Fun with Func_Tankmortar Created 15 years ago2010-02-01 06:23:17 UTC by psilous psilous

Created 15 years ago2010-02-01 06:23:17 UTC by psilous psilous

Posted 15 years ago2010-02-01 06:23:17 UTC Post #278600
Trying to get a Transparent Func_Tankmortar to move with a normal Func_Tankmortar..

so far, making a multimanager alone has no effect and naming them both the same entity only gets the nearest one to move.

Is having 2 Func_Tankmortar to move with the same Func_Tankcontrols possible?
Posted 15 years ago2010-02-04 10:31:30 UTC Post #278685
can no one answer this for me?
Posted 15 years ago2010-02-04 10:39:36 UTC Post #278686
As far as I know, it's not possible. Is it necessary to have two?
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 15 years ago2010-02-04 13:11:10 UTC Post #278688
well.. yeah pretty much.. See I made a telescope and one of the portions is a giant glass lens

:/ maybe if i double up on the controls..
Posted 15 years ago2010-02-04 13:52:21 UTC Post #278689
The way to do that would to either build the lens housing in as part of the func_tankmortar.
And I think that Spitit has a movewith function (I'm not sure, I've never used it myself), so if you use that you could set a transparent brush to move with the func_tankmortar.
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 15 years ago2010-02-05 16:20:43 UTC Post #278728
can I do that easily?

like.. if i made it a func_wall first with a transparency.. then put the whole thing to a func_tankmortar?

I'll try it.. Thanks man.
Posted 15 years ago2010-02-05 23:27:51 UTC Post #278733
I just reread my post, I didn't express myself clearly enough. If you're trying the first idea, then you can build a lans housing to give the impression a lens is there, but you can't actually build the lens if it has different properties to the main func_tankmortar.
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
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