Half-Life: Static Friction Created 16 years ago2008-06-04 00:16:50 UTC by hlife_hotdog hlife_hotdog

Created 16 years ago2008-06-04 00:16:50 UTC by hlife_hotdog hlife_hotdog

Posted 15 years ago2009-11-04 19:13:30 UTC Post #275140
Still, 5GB every 30 days, that sucks.
EDIT: I figured out an explanation for the Hazmat grunts; They're normal military and partialy trained recruits in Hazmats because of the Hazardus areas/Xen aliens (who knows, maybe the gov't thought they were radioactive)
Anyway, since they're normal military, they only get cheaper hazmat suits, as opposed to the (now mostly dead) HECU, who have expensive PCV units.
EDIT: D'you think you guys could supply me with a zombie model with a different head that the one you're using now? The one you're using now makes the game crash whenever it's shown. I'd use Barney, Slick, and Grunt(?) heads, but they'd all be generic faces, and I'd prefer to use a face that could be anyone.
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-05 11:22:14 UTC Post #275175
On Hazmat Grunts: Another explanation for them wearing full Hazmat gear is the fairly obvious one. Don't forget Black Mesa is built around the site of several missile silos and nuclear material.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-05 11:26:29 UTC Post #275176
@Urby. Exactly

@Jeff. No. We don't have anything else =/
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-07 23:46:35 UTC Post #275184
Could someone model a bloody skull for use on a high-poly zombie model?
EDIT: Like, a full skull/face that looks like the HL2 zombie face, or something similar to that. It'd be helping the mod, since I'm trying to make zombie models for them. Don't you want to help the mod? Of course you do!
EDIT2: If you guys could figure out what makes the gunshot particles show up (Black lines shooting out when you hit a surface) you could probably make it spew different sprites per material type.
Half-Life: Static Friction is a mod for Half-Life, in which you play as [CENSORED TO PROTECT STORYLINE], a scientist at Black Mesa.
:| But... He didn't have an HEV... And he had to [CENSORED ACTION] with doctor [CENSORED] because he was [CENSORED]. (lol, censored.)

If you want a different character, I could think something up for you. I've already done a lot of work for you anyway. :^_^: Also, do you have a photo editing program that can add bloodstains? Because I've almost decided to use NPC heads for the zombie instead of fleshy skulls. It'd be a bit odd, having the same guy get headcrabbed all the time, but you need a head.
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-07 23:59:35 UTC Post #275261
I don't have anything I could give you. All I have is Corel 10. And i'm not sure what you are meaning as with the storyline, I haven't heard of any conflictions with the official storyline :\
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-08 09:46:26 UTC Post #275272
I dunno, all I have to go on is vs's blog about the mod. It may have changed. All I know is that [censored name from blog] is busy during the beginning of HL, and then has [censored name from game] following him around the rest of the time. [Censored occupation] arms would be nice too, since [Censored] doesn't have an HEV when you [Censored action] him. I think AI has skins for some in his v_arms pack.
And if you can't add bloodstains, I have no idea how I'd do the zombie model. I still need a head since the crabs can come off. :/
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-08 09:47:02 UTC Post #275274
Perhaps we'll just stick with what we got. If too many people say they don't like it, we'll actively look at changing it.
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-08 09:51:55 UTC Post #275275
Which, the zombie, or the character?
If it's the zombie, you could try downloading the AI zombie source files
(I gave you a link, didn't I? :\) and hacking the skull onto it. Maybe it's just a problem with the decompiling/compiling tools I'm using that make it crash. Maybe the default HL DLL can't handle that many displayed polies on a model. I don't know.
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-08 09:54:31 UTC Post #275276
The zombie, and I did download the models, I just think, being so close to a demo release, we will leave it be for the moment.
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-08 09:57:04 UTC Post #275277
Okay. I just hope you get a zombie without port-crab syndrome for the final release.
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-10 08:35:55 UTC Post #275387
Ok, so the final level of the Beta Demo is done, i'm wrapping up the loose ends and hopefully post the demo by the end of the week. Here is a little teaser:
User posted image
One little note, which form of installation method would you prefer?

A) RAR file 400mb
B) EXE installer 350mb
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-10 09:00:04 UTC Post #275388
EXE, as long as it can install properly and leaves no start menu shortcuts, registry files, ect. I just want the mod folder as compact as possible! :)
I'll see if I can download it sometime soon, perhaps in class.
EDIT: How big is each part of the demo, uncompressed? (Sounds, models, maps, other)
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-10 09:22:41 UTC Post #275391
RAR, so I know what it's doing.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-10 11:25:46 UTC Post #275393

Click and Drag > Browse for the right file location.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-10 15:57:34 UTC Post #275400
Maybe you should try 7Zip and see how it compresses.
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-10 19:59:41 UTC Post #275419
7z files made with 7-Zip are often smaller than RAR files made with WinRAR. Both programs can open both file types.
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-10 20:32:41 UTC Post #275422
7z files made with 7-Zip are often smaller than RAR files made with WinRAR. Both programs can open both file types.
I vote that. I do.
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-10 20:34:10 UTC Post #275424
EXE, doesn't take so dam long to download, and my crappy internet wont crash and not download...
brendanmint brendanmintBrendan
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-10 20:37:46 UTC Post #275426
Let us know how large a 7z would be, please!
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-10 21:38:15 UTC Post #275428
Okay, i've processed the results, and I was actually quite surprised.

I used an EXE, RAR, ACE, 7z formats to compress a 471 MB folder with the following results:

hlsf_BETA12.exe (286 MB)
hlsf_BETA12.rar (266 MB)
hlsf_BETA12.ace (258 MB)
hlsf_BETA12.7z (243 MB)

I think the results are fairly self-sufficient. It also proves that my early conclusions were wrong, so I apologise. Unless anyone objects, i'll be using 7z. You thoughts?
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-10 22:01:30 UTC Post #275430
Yes. I have 7-zip, so I'm perfect for it. Plus, less time I have to spend discreetly downloading it at school.
I just hope you put it on your googlepages, hopefully it's not blocked at my school like the Valve wiki is. (Here isn't blocked, but a WIKI is? :\)
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-10 22:39:46 UTC Post #275433
Sadly, that's not possible, as i only have 100mb of space on my googlepages, So it has to given to filefront, unless someone else knows a better site??
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-10 22:44:38 UTC Post #275434
I guess I'll try wherever you post it, and if that won't work, get a friend to download it for me. I hope.
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-11 10:50:30 UTC Post #275447

You'll get a load of hits as well.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-11 11:31:24 UTC Post #275449
Yes, i'm going to release on Moddb next weekend, I have to set up a page there and you guys deserve first treats =D
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-11 13:59:22 UTC Post #275451
I can provide a mirror if required.

In fact, i can give you a temporary ftp account for my ftp server so you can upload it there.

PM me.
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-11 22:14:12 UTC Post #275499
Seriously, don't tweak the story into some morbid manifest! Either leave the Half Life/Half Life 2 story alone while folding your story around it, or have your mod take place somewhere it won't affect it.
What espen180 said. ;) I know, I'm taking this too hard...
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-12 02:49:32 UTC Post #275510
A quick update to all WON users. I tried to play it on my WON version, and it crashed with the 'Unable to find Client.dll" error. Sadly, I don't know how to fix, so Steam is a requirement. Sorry all =/
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-12 08:42:54 UTC Post #275522
:pwned: If this isn't fixed for the final release, I won't be able to play it for a long time!
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-12 10:48:52 UTC Post #275527
Nope, tried that and still same error. =/ So sorry Jeff =(
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-12 17:53:14 UTC Post #275542
:cry: I wanted to play it and see how my work was used...
Does anyone else know how to fix this error? (It was in Svencoop 3, too, maybe they fixed it in 4? Although I doubt it, as almost nobody uses WON...)
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-13 20:53:58 UTC Post #275587
I tried that, and now Half-Life won't run at all.


Posted 15 years ago2009-11-13 21:24:47 UTC Post #275606
For the love of Satan we need more hosts that aren't FailFront. :P
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-13 21:28:51 UTC Post #275607
And there will be, in time... :ciggie:
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-13 22:10:42 UTC Post #275609
Holy crap. Well, browsing through the files it seems that you guys have got a lot of credits to list. D:

Also, are you planning on replacing all the props that have been stolen from the Source engine. Unless the rules have changed recently, that is still illegal is it not?
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-14 09:57:24 UTC Post #275617
It is, but they got it from Sysop, and at the time didn't know it was ported. They'll get around to replacing it. I hope.
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-14 10:24:30 UTC Post #275620
Yes we will, most are just placeholders until we can get our own modelled, or prefabs built instead.
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-04 19:07:30 UTC Post #276310
Couple of things:
Why no ARgrenades? The M4 still has a launcher on it.
Do you want links to a new gman model and ect.?
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-04 20:23:33 UTC Post #276313
It still launches grenades, I just think there were none placed in the levels. And i'll have a look at the models.
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-04 20:45:40 UTC Post #276316
Well, if it still launches grenades, it doesn't in the demo- I can't spawn any with impulse 101.
Nice music system, btw. It's just that it crashed the game when I tried to close it.
Want me to retry making the zombies, and give you some links to models?
Also, two things about barney:
1. Hey, a model with SD textures that doesn't disgust me! :D
2. He uses a beretta in the demo. :\ Are you sure he has the glock?
Oh yeah, and it'd be nice if the crab didn't detach when you headshot the zombies.
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-04 22:48:08 UTC Post #276317
Jeff, I thought you couldn't play it?
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-04 23:10:39 UTC Post #276318
I decided to leech of my school's bandwith to download it and see if it was usable on goldsource, and if not, then to look at the files included. :)
Turns out the code on the demo works almost perfectly, aside from the unfinished weapons and the FMOD code being a bit unstable.
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-04 23:42:47 UTC Post #276319
ah ok, and also, I'm having a bit of trouble playing the demo on steam half life...

or more...I dont know how to start it, wheres the custom games menu? D=
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-04 23:48:10 UTC Post #276320
Try "Change game"
Also, It seems to have stopped working. I'll try again tommorow, as it's awsome, though.
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-04 23:59:01 UTC Post #276321
There is no change game, but I got it working anyway.

And wow, after the first intro like sequence, right when I start in that elevator, a huge wave of lag is unleashed on me, as wpolys reach 4000 and epolys reach the 30000s

Posted 15 years ago2009-12-05 00:02:39 UTC Post #276322
...That's odd... I had no lag there... I lagged to about half the normal speed+ stuttering audio in the burned out room, but that's not for a couple maps after that...
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-05 00:29:58 UTC Post #276323
That's why we wanted it played by different people. Different video cards cope differently. We need to know as much as we can so we can try to balance it out so it works for everyone.
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-05 00:37:26 UTC Post #276324
yeah, I cant take this anymore, the lag is unbearable, running in software mode made it a little better (emphasizing little) and D3D make it better still, but its still god awful.

Edit: just saw your post, want me to post some info about my graphics card?
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-05 00:41:43 UTC Post #276326
It works best on nvidia cards, ati lags like hell...

I got an ATI Radeon HD 3850
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-05 00:55:59 UTC Post #276328
Windows XP Home, 32 bit
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