i was going to do my puzzle based on using physics objects but i had tons of trouble in the testing phase and i'm brand new to source mapping... plus i only thought of an idea 5 days before the end = ( [/excuse]
Anyway can't wait to see the results!

Created 16 years ago2008-09-17 01:31:46 UTC by
No deal.
Actually hlife_hotdog, all that money is very real. I recognize that photo, it was taken about 2 years ago in a big drug bust in Mexico. All that money was found in a mansion that belong to one of Mexico's most powerful drug cartels. There's cardboard under those bills! I just know it!
That's better ;oYay !
Even if cardboard's under it, that's still a kickass amount ;o
Striker, you honestly can't expect us to judge the entries in your favourOf course not, I hope you know joking :))
Yeh.. i'm sorry about that guys :/Yeah! Dont procrastinate.
I've got some hold ups on my end. I promise it'll be up this very next weekend.
Yeh.. i'm sorry about that guys :/I don't trust you.
I've got some hold ups on my end. I promise it'll be up this very next weekend.
Slow TWHL results are a necessity, you wouldn't come back to us otherwise. ;DYou better be kidding.