Back again to beg for map help! Created 16 years ago2008-08-28 08:26:31 UTC by Laura Laura

Created 16 years ago2008-08-28 08:26:31 UTC by Laura Laura

Posted 16 years ago2008-08-28 08:26:31 UTC Post #254631
Hey again all, thought you'd seen the last of me, eh? Well I'm the Psychology student who posted this: earlier this year and got lots of responses but no actual map.

Well due to a lot of complicated drama I had to defer my year and basically have until December to come up with this map. Since I can't bump such an old thread I thought it might be worth making another one...just in case...because the map Penguinboy came up with was really so perfect it seems a waste not to at least try!

And...if you're wondering why I still haven't done it myself, well there's been a lot going on here and my machine is still the same old crappy laptop that can't run hammer editor...

Once again thank you for reading, and I promise I won't start any more threads. Like I said, I just felt I'd finally found someone who understood the experiment and am loathe to explain it all again!
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-28 08:34:29 UTC Post #254632
Girl on TWHL??? I will always remember this day, 08/28/08.
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-28 09:02:25 UTC Post #254633
spike, this is why we can't have nice things.

as for Laura, I'm afraid most of the community here are really bogged down with uni work or their own projects so I wouldn't get hopeful of someone making a map the scale you're asking for. It's quite a time commitment.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-28 10:36:29 UTC Post #254634
I can help you if it doesn't take a lot of my time, because I'm working and I don't really feel to be mapping for hours when I come back home.

BTW the download link of the .vmf is broken.
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-28 10:42:34 UTC Post #254635
Well, it depends how quick you are with mapping really! I know the download is broken, it was on my old website which I don't have any more. I figured it would probably be easier to ask for a whole new map since I was told the map I'd comissioned was rubbish.

No worries though, I shall look elsewhere for help, I know it's a horrible boring task! :)
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-30 11:35:50 UTC Post #254751
just re-read the original thread.
just curious to how many rooms you need in total..
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-30 11:40:45 UTC Post #254752
Well I would help like I said last time...but I 'reallllly' don't understand it and even at my age...That's sad.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-30 11:50:20 UTC Post #254753
From my understanding, the player is faced with 3 doors. All 3 doors lead to the next room, But 2 of the paths are long or arduous in some nature in comparison to the Shorter/easier third.

The player then chooses which door he/she would like to go through.

The computer, or whatever, then offers a suggestion to which door the player should travel through.

Now the player can choose to take the suggestion, or Go with his/her original choice.

Then the player will have to take the path of choice (whether it be long or short) to the next room, and some information should have to be logged.

1) If the player's choice was the correct (Short) choice
2) If the Suggested choice was the correct Choice
3) If the player took/refused the suggested choice.

And the player would have to do this "X" number of times.

My only question; What's the Value of x / How many rooms are necessary for an accurate result? And... does this have to be Source? ( I could rig something up in Gld Src. (HL1))
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-30 17:58:56 UTC Post #254767
It would be fairly simple for someone to take up my single room map and make a bunch more rooms out of it. if you don't mind every single path being exactly the same, i could do it in about 5 minutes, but i don't have the time to sit down and change the paths between every single room for some variety.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-30 19:25:13 UTC Post #254773
I don't mind which HL this is done in, it can be done in any, the only reason I say HL2 is I assumed it would have more features that would make the map easier to make.

I don't mind every 'path' being the same BUT obviously the 'short/easy' path has to be behind a different door each time.
Additionally: when players go down a path they should not be able to see the other paths - eg, connecting corridors.

Tetsu0 - you are correct except the player should not be able to take the 'suggested' choice. This door that the computer opens is always going to be a long/hard path (but never the one the player has selected). It is up to the player to decide whether to keep to their original choice (which won't be the door opened by the computer on the first button press - this is the computer basically 'eliminating' a door choice from the equation) or switch to the other unopened door.

Basically by opening the door that they do not originally choose and that the computer doesn't open, they increase their chances of getting the short path. The logic is very weird but that's just how it works! The experiment is designed to measure how long it takes players to realise they should always switch their original choice once the computer has eliminated a door choice for them.

My supervisor said 24 rooms was sufficient but more is always better. I am not keen on pushing my luck, however!

Thank you so much for your replies so far!
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