Hammer acting weird.... Created 17 years ago2007-06-21 16:09:08 UTC by =Ace= =Ace=

Created 17 years ago2007-06-21 16:09:08 UTC by =Ace= =Ace=

Posted 17 years ago2007-06-21 16:09:08 UTC Post #226000
Hi there !
I'm currently working on a map for hl 1 deathmatch. I have been using Hammer, always used it before and never found anything better. I'm using the version 3.4. Now.....in the middle of my mapping, Hammer starts giving me this problem! My problem is that when I have selected an object and want to turn it around a bit, I have always before been able to click on the object and those small white boxes have changed from six to four. Then I have been able to rotate my object by gripping one of the handles and thereby rotate. Thing is.....Hammer no longer lets me change by clicking the object, nothing happens when I do.......
I can still change the dimensions of the object and I can move it, but no matter how I click it I can't rotate it?
Restarted both Hammer and my computer, no go....same problem remains. I'm probably just stupid, as there must be some simple way of changing this........
Please help me with this if you can, its making me both stupid AND angry! :
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-21 16:48:34 UTC Post #226002
I think thats happened to me before too, and if i do know what your talking about; try turning this button on or off and see if it helps
User posted image
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-21 16:49:02 UTC Post #226003
Ugh, i had this ages ago.. can't remember how i resolved it. I think there was an option somewhere in the 2D views tab...

To be honest, i'd use this as an excuse to upgrade to Hammer 3.5
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-21 17:06:02 UTC Post #226004
Thanks for helping me guys!! :D
When I started Hammer just minutes ago to try your ideas out, it worked just fine without any changes at all........
I have been restarting both my computer and Hammer before as I mentioned, and not fixing the problem that way. Then all of a sudden it works?
Beats me...
Is it worth the effort to upgrade to Hammer 3.5 anyway, and how will I be able to tell the difference?
Once again, thanks for helping =)
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-21 17:36:07 UTC Post #226006
hammer 3.5 is way better, the main reason is you get to see the npc's that you are putting in your map, so you can see exactly the way that the npc's will look when you play the map
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-21 18:00:24 UTC Post #226007
yeah, and the Pitch Yaw Roll property edit is much improved.

To be honest, no major differences, but enough to make your mapping experience that little bit more enjoyable.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-02 20:44:46 UTC Post #227217
Just had the same problem, all I did was restart Hammer 3 times and its working fine now... I also noticed that when you click on an object (thats highlighted already), it'll move the object where you click.

bugged? :|
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