A problem with music. Created 16 years ago2008-06-06 22:57:00 UTC by CactusJack CactusJack

Created 16 years ago2008-06-06 22:57:00 UTC by CactusJack CactusJack

Posted 16 years ago2008-06-06 22:57:00 UTC Post #250996
HI I made a post before, but I didn't want to necropost so I started this new thread as I have made more recent developments.

In my map i have multiple songs, all triggered by buttons. I have one song that plays at the start and all the others are silent, but at the start of the next round all of them are playing at once. After searching around I think to get them to shut up I will have to use an auto_trigger. I have the target set to my ambience, and I have tried trigger state as Off,On, and Toggled. Every time the song is still playing with the others. Is there something I am missing? Any help appreciated thanks!.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-07 03:16:11 UTC Post #250997
Is this for counter-strike?

I think I might be able to help, heh.
TheGrimReafer TheGrimReaferADMININATOR
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-07 13:56:36 UTC Post #251006
Yes this is for counter-strike. I've started alot of maps and not finished, but this one i want to finish. It's cs 1.6 as you prob guessed. How much more information should i give before you can help?
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-07 14:50:07 UTC Post #251007
kk, I just need to get straight what you're wanting exactly.

You have 3 songs.. all have buttons that trigger them and there is 1 song that, by default, plays automatically at the start of every round.
TheGrimReafer TheGrimReaferADMININATOR
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-08 04:15:43 UTC Post #251013
Actually I believe I have 7 songs, maybe 8. I have buttons that trigger them all separately and one plays at the start of the round thats correct. This is what I want.

What I get is all the songs playing at once at the start of a new round. But only one song is playing at the start of the first round, after that it all goes weird
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-08 07:15:23 UTC Post #251030
Step 1. Place a func_door (brush based entity) somewhere outside your map. You could use any existing door, but you may redo/delete it by accident at some part.
Give the door the following variables:
Target (target) : reset_manager

Step 2. Place a multi_manager (point entity) somewhere in your map.
Give the door the following variables:
Name (targetname) : reset_manager
[create this value by clicking off "SmartEdit" and pressing "add"] (roundreset) : 1

Step 3. For the entities you want to reset each round, just change their names to roundreset. If you've already given the entities unique names, just add another variable with that unique name to the multi_manager with a value of 1.

[Optional] Step 4. You might want to use this technique to set some songs start on/off at the start of every round. You can do this by using a trigger_relay, and this step explains how to use it.
Step 4.1. Create a trigger_relay (point entity) in your map.
Give the relay the following variables:
Name (targetname) : turnoffsongs
Target (targer) : songname (change this to the name of your song entity)
Trigger State (triggerstate) : Off (0)
Step 4.2. Add another custom variable to your multi_manager: [create this value by clicking off "SmartEdit" and pressing "add"]
(turnoffsongs) : 1
NOTE! The value "1" in the custom values for the multi_manager indicates that the entity is triggered 1 second after round start. It could be 0, but resetting entities so fast could cause problems, and sometimes the entities might not be triggered. I usually use 0.1 instead of 0.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-08 15:03:34 UTC Post #251036
"Give the door the following variables:
Target (target) : reset_manager"

"Give the door the following variables:
Name (targetname) : reset_manager
[create this value by clicking off "SmartEdit" and pressing "add"] (roundreset) : 1"

So the door is targeting itself?
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-09 11:22:16 UTC Post #251073
Yes, every new round the engine trigger the door to be sure its state (open or close), this is the little trick for that...xD
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-09 11:28:21 UTC Post #251074
Hmm Mistake...the name of the multi_manager should have to be 'reset_manager'. Sorry for that...xD

EDIT: I stoped sending the previous post so I dont know why its showing up
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-11 01:27:22 UTC Post #251114
Worked great thank you alot! Now the trial of figuring out how to make textures, it seems like such a simple process but I find it so troublesome :(.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-11 09:27:49 UTC Post #251128
Making a good looking texture is something very far from being simple :-)
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-11 16:08:50 UTC Post #251141
lol, I meant making textures in general. And last night I figured out how, WOOP!. Stupid 100 step tutorials only confused me, the one that showed me how was 4 steps ffs! damn I was stupid
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