Created 17 years ago2007-07-04 17:46:58 UTC by
The title & "by urbanebula" are horribly lacking anti-aliasing. I thought you used photoshop? :SI do but I'm a Photoshop N00B and still use those nasty PSP tricks I've picked up!
The last frame really shows off the spec of your PC. =]Ran at Max settings. Scene was way too dark when fit into the comic window so upped the brightness.
Since framrate doesn't matter when you're taking your stills, up your resolution and graphics settings.
Nice skinning, and tash modelling. Your work?None other
I don't like the title :<Gimme a better one.
Is the old guy in panel 3 taking a piss against the wall?! 0.oHe is indeed.
+trash modelsTash. TASH models.