Func_trains with env_beams problem Created 15 years ago2009-06-09 13:36:38 UTC by josko_91 josko_91

Created 15 years ago2009-06-09 13:36:38 UTC by josko_91 josko_91

Posted 15 years ago2009-06-09 13:36:38 UTC Post #268121

I had a similar thread about how to get env_beam to move with a func_train, but I solved that. Now this time, Only the func_train that has the Start Entity name of the env_beam moves, the other func_train dosn't move at all, so it looks so wierd and ugly when one func_train move. I've checked many times on the other func_train but I cannot find any error. I'll write my setup:

Targetname: laser_btn
Target: laser_mm

Targetname: laser_mm
( turn smartedit off and:
laser1: .001 being the start entity target for the env_beam that is the first func_train
endlaser1: .001 is the end entity target for the env_beam that is the second func_train
laserbeam1: .001 is the Name of the env_beam
stop_laser1: 10, a trigger_relay that stops the first func_train
stop_endlaser1: 10, another trigger_relay that stops the second func_train
stop_beam1: 10, and another trigger_relay that stops the beam itself )

Targetname: stop_laser1
Target: laser1
Triggerstate: Off

Targetname: stop_endlaser1
Target: endlaser1
Triggerstate: Off

Targetname: stop_beam1
Target: laserbeam1
Triggerstate: Off

Func_train 1 ( The Start entity Target for the env_beam that works exactly how I want it to)
Targetname: laser1
Target: (First stop Target )laser1_1

Func_train 2 ( The End entity Target for the Env_beam that dosnt work at all, it dosn't move. It should move... )
Targetname: endlaser1
Target: (First stop Target ) laser1-1

Func_train 1's Path_corner ( The train that works )

Targetname: laser1_1
Target: (Next stop target) laser1_2

Targetname: laser1_2
Target: (Next stop target) laser1_3

Targetname: laser1_3
Target: (Next stop target) laser1_1
Spawnflags: Teleport, Wait for retrigger

And I have done the same with the path_corners for the other func_train that dosnt move, except, the name of the path_corners starts with laser1-1 and not laser1_1

Targetname: laserbeam1
Start entity: laser1
Ending entity: endlaser1
life: 0

Well I won't write down other keyvalues of the env_beam that I have, it's not relevant because I wanna focus on getting this thing to work and right now, the second func_train dosn't move at all, It only needs to move, if it does that, I have no more problem! :D So help me O' Mighty TWHL! D:
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-09 13:50:01 UTC Post #268122
Make sure your func_trains have an ORIGIN brush attached to it. Maybe you forgot to add one to the end train.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-09 15:32:51 UTC Post #268126
Both the trains have an Origin brush tied to them. Any other guess? :(
I can't get it why the end train won't move. Argh, anyways thanks for trying :)
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-09 15:43:43 UTC Post #268127
In that case i think you just simply have a naming/targeting problem.

I'd say name your entities like this:

Targetname: laserbeam1
Start entity: startbeam1
End entity: endbeam1

Targetname: startbeam1
Next stop target: startbeam1_p1

Targetname: endbeam1
Next stop target: endbeam1_p2

Targetname: startbeam1_p1
Next stop target) startbeam1_p2

Targetname: endbeam1_p1
Next stop target) endbeam1_p2

Or something like that...
If you can't figure it out, post the map in the problems map vault for anyone to look at and fix.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-09 17:39:49 UTC Post #268131
I went in noclip and found out that the second func_train did move, But the laser was pointing at it's start just like it didn't move, and When I went inside the wall and watched the second func_train the laser was suddenly moving along with it. Very wierd. And now the laser is just invisible, but it kills instantly when it's touched. I don't know what the heck is problem... Why do things always have to mess with me :/

I guess I will have to make a example map and make a replika of it and send in it so someone could look at it, Because this is too strange! Havn't seen anything like it before.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-10 09:57:02 UTC Post #268164
I guess I will have to make a example map and make a replika of it and send in it so someone could look at it, Because this is too strange! Havn't seen anything like it before.
Go right ahead because its very hard for us to figure out the problem by just reading your posts. We have to take a look at the map itself.
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