r_speeds and "ms" Created 15 years ago2008-10-21 11:58:13 UTC by raver raver

Created 15 years ago2008-10-21 11:58:13 UTC by raver raver

Posted 15 years ago2008-10-21 11:59:37 UTC Post #257439
Hello there, atm im making a freaking huge map and its almost finished but thats not the point. In a certain area, the engine gives me this r_speeds:

100fps 26 ms 1225 wpoly 1103 epoly
35fps 1 ms 1225 wpoly 1103 epoly
100fps 1 ms 1225 wpoly 1103 epoly
100fps 1 ms 1225 wpoly 1103 epoly
100fps 1 ms 1225 wpoly 1103 epoly
100fps 1 ms 1225 wpoly 1103 epoly
100fps 1 ms 1225 wpoly 1103 epoly
100fps 1 ms 1225 wpoly 1103 epoly
100fps 26 ms 1225 wpoly 1103 epoly
35fps 1 ms 1225 wpoly 1103 epoly
100fps 1 ms 1225 wpoly 1103 epoly
100fps 1 ms 1225 wpoly 1103 epoly
100fps 1 ms 1225 wpoly 1103 epoly
100fps 1 ms 1225 wpoly 1103 epoly
100fps 1 ms 1225 wpoly 1103 epoly
100fps 1 ms 1225 wpoly 1103 epoly
100fps 1 ms 1225 wpoly 1103 epoly
100fps 45 ms 1225 wpoly 1103 epoly
21fps 1 ms 1225 wpoly 1103 epoly

As you see, it gives very weird drops. From 100 to 21 for example. And the wpoly or epoly does NOT change. And also the fram BEFORE the drop, the ms goes from 1ms to a higher value.

This doesnt happen in other parts of the map. Only from the middle to the end. And its very weird because I didnt do any big things to the map.

Anyone got some wise words for me?

*ps, I didnt move when I copied that r_speeds.
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-21 11:59:55 UTC Post #257440
Screenie, or, even better, a gl_wireframe 2 shot of that area would help.
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-21 12:06:32 UTC Post #257444
@ Daubster, it has nothing todo with that. Because the polys dont change ... These fps "drops" causes "lagging". And also the exact same area without any changes in that area has no ms/fps drops.
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-21 12:15:53 UTC Post #257446
According to Muzz, instead of using null texture use the bevel instead. It worked for me. Give it a try...
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-21 12:32:30 UTC Post #257447
And I gave that information to muzz :<
But I use null now because bevel had some downsides I could use in this map
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-21 12:55:35 UTC Post #257448
I have no idea about this one.
Do you have any moving brushes in your map?
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-21 12:58:56 UTC Post #257449
@ muzz, no
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-21 14:12:04 UTC Post #257450
Can you give us some more information? Anything specific you're doing in that part of the map? A lot of transparency perhaps? Entity-work? Can you post some screenshots? Does this happen on your computer only or also on other systems?

I don't know what exactly could cause such sudden drops but the more you tell, the better the chance someone here will figure it out.
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-21 14:13:18 UTC Post #257451
Yes entity work, I got a advanced timer in my map that you can start and stop. It has 5 digits, so it can count till 9 hours. When I removed this the "drops" where gone. Maby I just dont know howto use this timer correctly.
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-21 14:23:22 UTC Post #257452
My guess is that the timer is so complex that it actually "hurts" your CPU each time it is supposed to trigger something resulting in framedrops as its calculating the event that was triggered. Hope it makes sense.

I don't really know a fix for this, other then removing the timer, but that is probably not what you want to hear... :P
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