I'm trying to add a crow into half-life. I have the crow's sounds and model, thats not a problem. I managed to make a new entity called "npc_crow" and link that up to the crows model and all, thats fine.
Now I'm not going as far yet as to putting the crows AI in, but I want to know where the hell you define a monsters animations in the code. I tried to look up the zombies animations, and had no success. HOW THE HELL DOES THE ENGINE KNOW WHAT ANIMATION TO PLAY WHEN!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
This is where I need some help. Basically, I just want to make the crow do an idle animation (and the next step would be randomly more than one animation) and I want to be able to kill the crow, and (this is what I don't understand) to let the code know which animation is the crows death animation, and to make the killing of a crow act truly work (not that I am for the killing of animals).
Any help would be much appreciated. Sysops, you've been doing some ai/monster changes in arrange mode. Pietrekder, how did you do it with your poison zombie/poison head crab, how does the code know?!?!?!?!
Thanks in Advanced,