Hello! I am new to these forums but I have already been looking at tutorials on how to set up hammer but I am still having problems. I used this tutorial to help me setup Hammer 3.5 with steam (which btw is very annoying and valve should have a goldsource hammer like sdk): http://twhl.co.za/tutorial.php?id=47
I am having errors when compiling and I get the error: "Could not find filesystem dll to load."
Here are some Screens of what my Build Programs as well as Game Configurations look like:
For some reason my DOD won't load at all and it looks like all of the directories are correct, what am I doing wrong?
On a side note, because of these errors that I can't get past I have done research and found that you can use Hammer 4.x which is used for Source SDK to run Gold Source. I went to this site: http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/GoldSource_mapping_in_Hammer_4.x
I got as far as modifying Gameconfig.txt and I can actually see Day of Defeat under Ep1 for Source SDK. However I always get this error before Hammer Opens: "c:/steam/steamapps/account/dayofdefeat/dod/gameinfo.txt is not a valid format."
If I can get past this then I think I could make it work, however I really don't understand how to make my gameinfo.txt work. I put it in my dayofdefeat/dod folder like it says but there is no information on how to get it to work properly!
Any help on getting Hammer 3.5 to work with Day of Defeat on steam or any help on getting Hammer 4.x to work with goldsource would be much appreciated.
btw, why doesn't valve include a goldsource hammer within steam? it's really frustrating.