You need to zip it...
Like i said, you need to zip your file.
wow how the hell did I miss your first post?
anyway now I got it to work but it doesn't work the first time I press the button.
I made the button trigger a multi_manager which triggers the trigger_changetarget and then 1 second later the elevator but for some reason it would appear that it triggers the elevator first (yes, I doublechecked that the elevator has a value of 1 and the trigger_changetarget has a value of 0 in the multi_manager), because after the first time it works fine.
Anyway I posted
the map, please check it out. Meanwhile I'll download and check yours and maybe I'll be able to figure out something by myself.
EDIT: ok I checked your map but I can't find any difference except that you used 2 buttons and I used one with a multi_manager. Did I do something wrong in the multi_manager?