Last movie you saw? Created 15 years ago2009-09-07 16:21:32 UTC by Saribous Saribous

Created 15 years ago2009-09-07 16:21:32 UTC by Saribous Saribous

Posted 15 years ago2009-09-14 22:05:39 UTC Post #273350
Interesting question. I will have to look in to that....
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-14 22:34:00 UTC Post #273351
I think Shane sucked Tim's c*ck or something. Because shane's career seems kinda short to have so many prestigious people work on 9.

Wiki Page
Tim Burton's name on the title gave the movie its initial interest.

Also, Ponyo... yes. Has anyone seen it? I'm with Tito on this one. Is it good?
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-26 16:48:10 UTC Post #273716
Pandorum: Didn't like it, but i have very high expectations for this type of film. All the monster-creatures look like Ed Begley JR... =P

Surrogates: Highly disappointing... =(

Oh and ponyo is, well.. let's just say it's not my style of movie and i didn't enjoy it. I kinda feel the same about 9 as in the story being very pointless, but i'll shut up about it since most people seemed to enjoy it. I certainly enjoyed animation tho, even if they jacked the monster-machines from the matrix.. = )
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-26 17:58:32 UTC Post #273720
I watched "Drag me to Hell" earlier today. I thought it was pretty dull and predictable. The special effects kinda bad too, you know when it's really obvious when something is CG, the effects look plasered on top of the scene as opposed to actually being IN the scene if you know what I mean.

One strange thing I realised as I was watching it was that the film-makers must have some fetish revolving around throwing blood/worms/slime etc into the face of the woman in the lead role.

Some occurences;
  • Girl gets face almost sucked right off my old lady with no teeth, not once but twice
  • Girl gets maggots vomited into her mouth by same old lady
  • Girl gets old lady's arm shoved down her throat, down to the elbow
Strange film, and not very good :P
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-26 18:28:59 UTC Post #273724
Seems like that girl's pretty talented with her mouth.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-26 19:17:24 UTC Post #273727
That's what I thought as well! It definitely had some strange undertones :P
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-27 04:13:00 UTC Post #273739
I came across Akira in 720p, so I got it and watched again for the sake of nostalgia. Last saw it when I was 13.

It's incredible how the fluid animation is still putting everything else to shame 21 years later. It was also nice to be able to make sense of the plot.

Akira is a god damn classic.

Also got around to watching Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels on Friday.
Another very popular movie that most people have probably seen, but pretty still pretty great.
It's hilarious and intelligent, though I liked Snatch better. Damn that ending, though.

Edit: Their "rifle" was full of win.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-27 12:47:19 UTC Post #273745
District 9.

Pretty undecided how I feel about it. Lot's of really awesome ideas, but some pretty big problems at the same time.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-27 16:41:28 UTC Post #273754
Such as?
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-27 19:41:21 UTC Post #273758
I rather liked Drag Me To Hell, but i had no expectations going in... i liked that the old lady kept pulling her hair out too everytime they met..


Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-27 21:45:50 UTC Post #273760
Such as?
Well it started off as a very smart sci-fi, but as it went on it kind of just dissolved into a cheesy splatter-fest. The violence felt pretty suitable at the start, given the theme of the movie, but I got tired pretty fast of seeing people 'pop' all over the place just for the sake of it.

I think it just became too ridiculous at the end, and shot itself in the foot after a pretty incredible start. I'd also like to know why the aliens use all our mannerism in their speech.

Anyway there's still a lot of things I do like about the movie, so I'm still deciding.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-27 22:43:44 UTC Post #273768
Well said Strider, I have to agree. I don't mind gunfights but they all basically follow the same script, you know the protagonist is going to get injured by the antagonist but still survive, and then get his revenge. The film was more unique before they started toting guns like crazy texans.

[quote]I rather liked Drag Me To Hell, but i had no expectations going in... i liked that the old lady kept pulling her hair out too everytime they met..


How it scored 7.6 on imdb is a mystery in my opinion.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-28 00:02:42 UTC Post #273769
I love akira! - Can't you tell?
I saw surrogates friday night. And it was good. Not great, but good. There were some bad acting moments, and some WTF moments, and it was incredibly predictable. But it was a good movie. My only disappointment was in the fact that Breaking Benjamin's New single was 'in the movie' as the second song in the credits.
Needless to say my girl and i were the only 2 idiots in the theater enjoying it.

And strider, I'd expect the aliens to use our mannerisms after they've been on our planet for years. you pick up on things after you're in an environment.

When in rome...
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-28 00:20:51 UTC Post #273773
And strider, I'd expect the aliens to use our mannerisms after they've been on our planet for years. you pick up on things after you're in an environment.
Perhaps, but it seemed pretty forced. Like they've just completely adopted human speech, the only difference is they're saying it in their language. I'd draw a very nerdy comparison to the Vortigaunts. They're kind of the same, only they're not totally correct or comfortable with common phrases and structuring.

I saw Surrogates myself recently, agree with your view on it. It's a completely predictable and average sci-fi movie, but there's no reason you can't just sit down and enjoy it.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-28 01:53:15 UTC Post #273777
Perhaps, but it seemed pretty forced. Like they've just completely adopted human speech, the only difference is they're saying it in their language
I was thinking that in the cinema while I was watching it. But it's still a pretty good film.
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-28 04:18:58 UTC Post #273780
Drag me to Hell was horrible, and not in a horror movie gross kinda way.
Horrible in a shitty fucking film kinda way.

District 9 used subtitles. In any film with a foreign language and subtitles, alien or not, the subtitles aren't an exact translation. They are changed to convey the same message, but in the idiom of the language they're translating to.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-28 07:17:13 UTC Post #273781
Noone does exact translations, the result would be looking like something Babelfish spit out.
ChickenFist ChickenFist<Witty Title>
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-28 10:25:47 UTC Post #273783
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-29 16:17:24 UTC Post #273860
Lol unbreakable, here they just started with the 5th season 2 minutes ago.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-29 18:30:19 UTC Post #273863
I'm going to see the midnight showing of Zombieland with some buddies this Thursday. I'm quite looking forward to it.
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-07 20:41:45 UTC Post #274169

fucking fantastic.


Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-07 21:44:20 UTC Post #274172
We were supposed to see it last fucking Thursday and half of the group backed out and said we could go Friday. Friday came and the same people didn't want to go because of higher weekend prices, and opted for next Tuesday. Tuesday came and one jackass said he couldn't go because he had a test to study for so nobody else wanted to go.
We're finally going to see it this coming Thursday... hopefully.
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-09 09:23:32 UTC Post #274212
Inglorious Basterds.

Not what I'd usually watch, and it dragged on more than I expected. But still an alright movie.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-09 11:17:35 UTC Post #274213
The Soloist:
It was alright, but the ending sucked.
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-09 11:33:44 UTC Post #274214
Yes! Finally saw Zombieland!

Fucking hilarious, clever, and cool. Go see it. Go.
Also Bill Murray.
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-09 11:57:12 UTC Post #274215
i know, right! :D
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-09 12:04:54 UTC Post #274216
He's not very good at practical jokes.
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-09 13:42:33 UTC Post #274218
District 9 two weeks ago. Good stuff, but the ending kind of ruined it for me. Cheesy stuff.
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-09 20:07:08 UTC Post #274225
State of play: snore too much talking for a 2 hour movie
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-15 03:57:35 UTC Post #274410
I watched "The Thaw" two days ago and it was absolutely terrible. Really.

Okay here's the story, let's see if you guys can find out which older (and far superior) movie "the thaw" rips off:

A team of researchers discover the corpse of a mammoth trapped in ice in Yukon. After thawing the corpse they discover that it is infested with tiny organisms that basically lay eggs under your skin and thus kills you. The whole movie takes place on a remote research base in the middle of nowhere, it has a scene in which a helicopter gets shot down, and the movie ends with the whole base burning to the ground.

Sound familiar?
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-15 09:13:19 UTC Post #274411
Even 'The Thing' sounds more in-depth than that :\
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-15 10:08:06 UTC Post #274413
Heh, what a ripoff.

The Thing is too awesome a movie to smear like that.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-15 13:56:20 UTC Post #274415
100% agreed. And to make things even worse, Wal Kilmer is in it -.-
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-15 14:02:50 UTC Post #274416
I loved The Thing.
And I saw Event Horizon yesterday. It was awesome, but when I watched it again with the director commentary I found myself agreeing with him every time he said it wasn't horrific enough.
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-15 15:01:16 UTC Post #274417
Unbreakable. Great movie with superb ending.
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-15 15:49:21 UTC Post #274418
Zombieland was disappointing at best! Not one of better movies Woody has done. I thought it needed less story line and more killing! Too much plot!

I gave it a dismal 6 out of 10.
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-15 16:05:06 UTC Post #274420
I hope you brought flame repellant, kdunivan :D
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-18 13:21:46 UTC Post #274549
Watched Public Enemies last night.
Pretty awesome but it. was. long.
Very stylish with a lot of very cool characters, except Christian Bale's southern character wasn't played off very well.
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-19 02:17:40 UTC Post #274588
Watched 'Sunshine Cleaners' last night.

A really good movie and very down to earth. 9/10
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-19 08:41:56 UTC Post #274591
The Spirit.

Or more specifically the first 20 minutes of it before I turned it off.

Awful stuff.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-19 09:55:33 UTC Post #274593
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-19 23:52:59 UTC Post #274658
Finished watcing Pi again. It was even better the second time, and this probably won't be the last time I watch it.
Need to get it on DVD...

Awesome mindfuck of a movie, and easily one of my favorites.
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-24 10:29:32 UTC Post #274777
Watched Paranormal Activity just now. It was an pretty decent movie as far as horror films go, no clich? monster-jumps-out-accompanied-by-loud-sound-effect moments thankfully.

I'd say the claims of "scariest film this year" are unwarranted, but it does give you a sort of creeping feeling, like something is about to happen. Worth a watch at the very least.

Posted 14 years ago2009-10-24 10:58:20 UTC Post #274778
I know this is not a regular movie, but I think it deserves a look:

Just saw the first 8 minutes of the upcoming remake of the TV series V. You can watch it here:
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-24 11:34:52 UTC Post #274779
thought it needed less story line and more killing! Too much plot!
That's a joke right? You're joking? It was an attempt to derive humour from a clearly inaccurate point, yes?


hlife_hotdog, you should watch the original State of Play TV drama. Much better.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-24 16:29:21 UTC Post #274790
Watched Planet Terror last night. Nice little zombie movie. I'm sure I've seen a picture or something of the chick with a gun for a leg somewhere before, must have been for this.

Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-24 21:02:23 UTC Post #274796
in the movies, inglorious bastards, was very good.

on computer, lord of war, also very good.
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-25 06:55:04 UTC Post #274804
Watched Memento last night. Turns out Christopher Nolan did some pretty sweet movies even before the over-hyped (but still epic) Dark Knight. Very clever movie, I must say, with an unpredictable twist in the end. Worth watching.
Taylor TaylorJohn Romero's Bitch
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-29 13:08:57 UTC Post #274936
Saw Adventureland on Teusday. It had it's moments, but ultimately it was ultimately a lame "nerd gets girl" story, which wasn't what I expected at all. It turned out to be more of a romantic comedy than anything else.
5/10 - will not see again.

Next up on my list, Pisma myortvogo cheloveka!
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-29 16:25:44 UTC Post #274943
Watched all four Alien movies and Aliens vs Predator - Requiem.

Frick'n awesome stuff.
7/10 - Alien
9/10 - Aliens
6/10 - Alien3
7.5/10 - Alien: Resurrection
8/10 - Aliens vs Predator - Requiem
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
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