Virginia Tech Shootings Created 17 years ago2007-04-16 22:30:22 UTC by BrattyLord BrattyLord

Created 17 years ago2007-04-16 22:30:22 UTC by BrattyLord BrattyLord

Posted 17 years ago2007-04-21 11:05:49 UTC Post #219665
Jesus Christ...

Pray for the victim's and their families and loved ones.

Also... someone is having a field day... guess who...
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-21 12:43:35 UTC Post #219672
We can talk about that guy,

though I'm sure we all agree he's a fucking moron.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-21 12:50:39 UTC Post #219673
Man...that whore is seriously dying for attention
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-21 12:51:26 UTC Post #219674
Well, since we all agree on it, at least it will become a discussion thread instead of just an other one of our little debate threads, like so many have turned out before it. :D
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-21 13:00:10 UTC Post #219676
hehe, I watched his video.

How can someone believe this idiot? He has no proof at all, just speculation!

What's his angle anyway? What's his motivation?

He doesn't seem like a moron, but he's pushing for a cause that is so obviously moronic. He must have another agenda.

Cry for attention?
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-21 14:13:42 UTC Post #219684
Bullied as a child?

What's the point of angry debates if everyone is in agreement? Jack Thompson is an attentionwhore. We all know it. Let's not give him the attention he craves.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-21 15:28:57 UTC Post #219690
Oh, come on, we all know the videogame phenomenon of the last quarter of the 20th century is responsible for thousands of years of violent human nature! :D
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-21 15:58:13 UTC Post #219692
User posted image
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-21 16:44:05 UTC Post #219695
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-21 17:04:43 UTC Post #219699
38_98, that's not a Pokemon card... "I CHOOSE YOU!" doesn't apply here. ;)
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-21 17:58:11 UTC Post #219700
What is it then?
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-21 18:14:50 UTC Post #219705
It's a Magic card.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-21 19:08:46 UTC Post #219708
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-21 21:44:59 UTC Post #219723
User posted image
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-22 02:25:34 UTC Post #219736
38_98, that's not a Pokemon card... "I CHOOSE YOU!" doesn't apply here.
I know, but i don't care. I'll summon the asshole the way i want.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-22 02:50:00 UTC Post #219737
You were doin it wrong, so it lost its lulz.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-04 22:06:53 UTC Post #221022
i just say GO POSTAL!!
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-18 17:00:03 UTC Post #222577
Jack Thompson is an idiot, end of story...

On the gun control thing, I support the controls, but let's clear a few things up about the law.
  • In most states (39), in order to buy a gun you must be 21, a US citizen, pass an FBI background check, and have a recent physical exam stating that you have no type of mental illness. Virgina is NOT one of those states, and unfortunately these rules don't apply for buy/selling across state lines.
  • It is illegal to own a handgun of any type in (I think it's 6) states, except for law enforcement use.
  • It is illegal to own an AK, Uzi, or any type of rocket propelled weapon
  • It my own state (PA), it is illegal to own: grenades, non-hunting rifles, most types of handguns, and combat knives.
Just figured I'd point out that at least SOME places are trying to help a LITTLE.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-18 17:12:36 UTC Post #222578
But if EVERYONE had one if someone shot someone
then said someone would shot previously said someone and therefore the something would be over.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-18 18:27:13 UTC Post #222580
Here, you can't have any weapons whatsoever unless you have a hunter's license and it's a hunting rifle. And look, we don't have 11 000 homicides per year. Incredible.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-18 18:58:30 UTC Post #222585
- It is illegal to own an AK, Uzi, or any type of rocket propelled weapon
That's actually not entirely true, not for all states at least. Civilian model assault rifles are quite popular.
Not like it makes the US look any better, but I figured I point it out for clarity anyway.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-19 11:00:10 UTC Post #222627
Sorry, I was going on the military full automatic AK-47. Wikipedia told me:
In the United States it is illegal to own a fully automatic AK-47 which was not registered as a National Firearms Act weapon by 1986.
But I forgot the semi-automatics.. :(

Also, you can own an Uzi, but you need to get a special permit (which from what I understand is not only difficult but expensive as hell).
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-19 12:02:38 UTC Post #222633
The permit is $200 a pop. If you happen to buy a grenade launcher (cost of rare grenade launcher + $200) for the high explosive rounds, each round is the cost of the rare round plus $200.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-20 09:14:17 UTC Post #222717
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-20 09:47:29 UTC Post #222718
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-20 12:34:55 UTC Post #222719
Until someone robs you with a gun.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-20 12:52:44 UTC Post #222720
But how can they...if they don't have a gun? ;)

Guns are for country people to shoot kangaroos, everyone knows that.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-20 13:23:26 UTC Post #222722
Well they can rob you with a gun because, well, thanks to gun control there is now an increase in violent gun crime, which is exactly what was predicted. All gun control does is disarm everyone who owns a gun license and then arm criminals because a new black-market of illegal firearms opens up. Illegal arms? dealing is big money, and the Government knows this.

Just like the war on drugs, there are more drugs available. War on terror, there's more terror, war on illiteracy - there's an increase in illiteracy levels... I could go on.

The bottom line is - gun control does not work. It?s basically the Government?s plan to disarm the population and then impose martial law. Exactly what previous dictators like Hitler did. When Operation Endgame and REX-84 come into full throttle, no-one will be able to do anything when they split your family up and send you to the forced labour camps they now have set up everywhere.

Oh ? you don?t believe me? Just you wait ? it?s coming.


B.T.W. When you receive a bad credit rating, (RFID, electronic cash - or E-Money), your freedom to do anything will be suspended. This will be known as Red Rating. Under Red Rating, you will be sent to forced slave labour camps. Those with Green Rating will be able to move around and have freedom. People with Red Rating will be literally called terrorists.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-20 13:58:28 UTC Post #222727
What Zombieloffe was referring to was countries where initially, law-abiding citizens haven't had the chance to own a weapon.
In a country where guns are not for sale, only a certain type of thugs end up using them. The rest will use the first thing they find. A pocket knife, for example.
In a country where guns are sold, the number of potential thugs with firearms is much higher. You just can't deny that.
Plus, How many good citizens carry their weapons with them everyday in case they might be robbed? I wouldn't feel free If I had to carry one. On the contrary, that would mean my life is always at peril.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-20 14:16:37 UTC Post #222729
Its illegal to carry your weapon around with you in public, in most cases, here in the US. You'd need a concealed weapon permit. Otherwise you have to keep it in your home or car or somewhere of the like.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-20 14:25:52 UTC Post #222731
That kind of takes away many options for defense, doesn't it? Because criminals will still carry a concealed weapon either way...
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-20 14:29:47 UTC Post #222732
Unfortunately, we live in a world where wickedness and evil is rampant. There is no way that we can prevent bad people from doing bad things. Criminals will always find ways to commit crime. They will always find ways of getting firearms to kill people or rob people.

Even when a gun ban is in place, guns are still available; there will always be gun crime.

The point is, after gun control - gun crime rapidly increases because there is then a much higher demand for firearms. It gives criminals the opportunity to make a lot of money very quickly by setting up an illegal firearms trade. Often, these people are in Government, police and military - but that's another issue.

Even if there was no access to firearms, they can easily be manufactured with the right materials. It?s like saying, ?Let?s ban all knives? ? what? Maybe we need to ban everything that looks sharp ? maybe we should ban icicles also.

So the whole concept, whilst sounding like a great idea, is actually the opposite.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-20 14:38:58 UTC Post #222734
Criminals will always find ways to commit crime. They will always find ways of getting firearms to kill people or rob people.
Yes, but they won't always use guns if they are not easily available, and if they know that their law-abiding victims don't have them either.
Even when a gun ban is in place, guns are still available; there will always be gun crime.
Let me see. Guns are illegal in my country. Someone like Cho would need to contact the mafia or rob a cop in order to get a weapon. That kind of reduces the chances of a killing, doesn't it?
It?s like saying, ?Let?s ban all knives?
No. Knifes are used for productive things like cooking or eating. And you can't go into a university campus and knife down 35 people just like that. You just can't compare them.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-20 14:54:41 UTC Post #222736
Let me see. Guns are illegal in my country. Someone like Cho would need to contact the mafia or rob a cop in order to get a weapon. That kind of reduces the chances of a killing, doesn't it?
Clearly you do not know how effective the illegal arms trade is. Firearms? trafficking is a huge source of criminal income. Here in the UK, the IRA provides most criminal gangs with firearms. Where the IRA gets them, I do not know - probably our own military. All of this activity is underground and hard to detect, often green lighted by the Government in the first place.

How can they justify our Loving Fascist Big Brother Surveillance State when there is no crime?
No. Knifes are used for productive things like cooking or eating. And you can't go into a university campus and knife down 35 people just like that. You just can't compare them.
Well I was actually referring to a proposed Government amnesty of knives. If you grasped my point, which you clearly didn't, you'll see the connection. A knife can be manufactured - just look at what they do in prisons. A gun can also be manufactured or converted from something. Remember the film about the hitman who walked through airport customs with a gun made of wood?

And no, I doubt such an incident would ever take place.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-20 14:55:29 UTC Post #222737
So the whole concept, whilst sounding like a great idea, is actually the opposite.
I don't know why no one sees this: gun control works. Look at the rest of the western world, damn it. There's been no rampant increase in gun violence in countries where gun control laws are present. Law-abiding citizens are not constantly harassed by gun-wielding maniacs from which they have no defence. Governments have not turned into dictatorships.

Theoretically, gun control might be a bad idea. But practically, it works.
Even when a gun ban is in place, guns are still available; there will always be gun crime.
The point of gun control was never to eradicate gun violence. It was to decrease it. And regarding that, it's succeeded.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-20 14:57:13 UTC Post #222738
I'm interested in finding out what news you've seen because it certainly doesn't match anything in reality regarding this issue.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-20 14:59:10 UTC Post #222739
I'm interested in finding out what news you've seen because it certainly doesn't match anything in reality regarding this issue.
Um, take a look at just about any statistic that shows deaths from gun-related crimes and maybe you'll realise what ZL's saying.

Here's one.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-20 15:06:33 UTC Post #222740
Gun Crime and possession of illegal firearms - not just gun related murder
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-20 15:09:47 UTC Post #222741
Then do searchs on those as well. Im certain you'll find the same result (The US standing out by quite a bit)
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-20 15:13:44 UTC Post #222742
Clearly you do not know how effective the illegal arms trade is
Yes, I know. But my point was, could a tech student buy those weapons with such ease? I'm not talking about the IRA or criminal gangs. I'm talking about individuals with no apparent relationship to crime groups...
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-20 15:19:56 UTC Post #222746
Yeah, individuals who are often on some weird, experimental mind control programs, individuals who have been on Prozac and other mind altering drugs, individuals who sometimes have no recollection of what they did individuals who have a background in military and CIA...

Gun crime: Labour 'losing control'

Gun laws that constrain the law-abiding

Gun crime rise 'has peaked'

Handgun crime 'up' despite ban

Armed crime on the increase

Gun crime trebles as weapons and drugs flood British cities

Gun crime soars by 35%

A country in the crosshairs

...G, look, gun crime on the increase after ban... hmmm
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-21 02:47:12 UTC Post #222793
Well, im stumped. Although its mostly because i've been looking at other sites and i have to say that gun control doesn't really seem to be doing the job.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-21 03:56:58 UTC Post #222796
The point is, after gun control - gun crime rapidly increases because there is then a much higher demand for firearms. It gives criminals the opportunity to make a lot of money very quickly by setting up an illegal firearms trade. Often, these people are in Government, police and military - but that's another issue.
Not only does it change the manner in how criminals get weapons (instead of obtaining a license and purchasing a firearm, he simply purchases it from a fellow thug or off of the black market) but it also creates more gun posession crime - Collectors or owners of weaponry, left with no legal option, either must give up their interest and collection, or obtain their weapons through other illicit means, making these once innocent people another crime statistic.

It's the marginalization of yet another group of citizens; the obese, the homeless, drug users and smokers have already been targeted and attempts have been made to curtail such lifestyles and activities through opressive bans and regulations or through other restrictive legal means and by force of the government/nanny state.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-21 04:10:58 UTC Post #222798
Actualy, this can go 2 ways, it could decrease crimes, or it could increase it, but personaly, i dont believe that you can stop gun crimes alone by banning public possession of weapons, especialy not if such a thing is intregrated in scociety(heck, why would you need a weapon to defend yourself?).

Criminals would still be able to obtain there weapons, and it doesnt matter if he can get a weapon legal or elegal, because if they have plans to use them then there is no way you can stop them. The only thing you can stop with this is the feeling of people for the need of a firearm, wich is slighty ludicrious to say so.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-21 06:45:28 UTC Post #222808
You can all argue over why gun control doesn't work, but still America gotmore gun homocides then any country with gun control laws. How is that not working?
ChickenFist ChickenFist<Witty Title>
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-21 08:22:39 UTC Post #222809
True, Pepper. But what about those who used to have a hobby shooting at the gun club? Why can't there be the freedom to shoot some old tin cans on private land or maybe fire a big gun at your old TV set?

As for America, I think that maybe, perhaps, a little more education about firearms wouldn't go a miss. Maybe more needs to be done to highlight the risks, the safety, and the Constitutional reasons behind gun ownership. Don't forget, changing the gun law in America would mean changing the Constitution - and I don't think that is the right way to go, especially in this current climate of Government.

As far as the constant rate of homicides, you have to look at the root of crime - and I'm sorry to say, it all comes down to the phoney War on Drugs. If it wasn?t so ridiculously tight, gun gangs would be going round shooting each other because their source of income would no longer exist. Besides, if we give out free Mexican Magic Mushrooms and LSD to gun gangs, there?d be no more gun gangs?
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-21 16:28:32 UTC Post #222862
Yup, legalizing the drugs would definately hand the police and law forces more control, and it works here.

Chickenfist, good point, though NOTHING is ever dependant on one factor, thus there is no easy answer to this topic.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-22 07:38:21 UTC Post #222922
and it works here.
It sure does. I can't wait to go back there again!

Posted 17 years ago2007-05-22 11:22:34 UTC Post #222953
Aye, you heard the story about the pissed french people because a french student killed herself high on paddo's? Well, now you do.
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