I was playing games as usual this morning when some one ringed my door bell. I didn't know who it was, my sister and my mum has a key, so who can it be? I didnt let him in. next, He gets in the building somehow and starts knocking at my door. i got a little Frightened. he started knocking louder and i heard some wierd chicken noises! i got really scared and i taught it was some psycho! i told my friend, he said that i should get a knife. so i did, next thing i know is that i hear some one looking trough my little post window. now i got really frightened.I got out my knife and waited like 5 mins till i heard no more chicken noises and went to the door.
I see a note threwn in my home trough my post window, it says:
Royal mail. You have missed your package. please collect it at the local post.
DAM it was a postman.
I'm a nub!