Serenity Now bombs a World of Warcraft f Created 16 years ago2008-08-16 20:52:17 UTC by Don Punch Don Punch

Created 16 years ago2008-08-16 20:52:17 UTC by Don Punch Don Punch

Posted 16 years ago2008-08-16 20:52:47 UTC Post #253935
Come of you may have already seen this, but it is very funny to see this happen. This is probably a 'significant moment in history' for MMO gaming.
From a youtube user...

Some girl who played World of Warcraft died in real life, and those horrible failures of human beings planned a funeral for her... RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF A PVP ZONE! They posted about the event on the messageboards and urged people not to bust it up.

I don't think I need to explain what happened; the video speaks for itself.
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-16 21:01:45 UTC Post #253936
Older than the hills.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-16 21:01:55 UTC Post #253937
I am going to say

ha ha ha ha lol. wow is for swedish people, like urby
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-16 21:04:19 UTC Post #253938
No. WoW sucks.

Sadly it took a year or so to realise. Apparently that doesn't warrent your money back.

...and I'm not swedish.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-16 21:05:43 UTC Post #253939
lol never have played WoW, but saw that and lol'd.

Serves em right, never take a game that serious.

It sucks someone died, but a game where your goal is to kill as much as possible isn't the place to mourn death, lol.
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-16 21:07:33 UTC Post #253940
Urbaneala wakes up and plays WoW.

and then he walks out the door

smells the swedish air

and is glad to be swedish
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-16 21:09:10 UTC Post #253941
Well its actual aim is to gain the highest level and hold the best loot and all that crap. Then there are people who are in it for the roleplaying who take it far to seriously.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-16 21:15:42 UTC Post #253942
urby cybers with ikea warddrobes
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-16 21:19:42 UTC Post #253943
I know how urb feels.

I played starwars galaxies for a year, being one of the best pvpers on the server, but never enjoyed any of the time. why?

all i had to do was look around, the overwhelming majority of people were losers who cheated their level, and ran around with their "ingame girlfriends" and "ingame wives" and such

It took me a year to realize that the game was for losers, and what a waste an MMORPG is, and im sorry it took a year because 12x15$ a month = $225

what a freakin waste.

As for that vid, i will laugh unconrtollably everytime i see it, not only because they held a funeral in a game amd in a pvp zone, but because its hilarious to crash PVP events
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-16 21:21:13 UTC Post #253944
I wouldn't ever play any MMORPG but if I did, I'd do this.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-16 21:32:13 UTC Post #253945
Older than time itself.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-16 23:36:45 UTC Post #253957
If you asked me my opinion on any MMO a couple of years ago I would've said that they're totally shit, but having actually given WoW a chance for a couple of years, I can say in all honesty it's actually a pretty good game. It's not without it's flaws and it's not perfect, but it's far better than the majority of the shit that's out there at the moment. Obviously some people are gonna take it too far and do nothing but play it day in day out, but it's easier for people to get into that habit with WoW not only because it's grindtastic but because of the social aspect.

I've cleared every raid instance in the game and have near best-in-slot gear on my lock and I'm still far from "completing" it. Until you've experienced every raid instance as every class, gotten Gladiator title as every class, have all random drop mounts, got Exalted with every faction and have every legendary usable by your class, you haven't completed the game.

It might sound like a waste of money to you, but it lasts longer than the multiple singleplayer games you'd get for that price and while it's not without it's flaws, it's far better than most other games out at the moment. Most of the retards who bash WoW clearly haven't experienced end-game content or high-end PvP, or simply haven't played it at all.

Before I tried it, I was convinced it was the shittiest game ever and I still thought it was pretty mediocre until I started doing the real content, just ashame they have to nerf it all for the dumber players 3 months after it's released -.-

[/wall of text]

m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-16 23:41:24 UTC Post #253959
<caps for dramatic effect>
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-17 06:17:17 UTC Post #253966
I think it's clear that m0p has no soul. Blizzard took his money and consumed his soul. Poor chap..


On a serious note, I have played WoW on high-end PvP and did a fair share of raids but I totally disagree; It got boring, I wasted way too much money into it and some people (like 90%) take the game way too serious ruining my gaming pleasure. Ow, I forgot to say that WoW pulls you in and wastes a lot of your free time. Thus I said no to WoW because I realised there is nothing fun about grinding the same stupid dungeon and mobs (once you've seen 1 you've seen them all imho) hoping for that damn epic item to drop.. and for you to win that roll with that. Did I mention you the 3 times in week on punctaul time or you get booted from the raid thing? ..and the fact PvP can be totally bitchass and repeating? In all honestly I enjoyed lvl-ing lots more than actually being the highest lvl with epix. In the end WoW is just a timewaster that takes your money away, that's that.

/end small rant.
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-17 10:26:32 UTC Post #253970
I played Lineage 2 as a Game Master of a private(pirate) server. When I started to be tired of the game, I edited my character and I killed every person on the world.
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-17 10:51:45 UTC Post #253972
Bleh only good online RPG I've played is Monster Hunter on the PS2. It was great fun co-oping and fighting boss like monsters and then carving them up to make better weapons and armour.

Games like Lineage or WoW just don't grab me...I mean I played this free MMORPG a while back and realised after level 35 I had wasted so much time just killing enemy after enemy...
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-17 12:34:27 UTC Post #253973
Did I mention you the 3 times in week on punctaul time or you get booted from the raid thing?
CASUAL! Try 6 times! :>

To be honest though, if you find repetitive gameplay boring, stay the fuck away from MMO's. Some people enjoy that type of gameplay, others don't. You clearly didn't.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-17 13:53:18 UTC Post #253975
I'd say doing the same thing over and over again and repetitive gameplay are two different things. I mean, you could state that HL2DM has repetitive gameplay because it's essentially the same thing, but every game flows and plays different. In WoW you sometimes end up doing the same thing over and over again; the same role, the same dungeon, the same boss, the same fightphases, the same epic that just won't drop. But then again, it's all about ones personal preference, believes and experiences. I liked WoW, for a while. In the long run, no thx.

/end discussion.
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