PS3 or Wii?? Created 18 years ago2007-01-21 03:27:19 UTC by Kurosaki Ichigo Kurosaki Ichigo

Created 18 years ago2007-01-21 03:27:19 UTC by Kurosaki Ichigo Kurosaki Ichigo

Posted 18 years ago2007-01-21 03:27:19 UTC Post #210081
Just a quick vote/poll. What would you want? A PS3 or the Wii? (I'd prefer playing on the Wii, not owning it :D)
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-21 03:46:37 UTC Post #210082
PS3 isn't out in Europe so I can't tell.
On the other hand I have seen the Wii and I'm quite dissapointed at how Twilight Princess looks compared to Ocarina of Time. Who would say 8 years have passed between both releases? :( I'm not sure how Nintendo's console will do commercially once the novelty of the wii-mote fades away. If graphics don't matter, they should've made a wii-mote for Gamecube.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-21 04:10:06 UTC Post #210083
You should play TP, kasp. It's a super game. Looks aren't all
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-21 04:16:10 UTC Post #210084
TP is rather good, yeaah... But NEVER get a PS3.. It has absolutely no good games, and the one it had coming out for it (assasins creed), was boughten over by microsoft (360, woo)... And, I found them to look rather stupid up close. It looks as if a giant hunk of overelaborate plastic thats too shiny to be true. If you are hoping for a new style of playing, dont count on it, the control is exactly the same as both of the other playstation consols, but with a motion sensor (stolen from the wii, and put to poor use).. The PS3's (so far..) are completely inferior to the 360's in terms of looks and gameplay (ive left the wii out because its based completely on gameplay).. The PS3's graphics are sharper than the 360's, but the lighting on it simply sucks in comparison...

im done :thefinger:
TheGrimReafer TheGrimReaferADMININATOR
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-21 04:19:17 UTC Post #210085
I'd rather have a PC than both. Oh wait. I do!
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-21 04:25:52 UTC Post #210086
I tried to play TP at a friend's house, but he didn't let anyone use the wii-mote. I did get to see quite a bit of tiled grass textures, jagged edges and blurry geometry in the background. Maybe it's because it was mainly designed with Gamecube in mind, I don't know...
Graphics are not everything for me, or else I wouldn't be mapping for a game released even before Ocarina of Time, which is Half-life1 ;) For me it has to look good and play good and the same time.

PS3 is overpriced. I could think of some nice PC components I could buy with that much money.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-21 05:21:04 UTC Post #210088
the graphics on TP are exactly the same for both GC and Wii, because they had to work on controls for the Wii port and not graphics. and the launch titles are nothing to go with graphics or control-wise, as it will take a while for developers to get the Wii working to it's full abilities. i think that a title such as Mario Galaxy might be closer to a 'comparison' game for the Wii - the graphics are really nice and testers report it feels great to control. so, reserve judgment for the Wii for now, and don't use a GC game (TP) to rate the Wii.

Otherwise i agree with everything Grim said before, (except that assassins creed will be a good game, hehe), and add this - if you actually buy a PS3, your penis instantly halves in size.

The Wii controls and graphics will get better, because it takes a while to get used to new stuff like the Wii. The 360 has been out for ages, so it has a big game base, its cheaper than the PS3, and the only thing that PS3 has on the 360 is free online. but, since you're paying AU$500 more for the PS3, thats 10 years of xbox live gold membership before that saves you money.

in summary -
Wii = pwn, just wait a while for the killer games
360 = great for graphics whores, but also a good overall system. a worthy second place.
PS3 = LOL! an overpriced piece of shit with games to match! this will be sony's equivalent of the gamecube.

....or you could just ignore all that and look at the numbers.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-21 08:51:08 UTC Post #210098
A Wii is the only console I'd consider getting. I'm cheering on Nintendo for innovating instead of just upgrading the components of their previous consoles.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-21 08:57:58 UTC Post #210099
It has absolutely no good games
I'll disagree slightly, I have a Wii and I was sure that I wouldn't get a PS3 however I saw this:

Now I'm buying that expensive box just for that game...Sad aint it but it's a great game.

But I don't agree with what Sony have been doing and their plans etc...
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-21 12:22:59 UTC Post #210109
I am a proud owner of a Wii60.... both consoles are awesome. I have played the PS3 as well, and it sucked. Resistance is just a watered down version of Halo with better visuals....
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-21 12:38:12 UTC Post #210112
penguin ps3 have sold less because they were produced in a much smaller number, so those numbers cant be an accurate representation : either ps3 might be my pick but only because i had a ps1 and have a ps2. traditionalist i suppose : . thing is ps3 look to have pretty good games coming out (assasins creed is still coming out for ps3 i think, i was on their website yesterday, and mgs look l33t aswell ) thing is the price is off the charts so i might settle for a computer :(
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-21 13:13:19 UTC Post #210114
wii ftw

ps3 is just ps3 with better graphics

the wiimote isnt a novelty.
it brings you INTO the game.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-21 13:18:56 UTC Post #210116
PS3 and sony for the fucking lose.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-21 14:19:42 UTC Post #210121
Why must we choose one or the other? I may not have a next gen console yet (cuz MS will eventually release an HD version of the 360 w/ HD-DVD and HDMI in it, mark my words, the PS3 costs so much, and I want my Wii in black...aside from the fact that I don`t have any money to buy any of them :P), but I will own all 3 eventually cuz there are must play games on each that won`t be out on other consoles, like Gears/Halo 3 on the 360, Resistance/Devil May Cry 4 on the PS3, and Metroid Prime 3/Supper Smash Bros. Brawl on the Wii.

I am hardcore gamer...hear me button-mash!
TawnosPrime TawnosPrimeI...AM...CANADIAN!
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-21 14:32:31 UTC Post #210123
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-21 15:22:50 UTC Post #210126
PS3 should get better games in the long run.

Luke LukeLuke
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-21 19:09:34 UTC Post #210143
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-21 19:14:03 UTC Post #210145
The PS3 is simply too expensive. I'd go with an Xbox as the Wii has Mario, and then shitloads of bad games. I made the mistake of owning a Gamecube.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-21 20:27:55 UTC Post #210151
Nintendo consoles have shitty games. I know, the PS3 is expensive, but it's totaly worth it! Otherwise I'd choose the Xbox. Wii just ain't worth the money...

And besides, people tend to break the TV with the Wii, they accidently throw that little DVD-remote-look-alike thing, it slips and there goes th TV!
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-21 21:20:56 UTC Post #210153
the PS3 is expensive, but it's totaly worth it!
How is it worth it? Is the price difference percentage a real quality difference percentage? It doesn't look like it.
And besides, people tend to break the TV with the Wii
Those anecdotal events are hardly a deciding factor when it comes to choosing a system :zonked:
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-21 21:59:56 UTC Post #210155
Those anecdotal events are hardly a deciding factor when it comes to choosing a system
I wouldn't by a console if it could destroy both the TV and the control. That's like buing a keybord that could smash my desk in half when I type.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-21 22:31:31 UTC Post #210157
ps3 is just ps3 with better graphics
is it now?

PS3 supporters fail.

1. it is a clone of the previous 2 consoles
2. games are a) shit or b) ports
3. the same price as the other 2 consoles combined with leftover for games

People who make sense in this thread:

People with reasonable opinions in this thread:

idiots in this thread:

people with no common sense at all in this thread:
dave<insert spam numbers here>

Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-21 22:37:01 UTC Post #210159

Luke LukeLuke
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-21 23:17:01 UTC Post #210162
PS3 is gonna be good. For $999 you can:

Play any PS game ever made (unlike Xbox 360)
Has all the features of the XBox 360
Cool interactive controllers similar to the Wii
Looks really, really sleek.
Can play ANY DVD, CD, Jpeg, ect
Used the new Blue laser system for improved performance
The laser system apparently caused the small production number, because they had to be different or something
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-21 23:17:49 UTC Post #210163
PenguinBoy, disconnect your keybord, now!

PS3 is the best console on the market. the only downside is the prize.

Other then the prize PS3 got:
1. the best games.
2. the best controls
3. the best graphics
4. blue-ray!
5. the best maker, Sony ffs!

It's just quality, plane old quality. And sometimes you have to pay a few bucks more to get something that will last, something with high standards and high quality.

You have to be stupid to say that PS3 is a clone of the other two consoles.
The only thing that's the same on the 3 consoles is the name, "Sony Playstation".

So what does Wii have?

1. a new control. Yuppi...
2. ...Ugly design?
3. rather dull kid-games.
4. a whole lot of real-life simulations.

If I want to go bowling, play with soccerballs, dance or something you can do on Wii, I would do it in real life. Without breaking the TV.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-21 23:43:10 UTC Post #210169
the ps3 is a clone of the other two consoles.

1. exactly the same controller
2. same games (except sequels)
3. same gameplay

the only thing different is the overpriced graphics card.

and haha i got you all capitalizing! idiots.
i also really hate it when you give away free money.

btw, wii has
1. innovation. finally something different that the gay dual-analog design.
2. small, modern, neat and tidy look, not a fat ass piece of plastic
3. great games for both the family and the more serious gamer
4. social multiplayer, not just fat blobs sitting on their fat asses with a controller.

i havent seen any sim games on the wii.

ps, this is fun! i'll be back in a few hours to flame some more, so feel free to call me a dick, i wont respond.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-21 23:44:27 UTC Post #210170
i havent seen any sim games on the wii.
Well that's probably because The Sims is a shitty series.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-21 23:54:05 UTC Post #210172
Duh! The controller is the same because it's the Classic PS controller, why would they change the controller when they have used it for so long? Didn't Xbox have the same controller, only a different colour? And another thing, EVERY game is coming out with sequels, nobody can think of new ideas. For example Rainbow Six is up to number 12. Halo going to be 3. Age of Empires 3. Final Fantasy 12 (or something like that, I don't play it). We'll be playing sequels for a long time yet.

And dancing in front of a TV is embarrassing! Why would you want to pretend to play golf or dance in front of other people? Yuk
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-22 00:08:36 UTC Post #210174
Actualy the controller for PS3 is very different from the controller to the PS2. The ps3 controller has similar technologi as the Wii controller. Only that the PS3 controller actualy is a controller and not a DVD remote.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-22 00:13:42 UTC Post #210175
Penguinboy, of course I made sense :P

The PS3 is way too expensive. I don't care if it can play Gamma-Ray discs, put out 1080p60, or allow me to find out Solid Snake was concieived during a gay orgy in the 80s. It's too expensive for a gaming console.

The Wii will have like 5 awesome games (Mario, Mario Kart, Mario Golf, Mario Tennis, Mario Baseball) and then all other games will be utter crap (That's So Raven 2, Kim Possible blah blah, far cry, latest pixar movie come game).

The Xbox 360 is part of next gen price gouging, with a $400 console and $60 games. But I can see it being fun for some time to come. That's why i'm getting a Xbox 360.

P.S. The Sims sucks because it's about guiding your character to a toilet all day. On top of that, they can't even cook, they burn alive if you make them try to grill something to eat.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-22 00:24:34 UTC Post #210176
Gamma... Ray... ?
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-22 04:50:01 UTC Post #210186
GP2x please
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-22 04:56:23 UTC Post #210187
4. a whole lot of real-life simulations.
i havent seen any sim games on the wii.
its a response, jeez. sim games are utter shit.

the PS3 STOLEN IDEA of having a 'motion sensor' in the control is also utter shit. not only is it NOT USED FOR ANYTHING, it was STOLEN FROM NINTENDO, and is NOT USED FOR ANYTHING.
The Wii will have tons of awesome games (Mario, metroid, batallion wars II, zelda, smash bros, etc) and then all other games will be good, except for the ports from the other consoles (excluding shooters, which are much better on the Wii).
you just destroyed any form of argument you had.

Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-22 06:31:45 UTC Post #210190
You like Mario??? That's a kid game!
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-22 06:41:30 UTC Post #210191
haha, grow up!
anyone can enjoy a good game.
theres a difference between a family-friendly game and a kid game ;)
no killing does not a kid game make.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-22 07:36:13 UTC Post #210196
Play any PS game ever made (unlike Xbox 360)
Has all the features of the XBox 360
Cool interactive controllers similar to the Wii
Looks really, really sleek.
Can play ANY DVD, CD, Jpeg, ect
1) Play any PS game? YAAAY! LETS ALL PLAY GENERIC RUBBISH! OMG ITS GRAND THEFT AUTO 60! The only decent PS game i've ever played was Metal Gear Solid 1, and that was stolen from Nintendo.

2) Stolen = unoriginal

3) Stolen = unoriginal

4) It looks like a George fucking Foreman Grill. GTFO.

5) hmm.. There's something odd here... ah yes, So does a fucking PC, except a PC does it 500,000 times better.

Honestly, you Sony fanboys are nothing but retards. The sort of people who say Crash Bandicoot was better than Mario.

On top of that, you can buy an Xbox360 AND a Wii for roughly the same price as one PS3.

The PS1 was a great little console. The PS2 was absolutely shit. The PS3 will be no different. Sony are like George Lucas. The new stuff is all crap.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-22 09:27:07 UTC Post #210204

I agree with the hunter.
Really, a PC is cheaper in the long run - and - the graphics pwns and the material on a PC is editable.
There are so many good things with PCs, consoles doesn't even get close
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-22 11:10:37 UTC Post #210209
Hunter and PenguinBoy, grow up will ya?

Nintendo is crap, always been and always will be.

Playstation(s) is the best consoles out there and have been from the start. They have always had the lead in the graphics, the games and the most comfortable controlls. period.

Viva la :heart: SEGA! :heart:

But maybe you should get a PC, you can download free games for it ;)
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-22 11:22:16 UTC Post #210210
Yeah you're all total idiots for liking different consoles than I do, let's ignore the fact that we can all choose whatever we prefer and just insult eachother because they choose something other than me.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-22 11:42:15 UTC Post #210212
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-22 12:21:26 UTC Post #210214
"Gamma-Ray" = Sarcasm
"Mario this, Mario that" = Sarcasm

Posted 18 years ago2007-01-22 12:37:38 UTC Post #210216
I got a PS1 and PS2 and I personally really like them.
The controller just works, I hated the Gamecube/Xbox controller. The games were very enjoyable.
I spent hours playing GTA on the PS2 and Teken on the PS1.

I also got a gamecube. As I said earlier I hated the gamecube controller. I don't know, it just doesn't play right. I couldn't really find good games aswell.
I dislike Zelda and I simply hate all the mario games.

The Xbox 360 has nice graphics, but still has a shitty controller. It has nice games like Gears of war tho.

I haven't played the Wii, because it simply doesn't attract me. The TV remote controller just seems silly.
Swinging it around my room and stuff..
I assume the Wii has the same main games as the Gamecube, so that means Mario and Zelda, wich I dislike.

The Wii also has Baseball/Soccer/American Football/Basketball/Golf games right? I'm not into sport games, if I want to do sports, I want to do it in real life.

The PS3 I have yet to play, the graphics look promising.
The PS3 is basicly a PS1 and PS2 clone, with some improvements. As i'm not really looking for a new type of gameplay, I don't consider this a bad thing. Shame the PS3 costs a fortune.

Personally I prefer my PC over consoles.
The PC still has the best graphics, best online network and best games.

Some people prefer good graphics and a easy controller. (PS3)
Some people prefer a new type of gameplay. (Wii)

You can't say a console is better than a other console.
In the end, it's all a matter of personal taste.

/end rant
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-22 12:43:28 UTC Post #210217
the PC > console argument is utter shit. everyone knows that. stop bringing it up. we're debating consoles here, we all know that PCs are superior.

oh and also, the only game you look stupid in while playing is Wii sports boxing.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-22 12:46:22 UTC Post #210218
everyone knows that
i wish everyone knew that, but sadly there are morons everywhere
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-22 12:56:35 UTC Post #210222
omg teh nintenzors for the life gaystations roflmaololzcopterzors !!r teh!!1 1!!1one!1
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-22 13:00:27 UTC Post #210223
Heh the Wii remote does not break TV's...Honestly I don't see how anyone can let go of it, it fits in your hand so nicely. Besides it isn't sharp so it doesn't impale...So people have been faking it.

I'll say that the PS2 had a whole load of good games that I enjoyed playing 'with' my friends. For anything SP I'll buy it on the PC except a few...

The Gamecube is also great for friends to have a laugh...

Now I am not happy with the PS3 price tag...I think they went a little over the 'We are the best, they'll pay that much for it' attitude. The PS3 will have great graphics but it is a matter of taste really, some may want a realistic shooter, others a funny non-realistic cartoon monkey rolling game...

If you say this sucks and that sucks then no-one cares. Go shout it at a wall or your mother...
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-22 13:02:43 UTC Post #210224
  • PC gaming is too expensive. You need to spend at least 1,500 USD to play games on full settings. This will change soon as the price of consoles has creeped up since the PSP. I thought 250 USD was a lot back in 200, but now games are 50+ USD and the console is 600 USD. I could buy a computer for email and documents at the price of a certain overpriced console.
-The only real genres are RPGs, shooters, a few racing & sports titles.

-Keyboards fail at comfort but you need them for the endless buttons.

-Free online is awesome, screw paying 50 USD a year.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-22 13:06:06 UTC Post #210225
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-22 13:11:19 UTC Post #210227
Yay for retarded americans!

looks like wiihaveaproblem is down atm.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-22 15:02:29 UTC Post #210234
5. the best maker, Sony ffs!
Not at all, my dad owns the Latest SonyEricson phone (The company is part Sony) and the phone is terrible.

Ive never owned a console, never plan on owning one either.

The Wii seems innovative with there Wiimote, but in my opinion they are trying to imitate real life things in a video console, which I don't approve on. If you want to play tennis, why not go play a REAL game of it at a tennis court? Otherwise, If forced under gun-point to choose a console, I would probably pick the 360.
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