You Laugh You Lose - Revisited Created 15 years ago2008-11-04 08:05:53 UTC by Archie Archie

Created 15 years ago2008-11-04 08:05:53 UTC by Archie Archie

Posted 15 years ago2008-11-04 08:05:53 UTC Post #258112
What say we get another of these classic threads on the go, eh?
No porn or shock images, thankyou.
Oh, and for the sake of sanity, try to keep it to 1 image per post so that we don't end up with a single page with like 200 images.

I'll start the ball rolling.
User posted image
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-04 10:02:41 UTC Post #258113
oh hey, i thought this was twhl not /b/
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-04 11:40:27 UTC Post #258117
@The Hunter: I don't get it, what's the point? He cares more about TV series than about his girlfriend, what's funny about that?
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-04 11:59:15 UTC Post #258118
User posted image
Yes, its old. Posted before, posting again. Lol'd when I first saw this. :D
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-04 12:10:58 UTC Post #258119
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Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-04 12:16:48 UTC Post #258121
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-04 12:21:08 UTC Post #258122
Not my type of humour...

'Skips thread.
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-04 12:41:58 UTC Post #258123
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Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-04 12:54:31 UTC Post #258124
because of this thread im going to have to change my avatar.
edit: there we go.
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-04 13:27:03 UTC Post #258125


User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
I'm sorry, these aren't the best the best the best. If I could, I'd poast my entire /b/ folder, but I just don't want to. These I just pulled randomly off of ED and imagechan - hopefully, someone will laugh lose.
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-04 13:39:31 UTC Post #258128
the batman and one after it was funny :P
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-04 15:04:28 UTC Post #258132
I agree, the others where a bit stupid.
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-04 16:19:27 UTC Post #258133
What the fuck are these from. I see them everywhere.

I lost hard on CSI Miami-guy putting on a second pair of shades.
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-04 16:19:27 UTC Post #258134
Damnit Daubster. The Gabe one got me and the Batman got me as well.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-04 16:41:06 UTC Post #258135
Sonic the Hedgehog, WCD
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-04 16:49:50 UTC Post #258136
Well, since today (November 4th) is the U.S. elections, I think this animated gif would fit right in with this thread:
User posted image
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-04 17:44:37 UTC Post #258137
heh cool
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-04 17:52:32 UTC Post #258139
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-04 18:05:30 UTC Post #258140
"Bla bla bla" was a little bit funny, but the other text? What?
User posted image
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-04 18:08:04 UTC Post #258141
Microsoft was really evil and I think they haven't changed . Remember Netscape ?
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-04 18:12:12 UTC Post #258142
I really don't like Microsoft, but I can't see how that image would be funny.
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-04 18:14:21 UTC Post #258143
This thread is made of suck, and fail.

Also, srsly, go back to /b/.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-04 18:20:17 UTC Post #258144
"Bla bla bla" was a little bit funny, but the other text? What?
I agree. You have to be careful on how much of the "geek factor" you throw in, The_(c)Striker. If it's not balanced right and your joke comes off more like a "statement" against Microsoft than an actual joke, the punch line could get lost to some people. Now, I did get it somewhat, but it could use a bit more refining on the text, especially on the ending. But it's still okay.
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-04 18:21:42 UTC Post #258145
I agree with Luke. These threads don't belong here.
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-04 18:26:31 UTC Post #258146
I agree with Luke. These threads don't belong here.
You don't belong in this thread.
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-04 18:28:31 UTC Post #258147
Oh don't be such bores. It's not like there are 100 threads made each day...

I actually find these pictures a great laugh, some I have even saved.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-04 18:45:54 UTC Post #258149
Didn't laugh. :tired: what do I win?

Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-04 18:50:08 UTC Post #258150

Chacaron Chacaron :D

You made me laugh damnit.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-04 18:52:18 UTC Post #258151
I agree with Luke. These threads don't belong here.

Quote: You don't belong in this thread.
Ha!.....Now that right there, is funny.
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-04 18:55:33 UTC Post #258152
Didn't laugh. tired - :tired: what do I win?
User posted image
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-04 18:56:16 UTC Post #258153
I have to agree, this thread is not something that is really appropriate for TWHL, but I'll leave it up until another moderator doesn't like it or you cross a line. (you're close to the line)
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-04 18:59:46 UTC Post #258154
User posted image
The line .
[EDIT] I hope you're not mad at me :D.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-04 19:56:59 UTC Post #258155
The line .
Well, after that, I supposed it's not just a matter of this thread being closed, but when.
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-04 20:05:47 UTC Post #258156
:o Oh Noes The Line ;O
User posted image
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-04 20:14:11 UTC Post #258157
I lol'd
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-04 20:18:29 UTC Post #258158
:o Oh Noes The Line ;O
Hehehe, nice come back pic there, Habboi.
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-04 20:50:27 UTC Post #258159
I'm going to delete some of the offensive pics, then leave this thread going. I don't mind funny pictures, just nothing so obviously /b/ related, please?
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-05 01:48:29 UTC Post #258165
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-05 01:55:00 UTC Post #258166
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-05 03:53:30 UTC Post #258171
Likes try to keep TWHL as it is, and not turn into some spam-tastic site like /b/.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-05 03:58:56 UTC Post #258172
Ha, he looks better with an afro hairdo
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-05 04:51:49 UTC Post #258174
please remove striker from this thread. k thnx

also i loled at the crazy batman one :s
edit: Click
Also Click

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Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-05 05:32:34 UTC Post #258175
please remove striker from this thread. k thnx
He isn't offending anyone. I can think of someone else I'd like to remove first anyway.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-05 06:12:45 UTC Post #258176
no but srsly, he removed all the fun from this thread
edit: atcually if i think about it, potatis did :| sorry striker... potatis and his dry jokes
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-05 06:14:02 UTC Post #258177
Just stop.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-05 06:19:06 UTC Post #258178
I found the following ones funny:
  • Daubster's Gabe Newell thing
  • ZombieLoffe's thrid one (23 year olds)
  • The_(c)Striker's "The Line"
Random stuff always makes me laugh :)
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-05 09:03:12 UTC Post #258180
User posted image
Thanks to the awesome picture gallery of :^_^:
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-05 09:23:38 UTC Post #258181
I laughed at ZL's batman post. Nothing else.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-06 23:44:02 UTC Post #258231
*sighs at constant lack of respect of other human beans (or beings) these days

That combine looks both tough and fat all rolled into one. :nuke:
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-07 06:31:48 UTC Post #258236
The game:

Whoever loses, nobody wins.
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