Anything and everything is progress. So did anyone check out chicco's bedroom by zemeck in the vault? Its very cool and inspirational. He used a very large scale. I've put countless hours into my map so far making my guitar and everything. I have a lot more to go though like the closets, custom textures, lighting, and more. I am going to do something really cool with my tv as well but it will be a surprise.
Just something to think about. Think about the gameplay of the map. Make it flowable where the player can pretty much get around the entire map without having to climb ladders. Stack books, lean things against tall things that the player can run up. Make things reachable in jumping distance. Add "water". Put a glass of water, a beer bottle, anything the player can swim in. Think about what would be cool to go into if you were small. Maybe the paintball gun you have in your closet. Put it on the floor and map it so that you can walk through the barrel and into the hopper. Map your hamster cage so that you can go into it. Map your fish tank! "I did

" and make the fish swim around. Use neat ways of movement. In one of the counterstrike rats maps a sponge acts as a bounce. A toy gun can become a turret. Make your lights and fan controllable. Let the player be able to change the channel on the tv.
Most of all add ambience. This really brings life to the map. Make the closet sound like a cave with blue and green lighting. Make the attick floor boards squeek. Make your clocks tick, your computer hum. Just make an awesome map for the server so it will bring in more players!