.

And remember the whole freedom of speech thing. you can say anything without the fear of getting shot (talking about USA here)
except in new york or chicago
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-11 11:09:45 UTC Post #209306
yeah, a 3rd of the world is definately most of us...
Ok maybe not - but you get the point.
If we're actually doing some aliens dirty work on this planet without noticing it, then why bother?
It's like earning money while playing a game you like.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-11 11:22:04 UTC Post #209309
Cover-ups can sometimes take years, decades to uncover. The American Founding Fathers always warned about the possibility of criminal elements in Government abusing their positions. They always said that a criminal Government should be overthrown.

Unfortunately, the United States of Apathy is more concerned about individual needs rather than the total dismantling of their country and economy.

When the economy crashes, it's likely to be very serious. A new currency, the "Amero" is about to be introduced as part of NAFTA. A HUGE superhighway is being developed. It runs all the way from Mexico to North America. It's a toll road with checkpoints. Eventually, every highway will adopt the same principles. You wont be able to travel unless you have a Green-Rated RFID Card.

This is all part and parcel with what Bush Senior called the 'New World Order'. - Globalisation. Your sovereignty, freedom and Constitution are being totally destroyed. Our countries here in Europe are about to do the exact same. We already have the EU, soon to become the United States of Europe when the UK merges with the rest of Europe.

You may laugh it off as a "conspiracy" folks, but most of what I have said is even admitted in their own documents.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-11 11:27:46 UTC Post #209310
User posted image
(Above) George Orwell's vision of the world seperated into 3 main superstates constantly engaing in a fabricated war with each other in 1984. Notice how the Americas are merged together with Canada, UK South Africa, Australia etc. In the book, Britain was nothing more than an 'Airstrip' for the giant superstate, 'Airstrip One'.
User posted image
(Above) Illustration of the new NAFTA Superhighway
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-11 13:01:07 UTC Post #209312
Where the hell do you find all this stuff?
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-11 13:36:01 UTC Post #209313
Prisonplanet and the internets.
If something you say works against a theory or an idea that has been confirmed it's no longer science, just fantazy
And how do you confirm theories?
"Science" is only things that can be absolutely proven and confirmed?
And remember the whole freedom of speech thing. you can say anything without the fear of getting shot (talking about USA here)
Except "allah akbar" at an airport. Or, y'know, anywhere else.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-11 13:48:49 UTC Post #209315
Those weren't from Prisonplanet.

It should be mainstream news.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-11 13:59:55 UTC Post #209316
Pretty much pure bullshit, this is presented like we live in the past and that this already is history, if so then one forgets the fact that history is doomed to repeat itself, from nero to hitler.

These new states, as shown on the map, pretty much represent the most unlikely image of a new world.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-11 14:43:03 UTC Post #209317
And how do you confirm theories?
"Science" is only things that can be absolutely proven and confirmed?
Of course you can prove a theory.
For example, Einsteins theory about spacetime being bended around massive bodys was confirmed by shooting a beam of light and see how it also was bended (or by looking at lightsources behind the sun)

A scientific model however, is something wich CAN be proven or confirmed, for example, "Outside the universe there are nothing but bananas", it can't be proven or confirmed and therefore it's not a scientific-model.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-11 14:48:15 UTC Post #209319
think of the hubble space telescope. We can see lightyears into space. Imagine that technology improved by a thousand years or so. I think we've been seen by aliens but its not too likely we have been visited, or visited up close. if they're intelligent, they'd think we have defenses so they keep their distance.

Visited, likely. I'd say yes.

I bet an alien spacecraft is sitting right next to the chinese spy satelite, both watching Tosse masturbate.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
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