TF2 or FF? Created 17 years ago2007-09-09 05:46:14 UTC by FresheD FresheD

Created 17 years ago2007-09-09 05:46:14 UTC by FresheD FresheD

Posted 17 years ago2007-09-11 01:57:53 UTC Post #233881
Everything us serious TF players (conc jumping, etc.) has been put to waste for good.
Actually, back in the day, I was mean lean bunnyhopping rocketing kill machine. I practiced many days on learning to time my rockets, and I reached a point I could just enter a public server full o' nubs where I could totally dominate the server. Heck, I even did clan matches for tfc leagues. So I think I could claim myself a once 'serious' TFC player.

But I always thought TFC-ies class balancing was a bitch.
..and those grenades, well, I can live without.

I don't what a shitty-looking TFC clone like FF (Atleast, I GET THAT IMPRESSION) is.... I want something new and original, with TFC as base. TF2 seems just that.

I don't base entirely on facts, I base mostly on what i've seen. Because you know why? I can only base purely on facts when I've actually gotten to play the games.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-11 10:44:22 UTC Post #233891
It's finally here, on September 17th Fortress Forever will be officially released. A server package will be made available one day prior. Prepare to get your frag on!;35254

Spy Video:;82794#1351315
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-11 15:26:34 UTC Post #233899
Team Fortress TWO!
Here to blow your motherfuckin' MIND, YEAH!
Team Fortress TWO!

Preloading it right now.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-11 15:41:04 UTC Post #233902
I came.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-11 16:24:33 UTC Post #233906
Holy fucking Jesus, TF2 and FF on the same day?!?!

It will be a great day for Team Fortress.

Too bad I can't pre-load. GOD DAMN YOU TO HELL VALVE!!!!!
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-11 16:28:53 UTC Post #233907
The FF team is trying to get FF out the door before the 17th now.
Its pretty obvious that this public TF2 beta is to compete wth the release of FF, but whatever. I was anticipating TF2 more, anyway.
I don't think either have anything to worry about. They both have a pretty huge fanbase.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-11 17:12:55 UTC Post #233909
Shame I can't pre-load it :< I have to wait till new PC which could be a while. I don't suppose someone could Fraps a bit of it and upload on Youtube when it comes out.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-11 17:37:43 UTC Post #233910
Why won't it preload?
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-12 05:26:50 UTC Post #233933
I'm very dodgy about subscribing on internet, so i'm just nicely going to wait till 10 october, and buy it in the stores. I'll try FF out before TF2, because once I get my TF2, Portal and Episode 2, there will be no more time left for FF. :)

..and while I wait, I get to drool on lovely TF2 beta movies!

On other note, the 'Meet The Engineer' is out.
Personally, I thought this one was the weakest of the 3.
The Engineer is silly... but heh, I never really liked the Engineer. I wanna BOEM BOEM, not let some sentry BOEM BOEM for me. :P
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-12 06:51:28 UTC Post #233936
i'll preorder it over steam, as it looks like there wont be a black box package.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-12 07:18:04 UTC Post #233937
I'm buying it retail because BOXES RULE.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-12 10:23:47 UTC Post #233942
I don't feel like re-buying HL2 and EP1, so buying online it is.
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-12 10:25:18 UTC Post #233943
theres no option to get the games without HL2 and EP1 on steam.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-12 10:41:22 UTC Post #233944
Unless you buy them separate.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-12 20:11:04 UTC Post #233975
I'm not paying up $50 for the "Orange Box." Their excuses suck. If it's letting console gamers experience the backstory, Half-Life: Source isn't in the package (a real remake). If it's giving away CD keys, I can buy my friends a copy of Half-Life 2 for $15, if Steam didn't kill re-sales, i'll sell my copies for $5.

Time for some Halo 3/ UT3/ Beyond Good & Evil/ Pikmin 2/ Eternal Darkness.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-12 20:34:28 UTC Post #233978
So you'd rather pay $50 for each the individual games that you want out of the Orange Box, instead? Because that's about how much they'll cost.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-12 20:44:23 UTC Post #233979
I don't want Portal or Team Fortress Two. Just Episode Two for $30.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-12 20:53:10 UTC Post #233980
Well then what are you bitching about? The Orange Box is a good deal for those who do want those two other games! No shit, it's going to be a better deal for you to just buy Episode 2 if you don't want Portal or TF2 :zonked:
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-12 21:14:28 UTC Post #233981
I want everything but HL2, which is awesome for me. Excellent deal.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-13 09:27:50 UTC Post #234012

If you preloaded TF2, you can get taunts if you unpack, some guy did that and put it on the internet... pyro has only 4 taunts, and the sniper has 40!!

Scout is American. 'Your head's a freaking bat magnet'
Sniper is Australian. 'Piss off...pighead'
Soldier is Brittish. 'I'm going to strangle you with your own frilly training bra'
Demoman is Irish. 'You're all bloody dead!!'
Medic is German/Austrian. 'Hold still sweinhund, this'll only stink for a moment'
Hwguy is Russian. 'CRY SOME MORE!!'
Pyro is mubling. 'BLOMA BLAMO RONDO IHAA!' :D
Spy is French. 'I'm coming for you...'
Engineer is American. 'Come 'er sissy!'
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-13 10:18:26 UTC Post #234014
Feck yes! Sniper is aussie!

40 taunts, though? Insane.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-13 10:31:24 UTC Post #234015
I was looking through the taunts and I couldn't find anything that had the hwguy yelling "CRY SOME MORE!" :(
The demoman threw me off. I was expecting him to be some big, big, black guy, but they made him Irish? What?
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-13 10:38:11 UTC Post #234017
Yeh agreed, demoman sounds like a white old alcholist.
Medic sounds silly aswell tbh..
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-13 15:22:54 UTC Post #234034
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-13 15:26:46 UTC Post #234036
Hahahaha. Stupid FF competing.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-13 15:28:48 UTC Post #234037
I still say they don't have anything to worry about. FF and TF2 are so different, it's all going to boil down to personal taste. An earlier release isn't going to change that :|
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-13 16:19:08 UTC Post #234040
Shoot, I look like a noob, I accidentally have a z in my post, and can't edit out...

not to mention I added three "OMG"s at the end of my post.

Anyways, people are saying it feels and looks perfect, and that it feels and plays exactly like a Fortress game should, so that seems great. I'm getting it off the torrent right now, and have a fan pointed straight into the PC to prevent that stupid Vista driver problem, causing it to overheat. So now that shouldn't happen now.

I can't wait to play, I have been involved with this mod's community for quite some time now (nearly two years)
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-13 16:26:28 UTC Post #234041
Why are torrents so slow? It took me 25 minutes to download 550MB.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-13 16:35:33 UTC Post #234044
A lot of people are saying it's because people's clients aren't configured correctly.

Also, if you have Comcast, like me, then you should know they have been throttling torrent traffic.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-13 16:59:03 UTC Post #234045
Well, I have increased my tcpip.sys connections limit, and set the maximum rates to 1500KB down and 150KB up.

Besides, what the hell does "configured properly" mean?
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-13 17:13:06 UTC Post #234048
Like, ports forwarded correctly, etc...

Anyway, I just had a quick run through, I had to quit when my drivers failed (I'm on Vista, and the drivers for ATi cards don't adjust their fans correctly.... and Rivatuner and such doesn't detect my card's fan, so i can't set it to 100% to fix it...)

Anyway, it was simply one thing:

Awesome. Plain and simply awesome.

The first class I tried was Pyro. They balanced it out, and it is now both an excellent offense and defense class. I also got to try the Engineer on cornfield, also awesome; making sentries and other buildables is extremely easy, they are now just featured as weapon in the bucket, and you just select one buildable, find a spot (if you can build, it will place a transperent version version of the buildable on the ground in front of, and won't plus show an icon if you can't, very intuitive), and click; if you have enough cells, you'll build it. That was all I was able to do before my drivers failed.

Very fun, easily better than TFC, imho.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-13 17:25:47 UTC Post #234049
i'll give it a try
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-13 17:51:44 UTC Post #234050
Yeah same. Since I can run this mod with ease I might as well. TF2 is too much for this baby ;< Then I'll move to TF2 later on.

Maybe I'll see you guys there.

Oh mirrors are here:
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-13 18:06:50 UTC Post #234051
What's your specs, habboi?
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-13 18:08:18 UTC Post #234052
Yea, just so you guys know, if you get a full bright effect on some maps, then the installer skipped some files.

Here's what to do to fix it, from the FF forums:

"If you run into the installer skipping files, delete your clientregistry.blob.

Mine is located here: D:GamesSteamClientRegistry.blob

Yours may be located in a different place. The steps:

Close Steam

Delete ..SteamClientRegistry.blob

Restart Steam


Should fix the issue"

Monkey looks absolutely awesome.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-13 18:20:02 UTC Post #234054

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz
System RAM: 1023.0 MB

I mean it can run TF2 probably on medium but I just worry the new shader system will be demanding. So I don't care. New PC is coming anyway ;O
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-13 18:23:22 UTC Post #234055
I got the same processor. I should be able to get away on high with hopefully ~40 FPS. If HDR doesn't work out, it wont matter to me.

One can only wait until Monday. <3
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-13 18:42:44 UTC Post #234057
You could probably run TF2 on low texture without it making much of a difference.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-13 19:35:46 UTC Post #234062
I don't see TF2 making a huge impact on my source performance of ~60 FPS.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-13 23:03:47 UTC Post #234068
Wow, it's hit the #4 spot on Steam.


It's definatly here to stay, no doubt. Hopefully, I can get my driver issues solved fast enough to get involved in clan play. I would love to start a clan; hell maybe one of you guys could form a TWHL clan too, that would be pretty cool- and no offense, but it's obvious that FF will have a MUCH bigger clan community than TF2, simply because it appeals to the veteran clanners by sticking to the formula. As a matter of fact, FF leagues were being formed well a year in advance.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-14 02:37:40 UTC Post #234073
Initial player counts mean nothing.

Dystopia had >2000 players on release, and Insurgency had 1000ish and they're both currently sitting underneath 100. Once the hype dies down, only the true fans continue to play.

And with TF2 coming out in a few days for some, and a couple weeks for others, I hardly see this sticking around at all.

(That being said, I'm gonna give it a go)
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-14 04:02:28 UTC Post #234076
Tbh, FF looks like crap. None of the media they released prompted me to sit up and take notice of the game. As soon as the new style for TF2 was revealed, I had already made my choice. There's something to be said for pushing a new style forward, rather than just rehashing old gameplay mechanics.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-14 05:04:28 UTC Post #234078
i must agree, i just played FF for a little while, and its exactly like TFC in every way. right down to the graphics. the maps are boring and plain, the weapons models are blocky and out of proportion, and the player models are just as bad, too.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-14 06:24:26 UTC Post #234079
It feels more like a mix of QWTF and TFC, along with a little Q3F, tbh. EWither way, both games are going to have very stable gameplay.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-14 07:52:56 UTC Post #234081
Well tried it last night. Decided Spy has become awesome again :)

But yeah it feels kinda Quake Ish mixed with TFC. I like it actually but I need a fresh start. I played it quite late and didn't really take it all in. Only grudge is the mod is quite demanding and I get quite a few lag spikes even on medium. Also the sniper charge is far too long...

Overall as a modder I am impressed. I think now the mods survival will be in the hands of the developers updating it etc.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-14 08:21:49 UTC Post #234084
I love TFC so I definately want TFC2, but I'm going to wait a bit because I'm too busy lately. Hopefully the price will drop in a month or two as an added bonus :D
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-14 13:18:12 UTC Post #234097
I tried FF and I found it decent.

Level Design

I first started out in the map 'Cornfield', I was really disappointed at the crappy level design of this map, I never really liked Cornfield in TFC, but in FF it looks almost exactly like HL2, with the combine stuff and all..
I then got a taste of 'Crossover', I really got a Quake-ish feel to this map, but I must admit, this map looks pretty awesome! :biggrin: Then I got my share of 'Aardvark', a new map between the classics. I think this map looks decent, but the layout really sucks mah' balls.
As last, I got to try 'Push', this was never a populair map in TFC, as a matter of fact, most people hated it. The layout is almost exactly the same, so I don't see any difference coming in that. I really got a CS:S feel to this map, another bad thing that I noticed, was that the supposingly grass was purple with stripes, you know what I mean..


Well, I can be really short about this, the player models suck. The weapon models are decent, some are nice, some are not.

Overall Gameplay

I think the classes are decently balanced, judged from the time I played. Pyro is fun to play, since I can actually kill people with him now. I played for a lil' less than 2 hours, and I played about 1 hour of Pyro. :P The HWGUY can overheat his minigun, which I think is a nice adjustment to just holdin' teh MOUSE1 button..

Overall Opinion

FF has taken a step in the right direction, but for me it plays too much like Quake mixed with the ol' TFC and generaly looks too much like HL2. This most certainly isn't a game I see myself playing a lot but despite all of this, with the right updates, this could be a great game for those who like it. I think TFC is more fun than FF.

I personally want my taste of TF2, which seems awesome.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-14 13:39:05 UTC Post #234098
They removed those funky triangle bullets in FF :)
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-14 15:29:16 UTC Post #234107
but it's obvious that FF will have a MUCH bigger clan community than TF2
Just because veteran gamers love it doesn't mean anything. Who says the veterans out number the new guys hoping to get the new TF2? Your logic is completely off.

EDIT: My 2 other bro's played it (I don't plan on playing it, as Im a TF2 guy) and I gotta say, FF looks horrid. If I wanted to play TFC, guess what? I'd Play TFC. They didn't utilize the source engine at all, the models are horrible, and I think it's still somewhat unbalanced. That's my 2 cents.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-14 21:47:52 UTC Post #234130
I keep getting the freezing + sound looping crash, but that's VALVe's fault. Fags.
Trapt Traptlegend
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