custom wad..must be "always" in \val Created 20 years ago2004-04-13 14:33:43 UTC by MCYORIAN MCYORIAN

Created 20 years ago2004-04-13 14:33:43 UTC by MCYORIAN MCYORIAN

Posted 20 years ago2004-04-13 14:33:43 UTC Post #22394
i've created a new mod folder named "xenovista" i figure thats my mod singleplayer... but i work with a custom wad "megawad" file that contains a lot of new textures...

in hammer everithing looks well but when compiling, the game launch a message box like this "couldnt find valve megawad.wad

the wad file is stored in my mod folder "xenovista", the configuration of hammer paths are well (mod folder: ...xenovista)

but my cuestion extrictly nessesary that wad file is stored on valve folder?.....
i just put it on my mod folder....what can i do?...

i other case the way to embebed wad file within bsp map as shown in tis web tutorials doesnt work on my hammer....heeeeeeeelllllP!

Posted 20 years ago2004-04-13 14:42:44 UTC Post #22398
Did you make a WHOLE mod folder? Including config.cfg, liblist.gam and all that - To make it appear in the Custom Game list. Follow This tutorial by Vassy.

If you did, add -game xenovista to the Compile Line and the game should recognise it as your mod.

Otherwise, just place the .wad in half-life/valve and run the map through normal HL.(remove the config and let the Mod Directory be valve)
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-13 15:00:11 UTC Post #22402
thanks a lot....the case is that im in work nowbut on home had the whole mod folderbut i?ll check it out again...the last time were 3:40 a.m. hehehehehe
thnx a lot (sorry for my english)
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