Rooms (mini co-op project) Created 15 years ago2008-12-29 22:45:57 UTC by Captain Terror Captain Terror

Created 15 years ago2008-12-29 22:45:57 UTC by Captain Terror Captain Terror

Posted 14 years ago2009-12-01 18:48:37 UTC Post #276210
i dunno dude but what i do know out of the literally hundreds (probably thousands) of compiles I've done, i've NEVER seen that error. ever. Tommy14 doesn't say so, but could it be wad issue?

either way, me and muzz will figure it out, i promise. Your map will make this release one way or the other.. =)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-02 13:00:24 UTC Post #276246
Heh, thanks, you're kind.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-02 16:16:12 UTC Post #276247
the first official pre-release is now ready for testing, for authors/contributors/mods.

If noone finds too many dislikes and bugs with this version, we can have Atom do the final compile, and FINALLY have our first, official release of ROOMS! =)

Download rooms!

(password is the same as before. PM me, muzz, or another rooms author to get it if you don't remember)

When commenting, please let us know what version of half-life you're running, i.e. WON or Steam HL. There are some minor lighting, and HOM issues that will not be there after a full VIS compile, so keep that in mind!

It's all set. i cut it off right after the big helix thingie and it compiled for me. the bsp/rmf will be available shortly and you can preview it if you like.. =)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-02 17:48:32 UTC Post #276251
Edit: Starwars credits were awesome, albeit a bit long. It's a nice song, but there is too much time with nothing onscreen at the end.

2nd Edit: That bonus map... Something has to be done about that room with the spiral. It causes some god awful fps drops if you face it's general direction from ANYWHERE in the map. I bet simply not having a pulsing light shine on it will fix the problem. Use a normal light instead.
Maybe that's just because it wasn't compiled with full vis, but even so...

I still don't like that you can die in the first map. Sure, it's funny as hell falling into the abyss yelling "SHIIIIIIIIiiii..." but after you die and have to restart the game, it's just like... wat.

I propose keeping the shiiiii- but teleporting the player and giving them a message about how much they fail. Or at least, have an autosave after the fake loading screen.

Also, I feel it'd be best if the credits returned the player to the main room instead of just ending the game. There's a chance the player will check he credits before some of the other features (players like myself), and it's sort of a nuisance to have to restart the whole game.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-02 17:51:41 UTC Post #276253
It is a great song =)

Ur right about the credits! i need to end them and not let them go on forever. i would hate to think someone wating in vein for a bonus feature that will never come.. Thanks man, i will make sure that is fixed before muzz does the final..

I agree about the spiral too, but i also think it will behave a lot better with full vis. I'm gonna leave it up to Striker to decide whether the light should go or not tho..

List of changes before Atom compiles:
-add endsection entity to the credits
-possibly optimize strikers double helix in the bonus map

Any moar people?
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-02 18:49:23 UTC Post #276255
Could someone host it somewhere that won't be blocked by my school?
I just need a link to a site so obscure that it won't be blocked by the network.
Like TWHL, it's not in the "games" category fsr.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-02 18:57:33 UTC Post #276256
muzz can probably but i can't think of any since i only use free hosting. lemme try uploading to x10, maybe that will work?
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-02 19:35:58 UTC Post #276260
I shall try it tommorow. Thanks.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-02 19:44:49 UTC Post #276261
Ok, i played through it, but yet again im getting the too many entities in visible packet list error in my map, this was caused by that room you were supposed to ignore, by simply setting the corresponding VIS group to invisible, then HLFix will ignore it (as long as the Only Visible option is checked in the Compilator).

Just ignore this for now, ill fix this myself when im ready to do the final compile.

Im getting the too many entities in visible packet list error in Striker's bonus map at one specific location where a whole bunch of models were placed (glasses and bottles). That's bad.
Ill let Striker fix that first.

The room with the spiral thingy did not lag at all for me, but hey, i got a quad core! Still, if other players do experience lag, it should be taken care of.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-02 20:48:15 UTC Post #276262
I doubt your having a quad core has anything to do with how smooth you played through that room.
By that I mean I seriously doubt Half Life even acknowledges more than 2 cores, if it can even use 2 in the first place. It's probably just really fast.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-02 21:07:01 UTC Post #276263
Just finished playing through..

my opinion, besides a few missed transparency textures here and there, its very well made and quite visually full-filling. Unfortunately, I did not complete the secrete in JeffMod's first room (room 2) kind of walked to far and moved to the 2nd room.. I'm just assuming that plays a roll later on through the maps (obvious reasons)

Also, that helix spiral collaborations of.. "holy hell why did you do that to the engine" did not cause me any performance problems either.. however, I'm running on steam version (1.6 whatever) in software mode. A few other spots got jittery, mainly room 3 was pretty much hell.. too many entities/faces going through walls on screen at once

Other than that, I like it, just a shame I did not get to take part in it :(

ALTHOUGH, and I'm not certain if this is on purpose or a major accident.. I believe I found a pretty nasty glitch in the bonus map.

It seems near the end, you run through a small hall way that appears to be in an outside setting (illustrated with a sky texture) and in that hallway is some loosely discarded plywood/particle board looking pushables/solids and a rafter overhead accessable with a ladder.

Whilst manically diving all over the plywood, I believe it must have shifted awkwardly, or I wedged the model into the wall beside it by some means, whatever occured I shortly found myself outside the map in a lower section that previously... It allowed me to run around for a short distance then it locked and I lost all mobility..

I took the liberty of having some screenshots.

edit// my suggestion for fixing.. just clip a small mound over it
Really nice work all around people! Glad I could assist in testing this.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-03 04:13:18 UTC Post #276264
It was almost a year ago when I submitted my entry for this... how is this still going on?
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-03 04:32:23 UTC Post #276265
Could someone host it somewhere that won't be blocked by my school?
I just need a link to a site so obscure that it won't be blocked by the network.
Like TWHL, it's not in the "games" category fsr.
I'll PM you the link, when I get back from uni today. That is if you still need it.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-03 08:41:57 UTC Post #276266
I'll let you guys know when I get home- Don't feel safe loggin in at school, so I won't do it there.
I got about an hour and a half before class starts, more to get the download going it possible.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-03 12:35:24 UTC Post #276268
Sent you a PM with the link.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-03 17:47:46 UTC Post #276269
I still don't like that you can die in the first map. Sure, it's funny as hell falling into the abyss yelling
But the auto save was working for you, right? I'll add the teleport option to the list, good idea! =)
Also, I feel it'd be best if the credits returned the player to the main room instead of just ending the game
yeah i agree. Originally, after playing the last map in in the game, you would be returned to the main menu. the only problem is some of the triggers and things act unpredictably after the map is loaded a second time, so i got rid of the "return to menu" feature.
I will check it out again tho, and try a few things, since it would make sense to return to the menu to check out all the features.. thanks! =)

psilous: Thanks for testing! PM me where those transparency issues were and i'll double-check them; i don't remember seeing them, but, could also be caused by fast VIS depending on what you're talking about.

Regarding JeffMod's secret room, yes, you need something from the first one to access the secret room in the second map.. It's a little tricky tho! =)
Other than that, I like it, just a shame I did not get to take part in it
Don't worry man! =) You can still submit a room, it just won't be included in the initial version. I will always add new maps to the project =)
It was almost a year ago when I submitted my entry for this... how is this still going on?
I kno, right? =) I know we're rather late to getting our first release done, but i'm just glad to see people still checking it out..


Atom: Didn't i null the whole thing or big-block it? Oh well sorry i'm sorry. And thanks for the other observation, i'm sure Striker won't mind if we remove a few bottles. = )

Striker: Do you mind if we drink a few bottles behind the bar? =P

List of changes before Atom compiles:
-add endsection entity to the credits
-possibly optimize strikers double helix in the bonus map
-Too many monster_furniture (bottles) in section of Striker's map
-Use teleport or tweak autosave in case you "fall" in the menu map
-At the end of credits, regular game and credits, return to menu map?
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-03 18:37:18 UTC Post #276270
A couple things:
My first room is still a tad dark- please add to the brightness of the lights.
The camera sequence in Tetsu0's room clips through stuff a bit still.
You can still get stuck in SpaG's room, I'll post a screenshot later.
HOM in the bonus map:
[can't post pic, Imageshack will not load properly]
Some level changes seem to not happen untill a few seconds after they're supposed to.
WAV commentary for WON, please!

All in all, it's a good release, and I much enjoyed it!
EDIT: Double Helix did not lag me fsr, it found it a very constant, high, framerate.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-03 18:56:31 UTC Post #276271
Thanks for the feedback Jeff! = ) I'll add those to the list, and you don't need to post a pic for the HOM in the bonus map, i found it: It's right before the helix thingie?)

There will not be WAV commentary, if for no other reason it adds a buttload to the filesize, which is already way too big imo.

Regarding Tetsu0's map, i think it's fine, but he has the final authority whether he wants it changed or not.

As far as the level changes, i've not witnessed this, but even if i did i wouldn't know how to fix it, since all the delays are set to zero. Give me the specific maps it's happening on and i'll double-check tho ;)

List of changes before Atom compiles:
-add endsection entity to the credits
-possibly optimize strikers double helix in the bonus map
-Too many monster_furniture (bottles) in section of Striker's map
-Use teleport or tweak autosave in case you "fall" in the menu map
-At the end of credits, regular game and credits, return to menu map?
-SpaG clipping issue
-BONUS map HOM by the end of the map
-trigger_changelevel delays in certain maps

Map Authors: If you'd like your avatar flags changed, PM me a link to your image and i'll update it! = )
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-03 19:00:41 UTC Post #276272
I think those santa hats on those flag poles gotta go. I mean really, flag poles wearing santa hats?

Also don't forget to fix that fall damage bug in the first room map.
I also remember that chair looking much better in earlier versions of the map, now the texture is all weird.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-03 19:05:22 UTC Post #276273
oh shi.. i almost forgot, thanks for reminding me muzz! i know exactly what's causing that... +)

As for the santa hats: NEVER! (really tho if everyone doesn't like them, they will be smited)

List of changes before Atom compiles:
-add endsection entity to the credits
-possibly optimize strikers double helix in the bonus map
-Too many monster_furniture (bottles) in section of Striker's map
-Use teleport or tweak autosave in case you "fall" in the menu map
-At the end of credits, regular game and credits, return to menu map?
-SpaG clipping issue
-BONUS map HOM by the end of the map
-trigger_changelevel delays in certain maps
-fix "fall damage" in first room
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-03 19:08:15 UTC Post #276274
You can delete some models if you think it's too much for the poor goldsource engine :) :P( the bottles, I mean).
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-03 19:13:52 UTC Post #276275
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-03 19:26:54 UTC Post #276276
Nice muzz-i-mean-atom! =)

List of changes before Atom compiles:
-add endsection entity to the credits
-possibly optimize strikers double helix in the bonus map
-Too many monster_furniture (bottles) in section of Striker's map
-Use teleport or tweak autosave in case you "fall" in the menu map
-At the end of credits, regular game and credits, return to menu map?
-SpaG clipping issue
-BONUS map HOM by the end of the map
-trigger_changelevel delays in certain maps
-fix "fall damage" in first room
-Rim tree textures and align brush
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-03 20:35:45 UTC Post #276278
We also need to fix:
Weaponstrip player before first map loads.
Make sure the player gets an HEV in the first map.
Fix delayed levelchange between Zeeba's room and WC's room.
Brighten my first room.
Add pipes beneath my second room?
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-03 20:40:38 UTC Post #276279
You can get the suit in the menu map, Jeff.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-03 21:14:18 UTC Post #276280
It's possible to continue without getting it though. Maybe he means that it shouldn't be.
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-03 21:23:07 UTC Post #276281
Both. I didn't know it was in the menu map, so it should be in the first room.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-03 22:00:57 UTC Post #276283
Jeff: k i can add the weaponstrip, but may i ask why? Also, the pipes are there if these are the ones you are talking about..

All: i don't notice the delay between levels.. does anyone else?

Thanks to all for testing so far! =)

List of changes before Atom compiles:
-add endsection entity to the credits
-possibly optimize strikers double helix in the bonus map
-Too many monster_furniture (bottles) in section of Striker's map
-Use teleport or tweak autosave in case you "fall" in the menu map
-At the end of credits, regular game and credits, return to menu map?
-SpaG clipping issue
-BONUS map HOM by the end of the map
-fix "fall damage" in first room
-Rim tree textures and align brush
-Brighten JeffMod's first map
-Fix delayed levelchange between Zeeba's room and WC's room
-add HEV suit to first room
-add player_weaponstrip at start of first map
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-03 22:13:01 UTC Post #276284
k i can add the weaponstrip, but may i ask why?
Because I had a pistol in the rooms.
EDIT: Yeah, those ones.
I thought I had them in there, but I didn't notice them.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-03 22:13:59 UTC Post #276285
so u mean put the weaponstrip after you exit your first room?
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-03 23:00:00 UTC Post #276286
Or right before the player triggers the changelevel in the menu. The pistol's really only for that anyway, so it's not much use having it in the actual game.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-03 23:45:07 UTC Post #276291
Okk now i know what you mean ur right. Pretty obvious thing that i overlooked, thanks! =)

List of changes before Atom compiles:
-add endsection entity to the credits
-possibly optimize strikers double helix in the bonus map
-Too many monster_furniture (bottles) in section of Striker's map
-Use teleport or tweak autosave in case you "fall" in the menu map
-At the end of credits, regular game and credits, return to menu map?
-SpaG clipping issue
-BONUS map HOM by the end of the map
-fix "fall damage" in first room
-Rim tree textures and align brush
-Brighten JeffMod's first map
-Fix delayed levelchange between Zeeba's room and WC's room
-add HEV suit to first room
-add player_weaponstrip as you play the game
-add player_weaponstrip as you load the bonus map
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-04 01:05:49 UTC Post #276295
Ok.. I had another looksy over it to point out the textures properly to you.. ended up with these screenies..

and I guess that's all of them I found..

If I can think of something interesting I'll be sure to contact you about adding a map for further installments (maybe sometime closer/after the holidays)
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-04 11:24:46 UTC Post #276304
ARGH! The Software mode!

Thats probably causing a lot of those issues psilous.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-04 13:21:35 UTC Post #276305
Screenshots 2 and 4 are both legit, though.
Being in dark places, I don't think anyone would have caught them without the bright blue wonders of software rendering :P
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-04 16:38:03 UTC Post #276307
Hey everyone! Disco Stu is back! Has anyone even noticed my absence at all?

I was being juiced with all the homework I got, and finals, and stuff. Now I have only one final left on 21 dec. and I can afford the time to have my room fixed if it's not too late :)
You can get the suit in the menu map, Jeff.
Can I too? Because no matter what I tried, I don't remember being able to. Gotta check the new version, though (it hasn't downloaded yet)

So, list of upcoming fixes to my room:
  • Finish the unfinished brushwork
  • Texture the (maybe unnoticed) untextured bits
  • Make a new audio track that fits the intended mood and possibly takes up less diskspace
  • Perhaps something else I'm forgetting.
Disco Stu won't let his room be released unfinished!
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-04 19:18:07 UTC Post #276311
Yup you can get the hev now. =) Get those changes in soon if you want to make this version... And don't worry about the diskspace too much, since it is an integral part of your map, i don't want you to skimp too much..


psilous: thanks man! i'll add them to the list. = )

List of changes before Atom compiles:
-add endsection entity to the credits
-possibly optimize strikers double helix in the bonus map
-Too many monster_furniture (bottles) in section of Striker's map
-Use teleport or tweak autosave in case you "fall" in the menu map
-At the end of credits, regular game and credits, return to menu map?
-SpaG clipping issue in the freight elevator
-BONUS map HOM by the end of the map
-fix "fall damage" in first room
-Rim tree textures and align brush
-Brighten JeffMod's first map
-Fix delayed levelchange between Zeeba's room and WC's room
-add HEV suit to first room
-add player_weaponstrip as you play the game
-add player_weaponstrip as you load the bonus map
-fix transparent texture near env_laser
-fix transparent texture near ladder before riverpool
-fix transparent texture in world crafter's map
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-08 18:51:06 UTC Post #276450
On test compiles, my room has disappearing entities (and I'm not even finished with them) and saying something about too many entities in visible packet or something like that.

It is going well. Hopefully I'll have it finished in a few days.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-08 18:57:49 UTC Post #276451
Try running vis. If you are, then you have too much for the game to render at once.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-08 19:13:37 UTC Post #276452
I am running vis, my test compiles are complete compiles. Unless you mean something else by "running vis".
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-08 19:18:22 UTC Post #276453
Try compiling with full vis. If you still get the too many entities in visible packet list error then you simply have too many entities (brush and point) rendered at once. You'll have to combine entities, remove some or use HINT brushes.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-08 19:44:09 UTC Post #276455
Gonna try that. Does it take much longer?
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-08 20:10:00 UTC Post #276459
Full vis always increases overall compile time. It's doing a full vis after all.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-09 17:36:05 UTC Post #276488
Just compiled with full vis. It doesn't take much longer (it's still under 5 minutes), and even after combining many brush entities this still happens.

Also I've discovered some multimanager sequences don't work, which I suspect might be related to having 17 targets each (which I'll have to work around by adding even more multimanagers)

This is starting to feel like a titanic task.

Edit: I'm getting sick of multimanagers.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-09 17:37:29 UTC Post #276489
Remove some props or other small details if you can.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-09 17:40:25 UTC Post #276491
I have a lot of repetitions of can.mdl on several shelves. Maybe I could ask someone to combine them into a single model for me? I certainly couldn't do anything model-related for my life.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-11 20:55:20 UTC Post #276553
K. all the changes are made, but i have two new problems cockblocking me from finishing:

1. when you trigger_changelevel back to the menu map, the equip multimanger that gives you the glock (to operate the menu) doesn't work anymore..

2. After you play rooms normally, the changelevel at the end of disco's room sends you back to the menu map, but SOMETIMES, it sends you back to the first room... All the changelevels and landmark names are different, so i don't really understand how this is happening! = (

Disco: i can't, but that might definitely solve your "too many entites" error.
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-11 23:17:38 UTC Post #276554
1. Is it of any help to delete previous maps' data?
2. Have you never wished such a degree of entropy in a map? :P

And about the entities: I'm sure of that. I just don't know how to do it properly. Any volunteers? :)
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-12 07:55:59 UTC Post #276557
1. I never had that problem (testing on steam) always (thrice) went back directly to the play options screen

2.see answer as 1. same degree of having to restart to play bonus map.

3. @discostu, i totally know you ripped my .wav man. straight from my raving map, the beta, before it is even released. come clean man. i'm not upset that you straight ripped the .wav, thats what its there for. but the fact i'm not even mentioned in the credits.. what the hell man. btw, the featured artist is 'benny benassi' remixed by the 'global dj's'.

as for teh entities.. the modeling can be summed up a numerous of ways.. i never really witnessed a flaw in software mode. then again, i never tested in any others.


wrote 'testing on sourcew' when meaning 'steam' ? You can basically tell at that point im drunk
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-12 16:47:54 UTC Post #276562
Sorry psilous, I never knew where that track came from. It was added by C.T. as a placeholder until my actual track was done, and I never asked where he got it. It was going to be replaced anyway, but I guess he'll have to remove it now.

Also, I don't think I've even downloaded your map yet.
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