Rooms (mini co-op project) Created 16 years ago2008-12-29 22:45:57 UTC by Captain Terror Captain Terror

Created 16 years ago2008-12-29 22:45:57 UTC by Captain Terror Captain Terror

Posted 15 years ago2009-10-01 16:52:58 UTC Post #273957
Oh and Disco, Striker's room will not be in this version, but in version 2.
That teleport is also supposed to take you to the menu map and not the first room, but this will be addressed soon. (i fixed the other things you already mentioned btw, thanks =))
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-10-01 23:31:53 UTC Post #273961
Cool! That means I don't need to say I click (shoot) "Audio commentary" and then "confirm".

I did wonder whether it might be related to the download getting cut off short. I'll try to download it once again just in case it can catch 3 or 4 extra kb :P
Posted 15 years ago2009-10-02 00:10:58 UTC Post #273962
If it's an archive of any form (in this case a rar file), it either won't open or give you an error message when you extract it if it's not complete. Downloading it again would probably be a waste of time.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 15 years ago2009-10-02 00:20:31 UTC Post #273963
I did get an error actually. But it was just for one file. Unless it doesn't know when the download is incomplete and there are more files missing (I thought there'd be some kind of index?)
Posted 15 years ago2009-10-02 06:49:33 UTC Post #273966
Captian, it has been brought to my attention by Discostu that one of the textures in my second room is misaligned due to the resizing of the security monitor textures in my wad.
User posted image
Thanks for the pic, Discostu.
Posted 15 years ago2009-10-02 14:58:31 UTC Post #273971
Hey Captain T.

I'm responding to your message here. Overall the mod works pretty well.

The commentary didn't appear to work for me, but I don't see any sound files for any such thing either.

Also, you haven't activated my splash. :P You need to change the WON version to be called splash.bmp, not urbysplash.bmp
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 15 years ago2009-10-02 15:24:04 UTC Post #273972
Crap, i've just uploaded the mod for CT to final test before he uploads it for the public, so he has to fix that splash thingy himself.

I've also fixed the following:

Readded missing rad file for Muzz's/Atom's map
Fixed misaligned texture in JeffMod's second map
Fixed dissapearing face in Rimrook's map
Fixed "Too many entities in visible packet list" error in all maps
Some minor optimizations in Nefarious's map (that was a sucker!)

So w00t, its almost here, people!
Posted 15 years ago2009-10-02 15:39:16 UTC Post #273974
Must... hurry...
Posted 15 years ago2009-10-02 15:52:55 UTC Post #273975
Fixed misaligned texture in JeffMod's second map
Muzz, I love you! Thanks so much!
EDIT: CT, It's been brought to my attention that there is an error in my second map; the door on the side can be opened even if the player has not picked up the secret...
I hope this is fixed in V2.
Posted 15 years ago2009-10-04 19:12:03 UTC Post #274046
I must apologize that i've been "missing" for the past couple of days, as i've been in a nyquil-induced coma due to my contracting the h1n1 flu virus...
(not really but i had something nasty, and i'm just starting to feel normal again!)

Anyway, muzz has finished the final compile for version one and i guess it's time for us to start beta testing? After i'm done downloading the final compile by Atom, i have a couple of small changes to make, and then i'll post a link. Thanks again to muzz for compiling everything! =)
The commentary didn't appear to work for me, but I don't see any sound files for any such thing either.
That's distrubing, as DiscoStu had the same problem. You definitely double-clicked(shot at, takes two shots to bring up the submenu) the "audio commentary" and then clicked the confirm button with the caption saying "play rooms with audio commentary"?

The audio files are in the media folder, as the audio commentary makes use of the trigger_cdaudio entity.
Also, you haven't activated my splash. tongue - :P You need to change the WON version to be called splash.bmp, not urbysplash.bmp
i wasn't expecting for many people to play it in won, but i'll make the change and hopefully it will work for you. (i currently don't have a computer that will run won half-life. =( )

Jeffmod: You need to send me a working and tested version of your map. in the future, i would expect you to test your map and make sure all your triggers work BEFORE you send it, please.

If it's something simple i can fix in a short amount of time, then contact me by pm and maybe i can fix it for you. otherwise, it's going to stay that way..... = )
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-10-04 19:31:49 UTC Post #274047
Jeffmod: You need to send me a working and tested version of your map
I would if I could, but Hammer keeps messing up the maps I make for vanila HL somehow, like it knows I'm not intending to use it in spirit. :(
EDIT: PM should be in your box.
Posted 15 years ago2009-10-04 20:12:24 UTC Post #274048

Author Commentary and a slew of other things DO NOT work in minimod format fsr! Doors operated by trigger multiple start open, as well other problems... Shame on me for not testing in mod format sooner, but does ANYONE have an explanation why the gameplay would be different AT ALL from minimod version compared to playing the content out of the Valve folder?
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-10-04 20:14:42 UTC Post #274049
Different DLL, maybe?
Or HL.exe hates us all.
Posted 15 years ago2009-10-04 20:21:22 UTC Post #274050
It works fine for me under WON HL. Commentary does'nt however. Ill try Steam HL now.
Edit: The heck! Commentaries work under Steam HL. For me anyway, that is.
Posted 15 years ago2009-10-04 20:25:17 UTC Post #274051
As long as WON works, I'm happy.
Sorry, Steam users.
Posted 15 years ago2009-10-04 20:46:08 UTC Post #274052
Same as Mighty Atom here. Works fine on WON HL, except for the audio commentary which is completely absent. Only after reading your post I noticed the "media" folder, and it is indeed all there. Unfortunately, I can't test in Steam HL (I think I've already told why) so this is all I have.

Edit: Although a bit hard to understand (esp. :10 - :15), thanks for the audio comment blush :glad:
Posted 15 years ago2009-10-04 21:00:49 UTC Post #274053
Do you have CD music on, Stu? The commentary just replaces the CD songs.
Posted 15 years ago2009-10-04 21:02:43 UTC Post #274054
I don't think WON HL "knows" how to play mp3's from the media folder, as the soundtracks of Half-Life are played from the Half-Life CD.
Steam HL probably received an update that allows it to play mp3's from the Media folder.

Im not really sure if the above is correct though.

If you still want commentaries to work under WON HL, you can just convert those mp3's back to wavs and put them under sound\commentaries or something like that and then use ambient_generics to play them.
Posted 15 years ago2009-10-04 22:49:05 UTC Post #274059
I'm sure I do have CD music on. Makes sense that mp3 playing was only implemented for Steam HL, hence I expected the commentary to be under \sound\whatever.
Posted 15 years ago2009-10-05 01:34:26 UTC Post #274065
The commentary just replaces the CD songs.
Honestly, this seems to be a rather silly way of doing it. Is there a reason why it's not done the way Muzz suggested?
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 15 years ago2009-10-06 15:45:31 UTC Post #274131
i thought the quality was way better but maybe i'm wrong?

Update: After the final compile by MuzzAtom(and quite a few fixes performed by him as well) we've come to the conclusion that this version is not ready for release just yet. There aren't that many things left to do, but i've been getting raped LITERALLY at work lately, working really long days, after which, the last thing i want to do is turn a compuer on. = (

So i'm sorry to report it will be be a little bit longer before we're ready. I'm going to work on the changed a little bit before i go to bed. My goal is to fix/test at least half the stuff before sleepie times... = )

That is all! thanks for your exquisite patience! = )
Some minor optimizations in Nefarious's map (that was a sucker!)
Yeah how did you manage to eliminate that error? Plus the "too many visible entities" seemed impossible for me to fix, even after combining multiple func_walls into one, all over the map! = )
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-10-06 15:56:43 UTC Post #274133
Yeah how did you manage to eliminate that error? Plus the "too many visible entities" seemed impossible for me to fix, even after combining multiple func_walls into one, all over the map! = )
All i did was turning some very small detail objects into illusionaries, their cheaper than func_walls.

I also remade some detail objects because some brush shapes were made using two or more individual brushes, while the same shape and look could've been achieved with just one single brush.

And finally i applied the BEVEL texture to unseen faces of brush entities, especially to the water stream brushes.

All that apparently fixed that memory leak error.
Seriously, what horrible job it was.

Don't feel bad, Nefarious! :D
Posted 15 years ago2009-10-06 16:05:22 UTC Post #274135
sounds kinda like what i had to do to get zeeba's map to work, except, add enlarging texture scales...

Nice work! = )
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-10-06 21:02:39 UTC Post #274142
Mmmm, guess I should have been paying more attention to this. What memory leak? As from what I remember the only thing I had any problems with were the r_speeds spikes.

And yeah, I know. It was made a week before classes resumed so the entire map was left unoptimized aside from a few tweaks done on the fly (nulls, func_walls, etc). Quite frankly, I was also sick of looking at the thing, so sorry about that.

By the way, I haven't checked the updated versions of the rooms (as I don't have the password). I noticed that in one of the original releases the angle of light_environment didn't follow the length of the room (like how I released it to the vault) so it didn't look quite right to me. The glass skylight was there to shine the light into the garden area. I'm just wondering if it has been changed at all.
Posted 15 years ago2009-10-13 16:51:58 UTC Post #274346
Sorry all i've been missing for the past few days.. work is nuts and i've been sick the whole time.. =,(

I'm about to start another 12 hour shift(if i'm lucky) and then i have to work my other job in the morning... After my day shift i have a day off, so i'll try to get everything ready and send it to muzzatom. There isn't much left to do i just haven't had any time!!

If y'all think we should change to wav/ambient generics for the author commentary(instead of trigger_cdaudio for compatability reasons), i'm all for it. the only reason i used the cd tracks in the first place, was because i thought the quality would be better..

so yeah, not much longer hopefully! = )
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-10-13 22:14:39 UTC Post #274351
Yes! I vote for the ambient_generic way, although it'll be bad for the final file size.

Wait up a bit!! My room isn't done yet... Progress has been slow, homework is killing me... but I feel I can almost touch the final version of it...
Posted 15 years ago2009-10-13 23:53:29 UTC Post #274353
My commentary is fucking lame compared to the others :cry:
Posted 15 years ago2009-10-14 18:08:13 UTC Post #274354
I don't remember it, but I'm sure your room compensates for that.

I blame TWHL for my failure at the Philosophy exam tomorrow. I can't help but work on my room. Even I'm starting to like how it's turning out. I just have a "Too many entities on visible packet" and I need so many more... what can I do about that?
Posted 15 years ago2009-10-15 23:29:11 UTC Post #274451
full vis compile
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-10-15 23:49:49 UTC Post #274452
Oh, then I suppose it'll be taken care of in the official Rooms compile. Thanks.

It's all going pretty well. I'm so lazy to make the last few textures I need... kinda hate making textures really.
Posted 15 years ago2009-10-16 21:02:29 UTC Post #274485
Still super busy with both jobs and coming off of being sick, so i've done nothing toward finishing the project. = (

I've seriously never been this busy in my life (that i can remember)... barely have time to turn my computer on or if i do i'm too tired. I'm sorry to shower you all with excuses, but i want you to know it will get finished just i can't say when right now..


My commentary is fucking lame compared to the others
I disagree; i think the live author commentary is way better than my cheezy text-to-speech bits, but if you want one for your room, i would have no problem making one up for you! = )
Too many entities on visible packet
yes full vis compile as tetsu0 said should fix it. if not, start combining multiple brush-based entities into one, and don't func_wall stuff unnecessarily; some people really go crazy doing that.
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-10-16 22:31:25 UTC Post #274487
You're using text-to-speech? Get rid of it. Just use plain text. Either that or offer the option to enable real voice commentary only. I don't want to hear no stupid computer voice crap just because people are too lame to speak into their microphone.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 15 years ago2009-10-20 22:25:00 UTC Post #274701
I have to work all night tonight, but soon as i get out i'm going to try my best to complete all the changes and send it to muzz for a final compile. Thanks again for everyone's patience =)

Right now tho, i'm stressed and need to shoot at stuff...<starts up L4D>


I don't want to hear no stupid computer voice crap just because people are too lame to speak into their microphone.
Yeah i understand, but since nobody really submitted voice commentary, i felt it was necessary--i'm guilty too since i hate the sound of my recorded voice.

text would be fine, but with the limits and bugginess to gametexts makes it not feasible. I suppose we could use env_message with titles.txt tho, which seem a lot more versatile after just reading the titles.txt tutorial by Loque.

Nevertheless the first version of rooms will stay the way it is with the tts commentaries. For version 2 however, i would not have a problem changing the author commentary to "tts commentary", and/or adding a "text commentary" menu item.
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-10-20 23:03:50 UTC Post #274702
i think the live author commentary is way better than my cheezy text-to-speech bits, but if you want one for your room, i would have no problem making one up for you!
You seem to be busy enough as it is. I'd like to redo it though, if I can. After hearing what you wrote up for others' maps I have a better idea of what I should say.

tts commentary
I read "tits commentary" at first, and was disappointed when I corrected myself.
Posted 15 years ago2009-10-21 00:20:50 UTC Post #274703
I have to work all night tonight, but soon as i get out i'm going to try my best to complete all the changes and send it to muzz for a final compile.
I hope I get to send you my beta 2 room before you do! I can smell my final compile closer and closer...
I don't want to hear no stupid computer voice crap just because people are too lame to speak into their microphone.
Rest assured that I will record my own voice commentary as soon as I can speak like Hugh Grant.
Posted 15 years ago2009-10-21 06:40:06 UTC Post #274710
I don't want to hear no stupid computer voice crap just because people are too lame to speak into their microphone.
Rest assured that I will record my own voice commentary as soon as I can speak like Hugh Grant.
...And you don't want to hear my voice, trust me. :)
Posted 15 years ago2009-10-21 09:08:59 UTC Post #274713
Lol. Wasn't i the first to submit a commentary on the map like.. 6 months ago?
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-10-21 22:19:47 UTC Post #274727
Didn't get to anything today (Shocking!!), but i'm going to try the same thing tomorrow after work. Now, i'm off to play L4D for twenty minutes before work again.. =)

'Crafter: kk! =)

DiscoStu: that reminds me, if you can send the audio track you'd like to use or i'll end up having to use the placeholder again. also too if you can think of a track already out there you'd like to use, i can download/place it for ya..

Tetsu0: yup! =)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-10-21 22:50:26 UTC Post #274728
Alrighty then, I shall do my best to come up with a good mix for the room... tomorrow? Hm, not sure I'll have it, but I'll try.
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-19 08:18:53 UTC Post #275856

I have 5 things on my list left to fix, and after test compiling, it's off to muzzAtom for a final compile. HOPEFULLY after that, just a short testing period and release of version 1.

In the next day or so i am willing to accept very small changes to make this version, but nothing too crazy, i.e. an updated audio track, revised commentary, a couple new textures, etc.
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-19 08:31:24 UTC Post #275857
Were you able to include my map too ? :D
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-19 09:13:15 UTC Post #275858
i'll take a look at it again. if i can easily cut out one room-sized portion of the map, and it compiles without error, then, yes.

Alternatively it can be included in it's entirety as a "bonus feature" but i know you didn't like that idea before..

it's simply too huge to be included the way it is... if you can get to a hl1 editing machine and modify it, that would be the best solution probably..
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-19 09:57:59 UTC Post #275860
Include it as a bonus feature then. Type a message " dedication for muzzleflash from samurai jack".
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-19 17:03:37 UTC Post #275866
Would it be too late for me to include a text commentary? I've put it off for so long since I don't have a microphone to do it properly, but seeing as it's so close to release, I think I shouldn't wait until I get a microphone.
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-20 13:13:12 UTC Post #275884
(c)Striker: Okkk! =)

TJB: Absolutely not too late! please do so! =)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-23 01:20:33 UTC Post #275950
I sent you a PM
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-01 12:54:17 UTC Post #276206
Update! performing test compiles now and will ship to Muzz for final compile soon!

(c)striker: i'm having trouble progressing in your map past the big double helix thingie... please advise and/or edit this, so we can include it as a bonus feature in the project! Also, you're getting the "too many visible entities" error, so i think not all your buttons and brush-based entities are showing up. May be causing some of your brush-based entities to disappear. (like, i think there is a button in the double-helix room, but it doesn't show up?)

I didn't see any other problems, but this map still needs a bit of work before we can include it. I frankly do not have the time to debug my own maps let alone someone else's, so, If you can make the changes relatively soon, that's great... If not, we can just include it in the next official version. =)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-01 13:38:36 UTC Post #276207
I don't know... I"ll be extremely free only next weekend( not this one, but the one after this). These days I have a lot of informatics and mathematics tests and I'm having a hard time with other things. I'm very stressed.

Please be more specific. What do you mean you have trouble progressing in the double helix room ? You mean going further ? That's the end of the map.
too many visible entities
I tested the map before and it worked well. Yes I was still getting that error when I tested the map :)
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-01 15:57:30 UTC Post #276208
kk if that's the end of the map i can make it work! =) If you want the map to end in a specific way let me know...

I spent an hour getting everything ready, making the changes to the menu map and your map, and the damn thing won't compile saying: MAX_MAP_TEXTURES. =(

If there is an easy way to boost the limit, someone pleez let me know. I tried nulling/beveling some things and it made no difference, but i'm not spending anymore time trying to fix this. Muzz/atom: are you willing to get this thing working?
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-01 16:02:21 UTC Post #276209
Maybe a cliche ?

oh about the edit : I don't know what did you do, but I could compile it just fine :|.
maybe the -texdata command ?( if I remember correctly).
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
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