Lego: Source - New HL2 Mod. Created 16 years ago2008-07-27 08:42:05 UTC by Cactuz Cactuz

Created 16 years ago2008-07-27 08:42:05 UTC by Cactuz Cactuz

Posted 16 years ago2008-07-27 08:52:08 UTC Post #253017
Hello everyone.

I just have a few questions about this mod i am going to be working on for the next couple of months.

Firstly, the mod name will be Lego: Source and firsty it will be Single-Player, but if it is succesful wi hope it to become Multi-Player, with Single-Player Co-Op.

The game will obviuosly be in Lego style Graphics and Gameplay.

As you would probably know, Indiana has a whip to help him get up and over places he cant normally get up.

I have taken this into account and i have thought it through, Gordon Freeman who you will be playing in this game has a Gauss Gun around with him helping him boost up to places.

Also in the Indiana Jones Lego game, Indiana is mostly helped through the game with his accomplice as seen in this photo.

I have thought of this idea and am going to change it into HL2 style and have Alyx helping Gordon, Alyx will have a Door Hacking device, and she will also have her classic Pistol.

The enemies in this game will be Lego Combines.

I have yet to get any Media for this, but i need to ask a few questions before going ahead with this mod.

First question: Do you think this mod is a good idea?

Second question: I am going to do the view like it is in Lego: Star Wars and Indiana Jones. Still not sure? Check out this video link.

Third question: Does anyone know any good websites for a mod Walkthrough, so i can start the mod and get some Media to help me get a team?

Fourth question: I can map and do a little modeling, how many people would i need in the team to make this mod succesful?

If you guys have any questions for me, ill try my best to answer them.
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-27 09:17:54 UTC Post #253019
Go to moddb...
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-27 10:13:14 UTC Post #253020
HL_G: Stfu


1. Tbh, no, but that's just because I'm not a fan of the original LEGO titles anyways, but I'm sure
2. No comment :>
3. Never heard of one, except the minimod tutorial here on TWHL.
4. You would need a lot of people
Coders to make the gameplay changes and put in the gaussgun
Modelers to make models since you are not a pro yourself
Mappers if you are planning to make the mod longer than you can handle to map yourself

What Moddb is, is a site where everyone can post mod proposals and shit and request help, so I'd go there and register.
(Be more helpful HL_G, don't be a fucktard and treat people like the noob you are yourself)

Good luck!
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-27 10:20:22 UTC Post #253021
Thats the help i need, thank you so much.
I have registered on ModDB, thanks.
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-27 10:32:02 UTC Post #253022
I think you wont be able to pull this off before mister LEGO will be going after you for breaking there copyrights. I sure hope they dont and you succeed though!
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-27 10:55:02 UTC Post #253023
Thank you, i am going to send them a letter or something to let me use there name ect for the mod. I highly doubt it though, but ill try.
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-27 11:27:26 UTC Post #253024
I doubt you will get any answer, that's how it go's with these corporations, there making money with the LEGO games, and might see you as a competitor. Even though the idea can work.
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-27 11:46:46 UTC Post #253025
They can't do that.
He isn't using any illegal content from their games, he just borrowed the name, and since he ain't selling anything it's legal.
I think so nways
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-27 12:00:21 UTC Post #253026
You can use most copyrighted content in non-commercial projects without any worries (not like anyone's gonna care about some HL2 mod enough to actually go into lawsuits, etc.)
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-27 12:42:06 UTC Post #253027
This sounds kinda fun, a bit different. If you're making the maps to look like Lego it should be easy as pie, aswell. Apart from the coding and modelling that is.
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-27 13:24:10 UTC Post #253032
Unless you end up making hundreds of thousands of dollars from your mod, no one is going to worry about copyright issues.

But I think this mod would be better if you can make it into a first-person shooter rather than a third-person game.
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-27 14:50:17 UTC Post #253033
Ahh thanks for all your replies guys.

So you think it would be better as a First-Person shooter?

Also this is my first Mod, do you think i am out of my depth making something this serious, or do you think i could handle it if i had someone at my side helping me?
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-28 16:43:05 UTC Post #253085
Hard to say, you know. Most new mods fail, big time.

So my best guess is that this will end up as nothing but a plan and a logo.

The problem with beginners wanting to make a mod is that they think too big, don't make plans that are greater then your skills, unless you have help with the other sutff.

Here's what I would do; do all the things that you can do, make all the maps, all the textures and so on. When you're DONE with all the things that you can do on your own, ask for help with the stuff that's missing and that you can't do on your own.

I could make you a deal here, when you're done with all the things that you can do, I'll pitch in with some music.
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-28 17:19:23 UTC Post #253091
Tosse thanks for your help, i have taken what you said on board.

And what i am going to do is make a few maps to get my skill back up to date and then join a mod team to get more experiance than i currently have.

And once i have done this and i think i can handle my own mod, and have a few people i can rely on, i will start off the mod.
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-28 18:05:31 UTC Post #253097
Sounds good, dude! And remember, your mod will only be as good as you make it!
Even if the idea is good, it can end up as pure shit.

NEVER think 'will people like this?'! You should never create something that you do not like yourself! The most important thing in creating something new is weather you would like it yourself. What is the perfect game for you? Always create the things for yourself. If you do that there's a good chance that other people will like the same thing.
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-28 18:10:46 UTC Post #253098
Ok, ill think how to make it to my liking.
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