func_tracktrain bug. How to fix it? Created 17 years ago2007-01-13 18:26:32 UTC by orglee orglee

Created 17 years ago2007-01-13 18:26:32 UTC by orglee orglee

Posted 17 years ago2007-01-13 18:26:32 UTC Post #209528
Hello I'm so close to end of creating my fisrt map but I have troubles with func_tractrain.
I have two train on my map they are fallowing path_track but when round is restarted they are behaving strangly. They want to back to the position where they last where. For example
startposition: path1

if he will end at path8 he will go directly to path8 at new round and he will mis other points between path1 and path8. My friend told me that there is some medicine for this strange behaviour but he dont remember how to fix it.
Can you please help me ?
Ive done everything I wanted on my map but there is still problem with that. Regards orglee
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-14 01:14:58 UTC Post #209548
I've found trains to be kinda buggy myself, and I must admit I have limited experience with them.

If this is for a multiplayer map--dm?--, there behavior is even buggier afaik. I'm reaching here, and have never done anything like this, but maybe somehow have the end of the round trigger a relay to reset the train--if that's even possible : .

Maybe upload to problem maps and link to it from the thread?
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-14 05:36:17 UTC Post #209557
Ok I have uploaded my map.
It uses de_vegas.wad
halflife.wad and wad included in package.
Regards and thanks in advance.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-14 05:49:28 UTC Post #209558
nice linking skills.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-14 06:27:59 UTC Post #209561
Ups sorry :P
My brain didnt wake uped yet :nuts:
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