Scientology: Exposed! Created 17 years ago2007-08-29 08:31:51 UTC by Jahzel Jahzel

Created 17 years ago2007-08-29 08:31:51 UTC by Jahzel Jahzel

Posted 17 years ago2007-08-30 15:55:20 UTC Post #233170
I have started a meme. I have to announce that as of now, I CAME.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-30 16:00:09 UTC Post #233171
Something I just found.

Not related to Scientology, but definately related to "most people will believe anything if they are told convincingly enough"

Did you know that leaving an electric fan running in a closed room for long periods can be fatal? :P
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-30 16:00:26 UTC Post #233172
World Crafter, the commandment is "kill", not murder...
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-30 16:02:58 UTC Post #233173
Wow, what crap. "Fan death"?! It "sucks the oxygen out of the room"?!
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-30 16:05:01 UTC Post #233174
Even scarier, further down:-
The explanation of fan death is accepted by many Korean medical professionals. In summer, mainstream Korean news sources regularly report on cases of fan death.

Also amusing...
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-30 16:23:30 UTC Post #233175
Well, we (Americans) believe in the notion of "terrorists," so "fan death" isn't that zany.

Refuse to allow your politicians to continue occupying Iraq, and they'll come ... to blow up our Ford dealerships and McDonalds.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-30 16:25:37 UTC Post #233176
Well, we (Americans) believe in the notion of "terrorists," so "fan death" isn't that zany.
Dunno. You can't go down to WalMart and buy a terrorist.

At least not last time I was there.........:p
Refuse to allow your politicians to continue occupying Iraq, and they'll come ... to blow up our Ford dealerships and McDonalds.
There'd be V8's smeared with special sauce everywhere!
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-30 18:06:08 UTC Post #233178
The difference is, a couple more people have died from terrorists that from electric fans left on over night.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-30 19:00:17 UTC Post #233180
Thousands of people die from fans every year! Never mind highway safety, we have a national FAN DEATH CRISIS on our hands!!!!!11!1!!1!!one
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-30 20:19:35 UTC Post #233184
Blitzkrieg is right... I mean, the idea of terrorists has been around far longer than "fan death", and there's no question in anyone's mind that they don't exist. It's just that today in America, people seem to perceive them all as middle-eastern guys running around with AK-47's and turbans on their heads. There have been terrorists everywhere throughout history, while fan death is simply a myth.

... but man, Mythbusters has simply got to test this fan death thing.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-31 08:08:22 UTC Post #233198
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-31 08:59:15 UTC Post #233200
Terrorists? Come on, they are hardly a problem. The problem is power-tripped leaders bombing away on middle-eastern countries, no wonder some people get pissed, people with guns and bombs in some cases.

Random bullshit: America is not a democracy, they just kind of choose their dictators, who still cheat and all that to ge 'behind the throne'. Such a beautiful system.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-31 11:11:50 UTC Post #233207
War is one of the things that keeps the US running, it is one of the largets exporter and producer of weapons in the world, so its weapon industry has quite some to gain when the US go's to war.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-31 11:19:30 UTC Post #233208
and yes, America is a democracy. look it up!
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-31 13:10:28 UTC Post #233212
Terrorists hate freedom. Yep. That's why they are doing everything in their power to cause a reaction that would limit freedoms and justify the need to create a huge control and surveillance grid that make's a terrorist's life even harder.... Hmmm, you work that one out...

Anyway, back the scientology crap. The reason I brought this issue up was to show how real mind control and brainwashing is. It is real, it works, it isn't science fiction. The CIA has experimented with mind control ever since the end of WWII when Operation Paperclip enabled Nazi scientists to work on secret projects for the US Government - including mind control and brainwashing (MKULTRA = 'Mind Kontrol'). The Soviets heavily experimented on this stuff - it's nothing new by all means.

It is true that the CIA's COINTEL program was used to infiltrate various different groups, religions, movements and organizations. These are then manipulated and controlled from their core through means of money laundering and criminal activity. (The CIA is like the COBRA bad guys from GI-JOE!")

From what I know, Scientology is a mind control cult created by L Ron Hubbard hired by the CIA. Same with the rest of them. This cult even uses the same ?Gang Stalking? techniques used by the spooks to put fear in their victims.

Scientology is pure evil. If you know anyone in this cult, try your absolute best to show them the way out of it - there is no escape from when they finally win the war for your mind.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-31 13:32:04 UTC Post #233218
Terorrists aren't that smart. They're just rightous fucktards :P
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-31 13:37:49 UTC Post #233220
I's be careful using the term 'righteous' here ;)
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-31 13:40:08 UTC Post #233221
I doubt the CIA is responsible for Scientology.

They are a dangerous cult, who have killed, and are responsible for the largest infiltration of the US government in history.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-31 13:43:15 UTC Post #233222
I'm on the fence with the CIA thing.

But, (as far as I know), the US is the only country that grants Scientology the status of a "real religion" -- and gives it all the tax breaks associated with it.

Which is a bit suspicious.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-31 13:46:10 UTC Post #233223
I believe the infiltration had something to do with that.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-31 13:52:22 UTC Post #233225
I guarantee, wherever there is evil in this world, the [u]C[/u]riminals [u]I[/u]n [u]A[/u]merica are behind it. Full stop.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-31 13:54:36 UTC Post #233226
I knew this was an excuse topic to be able to keep discussing conspiracy theories right from the start
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-31 14:08:54 UTC Post #233227
Are you seriously suggesting that the sole reason evil exists in the world today is becauseof the American government?
No. Shut up, that's stepping over the line. Where the fuck do you get the nerve to bash America like that?! You can bring up Prison Planet or other bullshit sites to back you up on small attacks that actually make sense, but to go so far as to say that America, alone, is the reason evil exists in today's world is completely unacceptable.
You keep bashing and bashing but you've done NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I never see you post anything that regards something you've done, or something you've started to do. Instead you've been posting your rejected theories time and time again on a website where nobody ever agrees with you. You are never open to debate, you always assume that what you say is absolute. No, you're worse than that, actually, because you don't even think for yourself. You never come up with your own theories, you just take whatever sounds good to you form what you hear elsewhere and force it onto other people.
Ok then, Jahzel, you win. Say we're all ignorant fucks here, Jahzel. Say you're the better man; I'm sure when we all die in miserable ignorance you'll be on top of the world ruling everything, right?! You'll be the head honcho, because you just know fucking everything. You're such a fucking genious that you could just wipe out the mere existence of ignorance with the snap of your fingers, right? Where's your actions to back up your words, Jahzel? I want to see you start a movement! PUT YOUR GOD DAMN, STOLEN, BULLSHIT THEORIES INTO ACTION AND MAKE A CHANGE! OTHERWISE GET THE FUCK OUT, BECAUSE I'M FUCKING SICK OF YOUR HYPOCRISY
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-31 14:27:25 UTC Post #233228
How is bashing an Un-American, Un-Constitutional, Criminal organization anti-American? I've never bashed America, not once. I only ever bash the criminal neo-con elite scumbags who are destroying America from inside out.

Maybe you should go check out the CIA's human experimentation projects from the 50's and 60's - MKULTRA. And yes, they did experiment with torture, mind altering substances, radiation, and biologocal warfare on the American people and military, but I'll bet it's nothing to get too down on... Oh, and they helped create al Qaeda - that terrorist organization you keep hearing about.

So pipe down and check it out.

And no, the Scientology issue is still being discussed.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-31 14:41:06 UTC Post #233229
The cucumber cartel leaders run the CIA, and they're after Jahzel, that's why Jahzel is so eager to spread the truth.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-31 14:43:34 UTC Post #233230
Jahzel, you didn't answer him. We have seen you talk the talk, but can you walk the walk? And don't answer "I am doing my part by informing y'all", what I mean is, have you ever been in a rally? Are you the (co-)founder of any organization?

I believe this is a serious case of "do as I say, not like I do".

I think some of the theories you support aren't crap. But, I also see you telling us to revolt against the government (not directly, but since you know so much about brain washing and mind control, you'll know what I mean :)), while doing nothing yourself.

Back on topic:

Gimme proof that Hubbard dude was hired by the CIA. No jibba jabba, signed documentation and text based on facts.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-31 15:01:27 UTC Post #233232
I'm not suggesting anyone revolt against the Government. Anarchy is not the solution, it only ever leads to more problems. The Founding Fathers warned the American people not to blindly trust the Government and to always question it. The philsophy is that THEY are OUR servants, not vise versa. Organizations aren't really the way to go. As we know, they always get infiltrated. Individual action is the key. Everyone need s to be their own leader in this struggle for freedom. Depending on someone will not work.

On your other points - yeah you are right and I agree completely. Spouting your mouth off in a forum is not the only way to go, but it's a small step for mankind. If there was no such thing as the internet and the Government was carrying out criminal activity, we would all be in a lot more trouble than we are now - which is (by the way) why they are planning to scrap the internet and launch Internet2 which is basically the same model as the Orweillian technology the Chinese Government have been using.

As I do not have a CIA security clearence, I cannot prove that Santa is hired by the CIA to deliver mind control gifts.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-31 15:12:21 UTC Post #233233
Then you agree with me that you are just talking about/believing things you cannot prove?

Sounds like religion if you think about it.
I'm not suggesting anyone revolt against the Government. Anarchy is not the solution, it only ever leads to more problems.
I never said you were trying to turn us into anarchists, what I said was that you were giving us POVs that make one turn against the CURRENT government by the way they are managing things.

PS: I am from Portugal, but when shit hits the fan in the US, it generally also happens in other countries, even if with some delay.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-31 15:12:39 UTC Post #233234
Uh, when was the last time you (Jahzel) did something mapping related, or gave advice or helped someone with a mapping problem? Or talked about mapping? This IS a mapping site, after all. Obviously its fun to talk about other stuff, but come on.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-31 15:20:05 UTC Post #233235
Uh, when was the last time you (Jahzel) did something mapping related, or gave advice or helped someone with a mapping problem? Or talked about mapping? This IS a mapping site, after all. Obviously its fun to talk about other stuff, but come on.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-31 15:47:32 UTC Post #233237
...probably before hl got infiltrated by Steam ;)
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-31 15:48:52 UTC Post #233238
Why does it matter? I completely fail to understand how this went from a thread about Scientology to a thread about why America is supposedly the source of all evil in the world to a thread about who is a jerk off.

I honestly think the admins should add one of those forums for stupid arguments like this, because it seems (to me, anyway,) like every single thread in this forum (the off-topic forum) turns into a thread with two (or more) people trying to prove that the other(s) is/are a moron. If you really want to argue with someone like this, do it over the PM system or by some other means, don't turn the forum into your own personal soap box. The first amendment does not apply here, you have no freedom of speech; it's a private forum operated by the admins/owners of the site. Using the forum is a privilege, not a right. If you don't like it, or refuse to acknowledge others are entitled to their opinion, just as YOU are, then get off, simple as that- otherwise, I don't know what else to tell you.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-31 15:52:25 UTC Post #233239
Ok, back to it
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-31 16:27:01 UTC Post #233240
pwnd lulz
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-31 16:48:34 UTC Post #233241
Let these threads live, this is the Gen Disc. forum. Don't like the thread, don't read it - but by all means, don't whine about how it should be deleted (I'm looking at you). That's just annoying.

On topic, I think we're all in agreement. Scientology is a cult. Now, if it were instituted by the CIA or not, I really don't care.
Is the CIA the root of all evil? I doubt it.
Did they actually do the MKULTRA program? Yes.
Do some people want to change the way the internet works, in favour of big companies? Yes.

And all the newfags who whine about Jahzel's "validity" on these forums, stfu and gtfo. Not only has he been a member way longer than most of you (Rahzel, anyone?), but he's made better maps than most of you.

There's my 8 cents.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-31 17:21:43 UTC Post #233242
..where did I say it should be deleted?
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-31 17:37:06 UTC Post #233243
That MK-ULTRA project article's a pretty interesting read.

Back to discussing. scientology is a cult. CIA behind scientology? No opinion, really. Don't know much about CIA, though the fact that a public ripoff like scientology was free to prosper and develop for so many years without anyone taking some serious measures against it is suspicious.
If what Jahzel's saying is true - this CIA operation has been up for way too long for anyone to just stop it. It will just continue to adopt more and more people. That's just a conspiracy theory, though.
Heh, the whole scientology + mindcontrol thing sounds a bit like S.T.A.L.K.E.R's story to me. ;o
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-31 18:21:51 UTC Post #233245
Ok, back to it
Hah, that was good, but it's also fake :D . I don't remember the name of it now, but a while ago, I found this site that had audio clips of various celebrities/well-know people (like Tom Cruise, if I recall (lol)) that play when you click the link. My brother and I did the same thing to my mom a few years ago.

I was fooled at first, though.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-31 18:24:58 UTC Post #233246
The one thing I don't get is, the majority of the goverment is Christian... so I don't see why the CIA would try to discreetly promote Scientology... but then again, the only thing I know about Scientology is that they have different beliefs... of course, it is a bit suspicious that it's gone on for so long...

Posted 17 years ago2007-08-31 18:55:04 UTC Post #233247
It seems that people took the idea of believe what you want too far and now think that what ever they believe is true no matter what. People that have fallen into belief in things like scientology wont even acknowledge or take into account things that prove their pure untruth. Believe what you want but don't decide to believe in something without lots of research, understanding, and an open mind.

-If I see an ant and say oh its such a good pet but than pick it up to be biten, I learn that it is not a good pet. People that say oh, scientology looks good and than become a believer get bit and bit and bit but dont do anything about it and become stubborn.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-01 13:10:29 UTC Post #233285
It's not necessarily about what the belief is - it's more to do with how that belief can be used to manipulate and control the masses. I presume you've heard of the nutty religious cult, 'the Raelians'? Well, they are essentially the same. A bizarre religion crafted by a guy who wants all your money and more.

Where I went wrong is to say that the CIA has to have infiltrated it - this isn't the whole point. The point is, if you want to money launder and control the masses you can - through religion.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-01 14:13:33 UTC Post #233289
...probably before hl got infiltrated by Steam
Lamest excuse ever. WON Half-Life or GTFO my internets.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-01 14:27:21 UTC Post #233290
Whatever. :thefinger:
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-01 14:34:02 UTC Post #233291
Whatever. :thefinger:
That was the stupidest response ever. You claim that Half-Life is now "infiltrated by Steam" so Srry offered you a solution: Steam-less WON-based Half-Life.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-01 14:34:42 UTC Post #233292
Jahzel just wants to bitch, plain and simple.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-01 15:15:45 UTC Post #233294
...Jesus, why did you take that comment seriously? I was only fooling around!

Posted 17 years ago2007-09-01 15:21:58 UTC Post #233295
I'm sorry, but that didn't look like a joke at all to me. Maybe it was your selection of emoticons, or your previous responses in such situations.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-01 18:41:03 UTC Post #233304
It's not necessarily about what the belief is - it's more to do with how that belief can be used to manipulate and control the masses.
I'll say. Look at terrorism - political leaders using religion as a tool to recruit warriors, even though the cause has very little to do with the religion. Pretty easy to spot. Not to say all religion is bad, but it is certainly influential.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-01 23:04:04 UTC Post #233316
I think it's more a matter of what you do with religion than the religion itself. My mom goes to church because she likes the people there, not because she think's she'll get saved from her sins or otherwise go to hell. If it's used to bring people together instead of wage wars n shit, then it can be a beneficial institution.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-01 23:35:43 UTC Post #233317
obviously religion is good. people need it, it helps. it's what individuals do to/with it that is bad.
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