Since you all seem to be well experienced mappers I was wondering is any of you have any Ideas on how you would go about mapping for Natural-Selection. : I noticed the topic earlier about single player for CS. I do know how to map for half-life, I may not be the best or most creative mapper but i do know how to map. Anyway I was just wondering if any of you had gone over any thought about it, if you played the game. Some people have tried making single player maps for it but they were only, ah.....

......."n00b" mappers. Not it has been discussed at the natural selection mapping forum( about this every once in a while. I was curious about any thought you guys may have thought of to get around the problems you would have for mapping for NS.
I was generally thinking If any of you guys had thought about getting around the problems for mapping single player for ns I could get some people together to create a fun little single player training map or series of maps.
Just wondering, any help would be appriciated.