ok, i gave up reading the flames after Penguinboy's numeric list of points.
Why do people keep saying the following 2 things:
i just.. you know.. walked to the garage door when his back was turned.
2) NO CROWBHARX CANT GET PAST BREAKABLE GLASS "as I had nothing to break it with."
You know, those concrete blocks littered around the place look kinda heavy..
Seriously.. I understand that you've made valid points since, pengy, but your original "review" is bullshit and i had come to expect more from you.
The airboat sequence for me seems to have lasted longer than anyone else.. I drove over water, slime, through windows, through combine, past snipers.. Lots of laughs before having to finally say goodbye to the faithful machine, which personally i think should have been re-skinned.
Oh, and the section where the guy gets hit by the sniper (kas
perg, there are definately at least 5 of those bastards

and you have to find the wheel, it would have been bloody immense if it had been used as the basketball hoop. I was almost disappointed when i found it. =]
The voice acting was fine. The only character who i thought had kinda poopy voice acting was the leader of the rebel squad.. He was just emtionless.
SPOILER i mean his good friend has just betrayed him and left him for dead and he just talks in the same dulset tone.
Anyhoo, while some things, namely talking to that girl at the start could have been more obvious, the people flaming should have tried a little harder before deciding it was shit.. I mean, the breakable glass is a perfect example. Obviously if the crowbar is BEHIND the glass you need something else to break it.
I'm truly dissappointed at the reaction to this mod some of you have taken, and I want Playbus and Kas
perg to know that at least some of us liked it :>