Created 17 years ago2007-11-08 18:18:15 UTC by
Not being able to solve basic puzzles is a problem within the player. Some people can, others cannot. It doesn't mean the game or mod was badly made, it just means it was thought for a different approach in gameplay that requeries a attention to detail some people don't have.That is a very naive way of looking at it. These are somewhat basic puzzles, sure, but they're presented in obsure ways, with little valuable explanation, training or player guidance which is a must for any original puzzle.
from my point of view this mod has a long way to goGreat. Welcome to the world of amateur level designers. Welcome to my first hl2sp maps EVER. :D. It's funny how you don't mention how far it actually went. Which just makes your opinion incomplete. But let's get on with the rest.
Why is it that some wood blocks barring doors can be smashed, while others that look the same cannot?It's hard to keep track of every wood block in 16 maps, so it'd be great if you point out one of those places. By the way, metal bars are also blocking doors in several places. I hope you noticed they weren't made of wood.
If there's one thing Valve has taught me it's that player training is vital to a fun and succesful gameThen put it to good use and make a better mod than this one. And teach us with it.
I appreciate you trying puzzles that are out-of-the-norm, but most of what you've done is obscure and not applicable to what we've learned to expect in the HL2 worldThen you've just learned what to expect of "The Citizen" world, a hl2 modificiation.
Also, the lighting in many of the areas was a major hindance to some of the puzzles without a flashlight.Again, examples would be helpful.
This has, without a doubt, the worst Airboat scene i've ever played. It is way too enclosed for a vehicle of that speed and size and there is far too much in the way of debris laying around, basically you're forcing people to zig-zang and twist their way through narrow corridorsThat was the whole idea. At least you noticed. Just because there's an airboat everyone thinks it's an "airboat scene". It seems videogames today make people think very simplisticltly.
Acting. I know you probably did the best you can, but most of the speech and npc sequences in this mod make it feel cheap and tackyThanks. We didn't know they hadn't turned out Valve quality. Perhaps you could do some voices for the next installment? (I'm serious, we really need more voice actors).
7) Load times. You placed these so frequently and absurdly that I got more aggravated playing HL2 then ever before, the maps seem horribly optimised too, poor load times and poor performance in some very basic looking areas really turned me off.Yes, some of the maps have performance issues, and most them take so long to compile that it was out of the question making them bigger or joining them.
I'm sorry, but this is the way a lot of us see it, and they are, whether you want them to be or not, very valid points.Yet it seems not everyone had those problems. So it's still very subjective.
When it comes to me rating this map in the mapvault, this is why I think i'll be giving it a 2 or possibly 3 out of 5.Yes, I'm sure that 3 out of every 5 maps in the mapvault is better than this mod :D.
players should be able to go back to the npcs he/she visited before and get reminders on where to goYeah, I do agree with this.
I finally realized you have to smash the door open with your crowbarNo .... although that does work to an extent, it's not the easiest solution to that area.
after progressing to the buttons which the only way to get past is to press randomly until you stumble upon the correct sequencei saw the combination right next to the door, i thought it was pretty obivous
Another guy, in the grocery store that gets attacked, that guy just sounded weirdHe is a pretty wierd guy!
He is a pretty weird guy
then the voice acting fit the role wellI meant the actual guy who did the voice
From there you can look down through the dodraw roof and into the hallway you just came upi discovered something simaler just after the part in the airboat sequence where you have to open the gate using the lost wheel. There was an open window, and i parked the airboat there and climbed up into there, expecting an easter egg, but i got a face full of nodraw