Posted 21 years ago2003-10-12 13:11:57 UTCPost #2557
I wouldn't say you're screwed. You should be able to just change your func_train and path_corners into a func_tracktrain and path_tracks. Refer to the entity guide for help filling in all the tracktrain properties:
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-12 19:30:52 UTCPost #2570
No not so good. That's how it is, func_tracktrain shall always build in direction of 180 degrees (be facing west). When the map start it will move to the first path_track and placing itself to facing the second path_track. func_tracktrain shall have a origin brush, and the origin brush tell the func_tracktrain how it be orient to the path_track. func_tracktrain shall always follow a track of path_track.