TWHL3 Needs You! Created 18 years ago2007-01-02 08:15:37 UTC by AJ AJ

Created 18 years ago2007-01-02 08:15:37 UTC by AJ AJ

Posted 18 years ago2007-01-12 19:25:14 UTC Post #209467
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-13 01:33:17 UTC Post #209474
Seventh-Monkey and Ant, it would be sort of dumb to leave out the leading browser considering the fact that it won't really become obsolete. People are also slow to update so it would be good to get it to work on IE6 as well. It shouldn't be that hard unless you're going for some sort of overly complex and dynamic layout. Some simple workarounds should do the trick.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-13 07:51:48 UTC Post #209491
Point is, we have to do extra shit to get it to render properly. This is what standards are for, ffs.

As for the colour scheme: if it were up to me entirely, I'd scrap the current colour scheme altogether. However, the colours are generally 'friendly' and they are also a part of TWHL, so we're going for an update instead. As for the 'wasted grey space': TWHL currently renders without the need for a horizontal scroll on 800w resolutions. We will be widening it slightly, but not by much.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-13 08:26:32 UTC Post #209497
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-13 09:08:14 UTC Post #209500
Multiple stylings was talked about ages ago, but for the time being, we want to concentrate on the main theme and actually getting something up: we need drastic improvements to the admin system, so different colour schemes isn't a priority atm, considering the current colours don't hinder one's navigation/readibility.

The site will be layed out better though, I can assure you that.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-13 09:38:06 UTC Post #209501
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-13 09:59:33 UTC Post #209502
No need to shutup, commentary is valid from everyone.

The way I see it, we're gonna need 3 stylesheets to cater for proper browsers, IE6 and IE7. Pain in the ass.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-13 10:25:14 UTC Post #209504
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-13 10:46:04 UTC Post #209506
We're coding the site in XHTML Transistional (or Strict, whichever we prefer), which Opera and FireFox can render perfectly.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-13 11:21:30 UTC Post #209510
What kind of problems are you running into with IE?
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-14 18:43:00 UTC Post #209612
Uh, I dunno about the rest of the "team" but I intend to make TWHL3 fully functional in IE6 and IE7. If we use XHTML, I say we go for strict, too. Transitional is for pussies.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-14 18:48:07 UTC Post #209613
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-14 18:51:41 UTC Post #209614
Orpheus... you have no clue what you're talking about.

Sounds to me what little HTML you once knew was standard in 1996 - new times now. <table>s for layout are a deadly sin and should never be used. We use CSS now - a standardized language for styling web pages that IE pretty much sucks at. Both IE6 and IE7 are horribly outdated in terms of CSS standards, which has caused much grief for web designers during the past few years.

And I should add that IE is all-round a piece of steamy poop. The sole reason it's the world's largest browser by market-share is that it offered cheap and useless features in the Netscape-Internet Explorer browser wars. If it were up to common bloody sense, FireFox would own everyone by now.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-14 19:20:54 UTC Post #209616
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-19 04:14:09 UTC Post #209934
CSS with DIVs are pretty stupid in the sense that they require a lot of hacks to achieve certain effects, and hacks are total and utter shit. For a community site the best way would be to go with XHTML 1.0 Strict and DIVs using CSS, but the table element is only a 'sin' to those who are willing to waste shitloads of time on getting the most trivial things to work with DIVs, so to each and his own I would say!

(Though I am a purist so I still go with the former)
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-28 23:47:21 UTC Post #210980
Ok, an update.

We've decided that we're gonna go for a multiple theme thing. So far, we have three themes planned: a Classic TWHL (so it'll look the same as it does now essentially) a New Classic (which is a more subtle and more attractive re-working of the TWHL theme) and a brand new, as yet un-named (and undesigned) theme that won't resemble the style of the current TWHL at all.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-29 01:56:43 UTC Post #210987
I do kinda like the look it has now, and yet a new one seems like a good idea too.. Im just going to say.. new one.. we'll see how it turns out. Just dont make it waaaay different, we dont want things to change all the way.
TheGrimReafer TheGrimReaferADMININATOR
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-29 08:39:04 UTC Post #211003
"New Classic"? "New cliche" :D.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-29 08:46:20 UTC Post #211004
Screw you.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-29 13:26:09 UTC Post #211026
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-29 14:11:31 UTC Post #211028
The day that happens is the day you stop enlightening people.

Sounds good, I always like new styles.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-03 19:42:45 UTC Post #211579
Meh if 56k-ers want to have a theme they can just disable images. Good enough.

Oh, and CSS layouts don't really require more hacks, per se, than table ones. The three big browsers have a tendency to render table layouts differently too, not to mention it's horribly unsemantic.
Posted 18 years ago2007-03-04 18:10:18 UTC Post #214981
I'm going to try my best to code this stuff to the best of my ability.
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