HALP! Strange Internet Issue Created 17 years ago2007-06-17 20:18:12 UTC by monster_urby monster_urby

Created 17 years ago2007-06-17 20:18:12 UTC by monster_urby monster_urby

Posted 17 years ago2007-06-17 20:18:12 UTC Post #225515
Hey guys.

Another Technical PC question.

About 2 days ago my internet started acting up. Its not a connection problem beause my modem doesn't actually disconnect but something is definately fucked up.

Everytime I do anything that requires the internet in some way it freezes for a moment. Some examples.

-MSN Messenger: Whenever I send a message to anyone, msngr freezes for about 2 - 5 seconds depending on the length of the message.

-Opera: Works for the most part. Freezes for 5 seconds whenever I open it and then it works for 5 minutes or so until I prompt it to refresh the page (posting a thread or a post, clicking a link etc.) when it will freeze for about 10 seconds and then throws up the cannot connect screen. If I then click back it will load the page I was on and if I perform the exact same action it works. Then 5 minutes later the same will happen.

Utterly confused and getting annoyed. Any clues? Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Because I spent 5 minutes typing this Opera froze! Good job I copypasta eh?
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-17 20:59:06 UTC Post #225516
try repairing your connection
^^ (right click > repair)
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-17 21:46:33 UTC Post #225517
network connections > select the port that your modem inputs into > right click > properties > advanced > settings > advanced > uncheck every box > ok > ok

start > run > "cmd" > "ipconfig /release" > "ipconfig /flushdns" > "ipconfig /renew" > "exit"

network connections > select the port that your modem inputs into > right click > repair > wait for finish > close

then try internets again.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-17 22:18:47 UTC Post #225518
Tried both but no cigar. Thanks though

I've cleaned up a few things with a virus scan and I'm gonna run a defrag when I leave for work tomorrow morning.

If all that fails its about time I formatted and started fresh anywayz :lol:
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-17 22:27:47 UTC Post #225520
This sounds like it's either:

1. You have spyware which sucks up your bandwidth to do nefarious things

2. You have auto-updaters using your bandwidth (Windows, Norton, AOL, Nero, Adobe, etc)
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-18 08:43:08 UTC Post #225547
Just give it a whack with a hammer, that'll do the trick.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-18 09:08:32 UTC Post #225550
Whack the internets?
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-18 09:38:37 UTC Post #225554
Tried both but no cigar.
I know that Arcan and Penguinboy were only trying to be helpful. But seriously, they gave you some of the most useless advice (for your particular situation) that I've ever read.

Get TCPView:


This allows you to monitor all of your TCP/IP traffic, and filter by program so you can see which program is contacting which addresses and how much traffic is being sent back and forth. If the problem is being caused by any particular program that is running, then you'll be able to identify that using this app.

Also, please describe your firewall setup to me.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-18 14:38:42 UTC Post #225573
Using ZoneAlarm on medium settings for both ingoing and outgoing data.

Just tried repairing in 'network connections' again and realised that it doesn't actually finish. It says
'Windows could not finish repairing the problem because the following action cannot be completed:
Clearing DNS Cache.'
Problem there maybe?
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-18 15:25:53 UTC Post #225576
umm.. Urby.. Is it maybe not because BT are like, moments away from your telephone line with a pair of wire cutters 24 hours/day?
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-18 17:11:57 UTC Post #225594
Is it maybe not because BT are like, moments away from your telephone line with a pair of wire cutters 24 hours/day?
Well, that would do it. :P
'Windows could not finish repairing the problem because the following action cannot be completed:
Clearing DNS Cache.'
The fact that your web browsing works for a short time indicates that your DNS settings are correct. Something else is getting in the way. It could theoretically be the cache ... but I've never come across this actually being the reason. Normally if your cache is fubar'ed, your web browsing won't work at all.

You can still try and clear it manually if you like.

Open a command prompt, and at the prompt, type ipconfig /flushdns

But I'd say the problem is most likely to be one of three things:-

1. Your ISP being (probably temporarily) crap. If this is the case, you can do little about it.
2. Spyware/Adware. TCPView is great for spotting programs which are abusing your internets. Or you could go for the Spybot & Ad-aware combi.
3. A problem with your registry, most likely caused by Spyware/Adware which may even no longer be present. I've seen a few 'cleaned' machines (usually student's laptops) with problems of this nature. Have you removed any nasties lately?

And lastly, although I always thought of Zonealarm as a pretty good (free) firewall, I recently got rid of the free edition from my home PC because it started causing lag issues similar to your own --- although my symptoms were not quite as bad as the ones you describe.

Oh and I just thought, it could be a hardware problem with your router or modem too. But it's not very likely. Usually when they break, they break totally.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-18 20:17:56 UTC Post #225610
Ran AdAware and removed a few items, tried cmd with the ip dnsflush thingy and got the same message about it not finishing and TCP doesn't come up with anything unusual.

Hmmm...Might re-install my modem drivers.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-18 20:27:24 UTC Post #225612
useless my ass, my advide related to connection problems, which is likely. and it seems you have repeated my advice of flushing the dns cache, so it cant be that fucking useless.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-19 04:32:55 UTC Post #225634
you have repeated my advice of flushing the dns cache,
No. You've misinterpreted my intentions. If you really care that much, read it all again carefully.
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