HL2 RPG Created 15 years ago2009-06-24 07:25:29 UTC by Tetsu0 Tetsu0

Created 15 years ago2009-06-24 07:25:29 UTC by Tetsu0 Tetsu0

Posted 15 years ago2009-06-24 07:28:15 UTC Post #268775
I'm sure you've all heard me mention my plans for a HL2 RPG...
And this thread isnt meant for a mod proposal, it's more of an idea thread.
I would like to call upon all the source mappers to help do SOMETHING with this idea. It's going to be a big project and all that, but it's nothing we can't handle. Expecially if we make it episodic, or at least release small quests and areas one at a time.
My basic idea for the RPG (Title unkown so far) is that this story takes place in an alternate universe. A universe when the combine came and helped us, not faught us. They advanced our technology parallel to their own, and the world is now a utopia.
Citizens of city 17 (a beach-side utopian-paradise) willingly and prodly stand up to join the metropolice and combine militia. And live comfortably knowing that they will stop any crimes that go on.

This is where gordon comes in...

In a teleporting accident gone wrong, a dimensional rift opens up and a clone of gordon appears in the alternate-reality paradise of city 17... Something's wrong though. When gordon appears, a stir is created within the socioty.
Who is this gordon character? Why doesnt he say anything? Why does he make me uneasy?...
Of course this is only an idea i thought up last night whilst trying to fall asleep. As for the scale of the Hl2 RPG, it takes place on a series of continents and islands. (I really want to base it somewhat off the "Planet TWHL" Thread) The first few quests and such will be focused on the Rimrookian Utopia island (Which is where this whole idea came from), then later on you move around to the others. As you stray further and further from the paradise, the world gets a bit more grungy.. it seems the world is only perfect on that one island..

I figure the following:

-My imagination only stretches so far when i'm already working on a project taking up 90% of my time
-More than one head is better than one head. I.E. If we discuss (seriously) ideas throughout the competetion time we should have a good base of events or ideas for the RPG
-Coding is needed. That's without a doubt. But like i said before, you can get simple RPG mechanics using only console commands. But the drawback to that is i don't know how to save the "Character level" data and commands for use the next time you load the map. Because when you quit the game, the console commands would have to reset to default to allow you to play other maps un-altered.
-Models may or may not be necessary. As the leveling system would go something like this:
Level 1 - Health: 50 Armor: 25 Crowbar damage: 3
Level 2 - Health: 52 Armor: 26 Crowbar damage: 4
Level 3 - Health: 54 Armor: 27 Crowbar damage: 5
Level 4 - Health: 56 Armor: 28 Crowbar damage: 6 (Pistol Unlocked: Damage: 5)

All done with console commands triggered from math_counters (Math counters being experience, or enemies killed, or whatever)

So let me know what you guys think. If you arent interested in it, then i may just keep this for my own little side project to work on over the period of: until i run out of ideas, or have something better to do.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-24 07:41:07 UTC Post #268778
Nice. I'll post any ideas in here.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-24 08:11:45 UTC Post #268784
Again, the story doesn't even have to follow that. It can do anything.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-01 21:53:24 UTC Post #269263
It sounds awesome but I have no skill to help carry this out.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-01 22:09:39 UTC Post #269264
I don't have any ideas for the story, really, but I know Source's I/O system quite well. I've toyed with the idea of RPG elements done entirely in the editor before, and I'm pretty sure I know how to pull of a dynamically changing objectives system, and a very basic map that updates with the objectives.

If this gets off the ground, I'll gladly lend a hand with the entity setups.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-01 23:41:14 UTC Post #269265
@ Strider

Sounds good to me.
I have a basic map set up to test out basic leveling, but i want to set up a grid of levels. Somewhere around 9 that inter-twine with one another. see if i can get a grid-based random creature spawner that'll add to the player-level math_counter.
I might be able to use a template_npc, but i'm not 100% sure how those work yet.

@ Naserve

you don't need skill. I'm looking for some ideas, or even some basic maps to use to test out the leveling and triggers.
It's not going anywhere right now due to the compo being up.
But in 18 days i can start to put some serious effort into it.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-02 02:58:18 UTC Post #269273
I have a basic map set up to test out basic leveling, but i want to set up a grid of levels. Somewhere around 9 that inter-twine with one another. see if i can get a grid-based random creature spawner that'll add to the player-level math_counter.
I might be able to use a template_npc, but i'm not 100% sure how those work yet.
I can definitely help with the template_npc and random spawning. I'll tinker around, looks like I've got 18 days to kill.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-02 10:07:28 UTC Post #269276
My ideas were a template_npc, and depending on which enemy you defeat, you'd gain X experience.
Like you'd get 2 x for a headcrab, 5 for a zombie, 6 antlion, 10 combine soldier.. ect ect

It all adds to a math_counter.

I'm not even sure if math_counter is the only way to go, or if there's a more efficient 'score' system... More ideas will come, i'll scribble them down as they storm up.
looks like I've got 18 days to kill
Not entering the compo, or are you done already? :hammer:
oh and btw.. Made a Webpage
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-03 00:55:04 UTC Post #269321
Yeah, I won't be entering.

I had a quick play with grid-based random spawning, should be quite easy with a logic_case and some template work. As for the level-up system, math_counter is really the best way I can think of. Perhaps a seperate one for every level you can reach.

The good thing is with it you can fire off outputs to increase your level, give out basic rewards like weapons, and update any Hammer-built displays we can come up with (like having your level progress display on the map, or objectives screens). Upgrading your health, suit and damage is where it gets tricky.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-03 01:21:41 UTC Post #269323
That's exactly where i stopped experimenting. I don't think we should mess with damage given to the player, only then we'd have to modify each damage attribute for every NPC

But if you increase the health, almost the same effect is achieved.

Now the logic case is just for organization right?
And can't they only go up to 16?
So we're limited to a 4x4 grid, or just use more than one...
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-03 01:36:23 UTC Post #269326
We can use a logic_case with every grid, so it's basically limitless. It gives us 16 possible outcomes (which can be randomised) when we enter a grid. So we can have a 4/16 chance of Headcrabs appearning, 2/16 of Zombies, 1/16 for a Hunter, while the rest have no outcome, or dump some helpful items for the player somewhere. Something along those lines.

I'll finish up the little test map I've been working on and pass it on to you. I think it should work quite well. It's also great for 'personalising' every grid section. So if you wanted one small area to be a particularly dangerous place, we can up the chances of enemies spawning there.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-03 11:05:24 UTC Post #269351
wow. It's like a pokemon set-up. Wicked.
That's a good thing because i liked the way pokemon set up the random encounters. So far you've done more work than me on this, But i was a dumbass and started 3 projects at the same time. It's ok thought because when i get bored with one i just move to another.

So the mechanics are basically done.
We need something like a storyline..

Did i mention i want to do this for episode 2?
Well i want to do this for episode 2.
If not that's ok.
Get all the fancy new particle effects and whatnot
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-03 11:09:25 UTC Post #269353
So far you've done more work than me on this
I've really only got a dev textured box and a couple of entities. :P

And Episode Two is more than fine, I love the particle editor.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-06 16:14:46 UTC Post #269515
Sounds great. If only I could map for Source.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-05 12:32:50 UTC Post #271514
Right then. So now the compo is well over with and i have lost all hope for my life outside of work (aside from golfing)
Some more time can be devoted so the HL2RPG!
I've started working on some large expansive areas. No screenies yet, because I've just been doing copius amounts of displacement mapping, but i'm trying to work on making source look good.... need moar fog.
I'm trying to flesh out some generic quest triggers, and strider has some random event stuff he's been working on. Hopefully pretty soon we can get a working 'alpha-demo' of sorts.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-05 14:44:11 UTC Post #271523
I am so bored. You can have this to use and abuse as you please. I also have the photoshop file incase you want to tweak it. Just say the word.
User posted image
Also, if you're taking suggestions still:

Customizable Freeman
  • Hair Styles (including facial)
  • Hair Colours (including facial)
  • Accessories (Hats, Glasses, Scars, Piercings)
  • Skin Tones
  • HEV Colour
I'm sure this could be achieved using multiple textures, sub models and overlays. :P

Another picture for you. I'm going Photoshop crazeh today!
User posted image
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-05 15:01:30 UTC Post #271537
Oh god... we're working towards a tech demo at this point. (I speak on behalf of myself and strider, which i shouldnt, but wtf)

My ideas are: get a tech demo, get some support, make some levels, quests, other features.. (keeping default weps and such)... see how far it goes..
Maybe release a playable demo..

(time frame possibly 2 years)

Or, like most my projects, it'll die.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-05 15:53:55 UTC Post #271541
I second the customizable freeman. Valve did the HEV colour in HLDM, so it's possible to do. If you get enough modelers, you could make a whole new world!
The accessories could be done with separate models put on attachements. And an inventory system. Give some of the items stats.
Trilby: adds 25% damage resistance to your HEV, as long as you have power.

Get a coder, make this an awsome mod with a dedicated comunity! I've wanted to make an FPS RPG with source for a while now, so maybe if I get highspeed I could help.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-05 16:11:40 UTC Post #271542
Yeah, does anyone actually know how they did that color modify thing with HLDM?

That could provide some insight on how to change HEV suit colors, hair colors etc...
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-05 16:17:28 UTC Post #271543
I'm not sure on a code basis, but the colour always seemed to modify two tones on the "dm_base" texture.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-05 17:28:01 UTC Post #271557
Well These are all good ideas. And Customization's are key to any decent RPg, but i want INCREDIBLY basic functionality first. TEHN move on to coding so that functionality is easier to work with. (for now it's all custom console commands which would be VERY easy to bypass with sv_cheats 1)
After the funcionality comes the customizations and the goodies and so on and so forth. Kinda like NS or the recent AoC
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-05 18:15:19 UTC Post #271569
Disco Stu likes that! Disco Stu wants to be a mapper for it some day.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-05 18:57:51 UTC Post #271573
I like the story. Good luck.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-05 19:27:42 UTC Post #271574
If you need more story ideas, just link me to the thread and remind me which map you're using. :)
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-05 19:38:25 UTC Post #271576
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-05 20:05:35 UTC Post #271577
I think I'll show that to my brother when he comes home, last year he tried to make an RPG but failed.
EDIT: 30-day free trial then you have to buy it? That's crap, especially since you can't really sell the games you make with it.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-05 20:13:56 UTC Post #271579
Thanks for the tip rimrook, but that kinda defeats the purpose of making it in the source engine. So it's readily availible on steam.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-05 20:16:10 UTC Post #271580
XD My brother already downloaded the free trial for me. Guess I HAVE to try it when he comes home now. :)
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-05 22:01:28 UTC Post #271587
Woah woah woah. People need to stop talking about stats and customisation and all that, it's making my head spin. D:

I'm still wrapping my mind around the most basic functionality in Hammer. Anything beyond that is coding-related and basically a pipe dream at this stage.

We don't have a story, a world, or anything. As it stands it's really just a "Can it be done?" concept for now.

Things I'm hoping to include in the "tech demo":

Random spawning enemies
Basic functionality already working.

Goes by chance when you enter a region. Can be expanded to include randomised item placement. Spawn outcomes can even be changed due to outside circumstances, say the player has become infamous, we can lower the chances of dangerous wildlife appearing and throw in the chance of soldiers appearing.

3D objectives screen
Idea's fleshed out on paper. Pretty sure I know how to pull it off.

Would update dynamically based on set outcomes for each mission. All possible outcomes are covered, but only make minor changes to the flow of the story, and what the player is rewarded with.

3D inventory screen
Same status as the above.

Would have a section for weapons and items you aquire (no stats yet), but also mission-specific objects (will have basic stats relating to their usage). Say you aquire a car motor, it would display your options for what you can do with it. It'll then update once you're finished with it, being blanked out and saying something like:

"Given to Blargh to fix Jalopy. REWARD: Jalopy"
"Sold to Garrr for high price. REWARD: 10,000 Wing Wangs"

XP/Reward system
Same status as above.

Shouldn't be hard to do. I already know how to reward the player with perks such as increases in speed, jump height, weaponry and possible even an adrenaline system for temporary slow-down (call it "reflexes"). Things like max health, armour, and ammo would be nice, but more than likely need coding.

These can all be abused by the console, unfortunately, but they'll work as proof-of-concept. They can probably be locked out at a later date.

God damn, huge post.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-05 22:48:49 UTC Post #271588
Yeah... The inventory system can be like the Quija one.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-05 23:47:19 UTC Post #271591
Garrr doesn't have 10,000 Wing Wangs! He's trying to rip you off, watch out!
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-06 00:41:27 UTC Post #271594
Darn Garrr.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-06 07:45:15 UTC Post #271606
I'm just waiting for the day that once we get everything working as we want it to.. We're probably going to have to do some custom code.
I'm still fleshing out that quest.. I had a look at the particle editor in game yesterday. I got scared and stopped mapping... :death:
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-07 11:00:32 UTC Post #271608
Well, get a tech demo, then you can attract a coder.
Good Luck.
EDIT: Hey, I found a page with an XP tutorial on it!
The talk page has steps on how to impelement it in SP. :)
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-07 12:03:24 UTC Post #271665
Good find JeffMOD! We'll have to keep that for later on, after we actually start doing something with it.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-07 12:09:27 UTC Post #271666
Ahh, Hell with it. Count me in on this. I'll help out in any way I can.

Textures, Icons, Logos, Skins, Voice acting.

I can in no way help with Mapping or Modelling with Source. I suck at both.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-07 13:59:59 UTC Post #271669
We can probably use all of those. But The project needs to get off the ground first.
I really just need to sit down on skype or MSN with strider and get everythig organized.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-07 14:02:57 UTC Post #271670
i love the idea. it's a huge project tho. I'd help but I'm not that skilled in anything :P.

However i can help out with the story and stuff. now, about the idea for you being a clone of Gordon, I don't think that would work. RPG's are meant to be played by a lot of people at once, it just seems stupid if there's like 50 clones of Gordon running around the place at once.

It would be much better if each player is a different individual. The player doesn't necessarily need a back story. it's up to them what they do with their character. If all of them would be clones of Gordon Freeman, the feeling of individuality would be lost. also, it would make no sense if you were able to customize your character... since hes Gordon Freeman, one individual man.
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-07 14:11:10 UTC Post #271671
Who said this is multiplayer? Take a look at fable.. or the final fantasy series...
Never said this is a MMO.. It would be great if it could be.
My plans were to have it be like a fable game.
Follow a general story, but level up and stuff along the way.
Like i said. I want to at least start small. Very Small.
Let's get the tech demo out first and move on from there..

I'm starting to think strider and i should just have private meetings.. :nya:
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-07 14:15:21 UTC Post #271672
Oh, i taught u meant it as Multiplayer. Still being Gordons clone would be a big minus. like for example, if you can't talk, how will you get quests from quest givers? it would seem dumb if they just come up to u, tell u to do that and that's it.

edit: about the level system u typed up a few posts ago. I don't think it would work if you just threw weapons at the player when he levels up. If you did there would be no sense of rewards. like what would be the point of doing quests if you get the same guns from just leveling anyway?
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-07 14:24:47 UTC Post #271673
Not saying you get guns from quests.
But you can put level restrictions on different guns. like you cant even hold an rpg cuz you're not at level 20.
and even at level 20 the rpg is terribly innacurate, a bit weak, and doesnt get better til say 25 when you've been using it for a while.

Or we can do a COD4 sort of thing, where the more u use a weapon the better it gets. And we can offset the whole 'spam the pistol' thing by having differnt ammo and armor types with set strenghts and weakness... resistances... succeptabilites...

Again, i'm getting far too ahead of myself here.

Anyway. they'll be a market system. The quests will reward some weapons, maybe ammo.. like you'll have to unlock the smg grenade function only after completing a quest... Idk

Yeah and just gaining a level doesnt grant you a weapon. It grants you upgrades. Your wallett determines what weapons you have.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-07 14:36:13 UTC Post #271674
that's not what i meant. before you said:

"Level 1 - Health: 50 Armor: 25 Crowbar damage: 3
Level 2 - Health: 52 Armor: 26 Crowbar damage: 4
Level 3 - Health: 54 Armor: 27 Crowbar damage: 5
Level 4 - Health: 56 Armor: 28 Crowbar damage: 6 (Pistol Unlocked: Damage: 5)"

And what i meant was, if you unlocked weapons from only leveling and you could then buy them in a shop, questing wont be necessary, and that would be bad. What you should do is make rare weapons and unlocking weapons quest rewards.

Also, i can help out with the Multiplayer a bit, with a few ideas.

There are a few simple ways you can make your multiplayer rpg world possible. like my first idea is:

If you have 4-5 huge maps, you can get 4-5 different servers hosting one of the maps each and then the player would go to the maps according to his level, but then you would need to find a way to save the players xp when he quits or changes server.

If you don't like this method there is another way; like you can get 1 Big server and use the method some servers like css warcraft servers use, Where the players Xp is saved in the servers data base and updated every time he plays. But if you do this, you would need to find a way how to host all the maps in the server at once, cause I'm guessing you'd have more than one map in the mod.
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-07 14:39:57 UTC Post #271675
SP first. Start small.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-07 17:04:02 UTC Post #271683
You could purchase weapons in a shop but only be able to use them at a certain level. Their damage should be down to:

A) The weapon itself
B) The players level

Thats how every RPG I've played works.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-07 17:24:33 UTC Post #271686
And have some weapon functions start off disabled.
Like you either have no double barrel shot with the shotgun, or always use it. Then when you level up, you can use the other. Sometimes when I'm playing HL I'll use just the double barrel for a while, until "Gordon" "Learns" that not both barrels have to be fired at once.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-07 17:36:55 UTC Post #271687
Scientist 1: Find me a Xen crystal sample and I'll give you this magnificent crowbar.

Scientist 2: The power is off in this complex so I can't open the secure storage room to give you this Xen crystal sample. I need you to get me a fully charged power battery from the prototype teleportation lab in section A-17.

Security guard: You can not take that battery away from the lab, it's a secure area. Oh I'm so thirsty, but I can't leave my post to get a drink...

Scientist 3: That vending machine only works with quarters. I have a couple here I could give you, but first I'd like you to do something for me...
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-07 17:56:44 UTC Post #271690
I'll help in any way i can too. send smallish specific tasks and i'll try to oblige. I should say i don't have much experience with rpg games... pretty much zero. = )
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-07 18:31:35 UTC Post #271693
idk if this has already been mentioned but why don't you add new weapons? Add money so you can buy stuff from stores, like a tricked out HEV suit that makes you run faster, jump higher, etc, how about helmets? Make some cool armor and weapons, and add new enemys. But do make it so you get decent items from the quests, and I don't know if you would like this concept but why not make it so you need to have a sertant skill to use that weapon. Those are just ideas off the top of my head.

EDIT:Also, if you want me to map for it i'll do some things here and there
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-07 18:57:54 UTC Post #271695
New HEV upgrades for speed, armor, and jumping.
Breen's Private reserve can be tossed, droped with E, or stowed in the inventory with the mouse drop.
Using it as an item has drinking for health, and throwing. Since it's an alternate universe, it's good for you. Includes hand model when in inventory.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-07 19:13:36 UTC Post #271697
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
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