The TWHL IRC channel is slowly dying, there are a few committed active regulars but this number is slowly decreasing. For this reason I find it important to remind you all that the IRC channel exists and for the love of all things (Gold)Source, visit as frequently as you can! Even if you want to idle and maybe say a word or two every now and then.
If you're new to TWHL or IRC in general, check out the IRC section under "Community". New members are more than welcome in the channel and I'm sure you'll find plenty of people ready to help you with anything mapping/modelling related.
[19:42:05] <Sasha> Religious debates without alcohol = fail.To be honest, most of the conversation in the channel has nothing to do with mapping which is the primary reason I hang around there. Passionate debates, fanboyish slagging-off of technology companies and general bitching/whining are all present as the minimum. If you need any more reason to drop by, all of the TWHL3 development team talk on IRC quite frequently. You can give them direct suggestions or whine at them for being lazy bastards, I'm sure they will appreciate both.
One more reason to hop on, if you're using Opera or any other browser that incorporates an IRC client, all you need to do is click on the link below!