Dream: Commune Created 15 years ago2010-03-10 11:20:43 UTC by Tetsu0 Tetsu0

Created 15 years ago2010-03-10 11:20:43 UTC by Tetsu0 Tetsu0

Posted 15 years ago2010-03-10 11:21:22 UTC Post #279593
Had a strange dream the other night. I wrote it down, and elaborated some of the details.. some i left out.. but I'd like to share anyway:
Main Characters: Brett
All between the ages 20-22. Cyborg is less than a year old but has body of a 21 year old Looks and acts human, yet doesnt speak- doesnt know how to.
Story starts a few hundred years in the future, in a commune. Thick walls everywhere. There are hallways all leading into a central atrium - shops, restaurants, etc, there are many floors, each with loads of rooms - There are no windows, yet there's natural-esque flourescent and LED lighting every where. Good decorations, plants, carpets, no paintings on the walls.. Everyone is happy. The police want not to corrupt, but to help. The world is .... perfect.
Brett originally comes from the past (now present time) and is found by child services though he's not a child. He is questioned about his likes and dislikes, habits, cleanliness, and is assigned to a roomate. Brett is Escorted by a commune police officer to Eriks room. He's playing X-Box, and is almost totally oblivios to either of their presences. There's a Blu-ray collection on the far wall, a black electric bass laying on his bed. The room is prestine, odd for such a vacant occupee. The officer introduces Brett to Erik and his parents, the officer leaves and Eriks parents show brett to his room. Shortly after, Emily Appears with her friend Victoria. Erik and Emily have been friends for quite some time. There's an apparent sexual tension between the two. Emily heard Erik was getting a new roomate so she brought her single friend, Victoria, over to see if she could hit it off with the new guy.

Somehow a prototype cyborg is stolen from the military and all of the future people including the cyborg run into the military time teleporter (used to prevent terrorist attacks before they happen) The military know which peoples bloodlines have ran dry and know which events would effect the future, they strategically place military bases in civillian houses across all time periods, to monitor events such as these. Fortunatley for the kids, the military dont know they travelled. So the kids get to Brett's house. The military base happens to be across the street and one house up.
Theres a whole part where the cyborg doesnt know english, and we're all trying to teach him using the'prmitive computer' and google pictures, and youtube.

Everybody wants to go back home to their time... the past is too primitive for them. The only way to get back to the future is to infiltrate one of the military bases and use the teleporters to get back. They scope the place out and the military find them they all try and run away, but during the chaos
Victoria somehow gets her eye injured. They run away up the street, victoria bleeding profusely. The cyborg fixes her up with his own self-made ocular implant - while walking - this thing is incredible. They circle the neighborhood and cut through the woods to Brett's house, Victoria is not in any pain anymore, and is loving her new eye. You can't even tell it's fake.

The group sits and thinks up a new plan of attack. They decide to wait until someone either leaves or enters the base. The cyborg will disarm the enterer or leaver, take up his disguise, and infiltrate the base, learning how to access the teleport. Strangely no activity takes place for days, but when it does, a red pickup pulls into the base, and the cyborg takes action. Brett sets up a video stream from the cyborg's ocular implants into his computer. The group watches intently from Brett's screen. The cyborg attacks the soldier, disarms him, steals his face, clothes, and thoughts, and casually strolls up the the front door and rings the doorbell. The military buys the cyborgs identity and after some time he learns the location of the teleporter. He also knows the reason why there's little to no activity every couple of days on the base - most of the soldiers teleport to the future to debrief about events, deaths, any changes in timeline they didnt forsee, they depate about how to fix that, or cover it up... their main goal is to protect the perfect world they set up- at all costs. While the rest of the military personell teleport out, they leave one person behind to look after the house, answering any phone calls, collecting what little mail does come to the house. They leave the cyborg behind this time - it was originally that persons responsibility to do so anyway. A newbie, greenhorn, runner...
Since the group is watching everything take place real time, they know it's now or never to get back home. Brett Kills the webcam connections, and sets his computer to Re-Format. The group takes the opportunity and head across the street to where the cyborg is preparing the teleporter.
The time, date, and location are set, but Brett has a sudden spark of an idea. He turns to Erik.
"What is the leading bank in the future"
Erik - "Bank of America... it's the only bank.."
"be back in about an hour, we have time"
Erik - "what the hell are you doing?"
Brett bolts out the door and heads back to his house. He loads his car with every valuable piece of electronics he can find. Accompanied with his 5 guitars and amplifiers. He takes off down the road.
90 minutes pass and Brett shows up, late, panting for breath. 
Erik- " dude, where's your car?"
"I had an idea, you guys will appreciate it in a few seconds"

The group Hop into the teleport one by one and are transported into a warehouse outside the commune. The cyborg is the last to arrive, erasing the teleport co-ordinates and planting the dead soldiers body in the closet hanging by his neck.
"Where's the closest Bank of america?" brett asks the group
They answer and they head into the commune, towards the giant Bank of america kiosk on the 3rd floor. Brett checks his account balance with everyone watching in awe as the 9 figures flashes across the screen.

Erik - "Holy shit you're rich"
Shorthand because i dont feel like writing all the details anymore
The group buys a huge house courtesy of Brett. Complete with swimming pool, go-kart track, individual master suites with master bathrooms. They're living low, but having fun living the life.
Erik Marries Emily finally, and Brett forms a deep relationship with Victora. The cyborg cooks and cleans and has no emotion or preference as to what he's doing. It's a free maid/chef. He's fun to be around even if he is just a walking computer.
All is good for years until one day a horrible go-kart accident lands Victoria in a grave. (Go kart flipped out of control and smashed Vikki's head into a fence, sending both the driver of the other kart (Emily) and Victoria careeaning into the woods. Vikki was killed on impact and Emily has a few broken ribs and is severely shaken up.
The autopsy returns with some startling information. Vikki had a military grade ocular implant that even now is still in prototyping phase - the same type implant that is installed on the cyborg. Everyone forgot about the time Vikki got injured and The cyborg healed her.

The military is now looking for them.

After running for a few days the military finally caught them hiding out in a warehouse - the same one they originally teleported to. The military came in with extreme care. Swat-like tactics, and cuffed each individual with great care, all but the cyborg whom they disabled and carried out on a stretcher.
Erik, Brett and Emily were led into the Commune where they were uncuffed and escorted into a dining area.

An officer spoke up "We know what you did, the cyborg told us everything. We are not going to press any charges against you. There is no crime in this era, and i have dedicated my life to keeping it that way. Emily, Erik, if you will please follow those officers, they'll escort you back to your parent's quarters.
-What about me, Said brett

Eriks parents had another child in the years you were missing. Your room, unfortunatley does not exist anymore, and since you have no parents, we are giving you a room of your own. Your bank account will remain in your control, but everything you have spent on your house and belongings will remain public property. You still have a fortune, so i wouldnt worry too much.

Brett: "I know what you guys have done. I have come from 2010, the world was different back then, free. It was corrupt, yes, but not half as much as it is now. Look at these people.. cooped up in a Commune... there's not even any windows in this godamn building, how are people going to enjoy their lives? All they do is sit around watching the news and going to work.. theyre not even-"

Officer"Happy? Yes brett, they're happy. Their the happiest people in the world. We keep them safe. There's no longer any crime because when a crime does happen, travel back to before it was commited and we fix that person. Make them normal."

Brett"Normal? NORMAL? All these people are zombies"

Officer "They're far from zombies, brett. They're free to live their lives as they choose, within the law, of course."

Brett" No, within your fucking commune"

Officer - "That's enough brett... I know you havent eaten for a few days now.. have some snacks while i go procure your room"

another officer walks in with a plate of hour'deourves, mainly ritz crackers with assorted cheeses and spreads.

Brett overhears the officers talking amongst themselves
"once he's done with those, all this will be behind us and we can carry on with our lives"
"you got that right, ha ha"

Brett freezes mid bite after hearing that conversation and calmly places the cracker back onto the plate. He waits for the officer in disbelief, all the while thinking to himself:
"It's in the food.. I havent eaten anything in the commune... i wasnt there long enough... even when we were in the future, the cyborg cooked for us... real food.. real meat and produce.. they're all being brainwashed.."
Stunned at this epiphany, the guard catches brett by surprise.
Brett jumps a bit while the guard says to him: "your room is ready.. please follow me this way"
The guard takes the plate of snacks with him
"Not going to eat these?" asks the guard
Brett responds" I'm too excited to see my new room.. i'd like to eat in a more comfortable environment"
"Good idea" responds the guard.
The two travel down the long straight hallways and up the central elevator to bretts new room. It's an almost exact re-reation of his room from 2010, brett smiles as he walks through the doorway and into familiarity. Everythings the same except he has a mini kitchen and a bathroom all to himself.. and there's no windows.
Brett Puts the plate down on his nightstand, and asks the officer to take him to Eriks place... Even when he was originally at the commune he was only there for a few hours, and didnt know his way around.
The officers are there to protect and serve, and each one of them take great pride in helping the members of the commune.
"of course" responds the guard
The two make their way to eriks house.
Upon arrival erik is sitting on his couch next to his 2 year old brother and his parents...
"brett, i'm an older brother now, this is Kyle!" blurts Erik with an almost unbelivable amount of excitement.
brett looks past all the commtion and grabs erik off to the side... away from the guard and eriks family.
"Did they give you snacks?" aks brett

"yeah, they were delicious, i only ate about half of them, but i plan on finishin-"

"Dont eat the rest of them, they're trying to branwash you.... they make you forget... about everything... What do you remember from the past 3 years? When i showed up here, what happened?"

"Nothing much... you showed up to my house... said you were loaded so you took emily, vikki and i out to your beach house for a little vacation... Vikki died in a go-kart crash on monday.. and emily just got out of the hospital this morning-"

"No......." whispered brett in disbelif... he thought to himself [how did the drugs take effect so quickly... oh yeah, i'm not in 2010 anymore..]
"That's not what happened, we travelled back in time to 2010, where i'm originally from..... the cyborg.. you remember the cyborg right?"

"dude, what the hell are you talking about? are you fucking insane? you must still be shaken up from vikki's death.. let me get you some water.."

at that point brett figured that the water as well as the food is doped..

"I dont need any water, we need to go see emily. Right now"

the two return to the living room where the guard is migling with Erik and Kyle's parents.

"We're heading to emily's Brett wants to make sure she's ok"

"I'll make sure they get there safely"- said the guard to eriks parents
Uopn arrival to Emilys house, brett immediatley notices a plate resting on the couch cusion beside emily. Only crumbs remain.
"we're too late" muttered brett.. almost inaudibly

"I'll leave you three to catch up" The guard exits
Brett runs over to emily and asks her the same question he asked Erik
"What do you remember about the last 3 years?"
Emily responded perplexed "What do you mean what do i remember? What's this all about?"

"just answer me damnit! Sorry.. please.. After i arrived here at the commune, what do you remember?"

"Well You got here, you were rooming with Erik.. He called me over to his place. Vikki was with me that day so i brough her along.. she got out of a long relationship not too long before that so i figured some fresh faces would do her good. We hung out that day and there was an instant connection between the two of you.." she grinned "it was so cute. There was nothing really interesting about the past three years, just normal life.. college, work, all that good stuff.. until last week... the car crash..." Emily broke out into tears, Erik went to console her and Brett, in shock, left.

Brett walked with a purpose until he reached the main entrance to the commune, he walked past the parking lot and continued down a long straight road.
A car sped up behind him and pulled over to the side of the road... it was a sharp looking orange Audi.
Erik rolled his window down and shouted for brett to get in the car

"What the hell's gotten into you man?" Erik turns around to face brett as Emily takes a K-turn and heads back towards the commune
Brett responds
"You... everyone.. is being brainwashed by the same government that's supossed to protect you.. this whole world we live in is corrupt... nothing is what it seems... YOu think the past three years have just been normal. WEll they've been anything BUt normal. I'm from 2010, Erik, we went back to my time in my house... we stole a cyborg... Vikki's eye got punctured in the struggle with the military... the cyborg installed a military grade ocular implant, and when she died everybody found out about it because we forgot it was there... we got caught and now we're being branwashed into thinking everything that just happened didnt happen, and everything is just fine. Everything is not fine, we have to tell people about this"

As soon as brett finished his sentence Emily screeched into a parking space and turned off the car. Erik, now furious with Brett unfastened his seat belt and leans over the seat to face brett eye to eye.
"Listen. i dont give a shit if all that is true, or if you're living in your own damn fantasy world. My life's good, i have a beautiful wife, a new baby brother... I'm happy brett.. And i'm happy that i'm happy. I'm sorry you loved and lost vikki. I really am, but you know what, you should be happy too. I'm going to go home and finish the rest of those snacks, and drink a lot of water, and just be content that my life is good and the police force patrolling this commune is here to protect me."

Erik and Emily exit the car and Erik Snatches brett out of the back seat. He closes the passenger door and pushes brett against the car, both hands tightly grasped at T-shirt his collar.

"If I were you, I'd eat those crackers, I'd eat them all and i would do it to save the friendship we have now and have had for the past three years"
"You wanted nothing to do with me three years ago, when i walked in you were self-absorbed and rude"
"That's a bunch of bullshit brett.. i accepted you into my house, you ate My food, slept in MY bed, used MY bathroom"

The drugs are having an increased effect now, more must be filtered into the bloodstream. Brett knew he had nothing to eat in his short stay at the commune so many years ago... The amount of snacks probably doesnt matter... even one would have the same effect... it's just how many you eat determines how fast the effects take place... Brett felt an overwhelming sense of admiration because he put that first cracker down... who knows maybe he could've forgotten some of these details already..

Erik pushed brett away and walked to the opposite side of the car to meet Emily.. they turned and headed for the commune.

"ERIK!" shouted brett

Erik continued to walk towards the building.

"ERIKKKK" shouted brett again, with tears in his eyes... He had now lost everything dear to him. True, Erik wasnt the best friend in the world, but if it werent for him he wouldnt have met victoria or emily, or even known who they were... He would have never loved Vikki... He wouldnt have experienced the amazing adventure they had three years ago.

The gap between Erik and Brett Widened... Brett still stood in place next to the Audi

Brett is now considering his options... Eat the food and get your friends back, or dont eat the food and forget the very reason why he was friends with them in the first place... forget the past... forget the time from whence he came... 2010... forget the friends and relationsships and family he knew from that time... forget everything.... or be abandoned.. Brett now dropped to his knees facing the sudden magnitude of the decision that he is now faced with...

Erik and Emily have now split the distance between the parking space and the front commune entrance. Brett gets to his feet and runs. Runs as fast as he can to catch up with his future. He has made his choice but there is a scenario running through his head. He will eat the food. He will forget everything, he will live his life happy beneath the corruptuon of this new world. Before he does so, he will make a point to write the story of how he got to where he is right now. He will outline all the details about his previous life, his family, the freedoms he had in 2010... He will write the story, the facts, about how He, Erik, Emily and Victoria travelled to 2010, abducted the cyborg, opened a high-interest savings account and became rich in the future..

His legs are tiring now, He's almost out of breath.. Erik And Emily are still a way's away. Almost towards the entrance.. Still he Pushes on.

Brett Will write about the good times they all had at his house... how the cyborg was an integral part of the family.. if not taken advantage of... He will write about how much he loved victoria, and how his whole world was crushed the day she was in the wrong place at the wrong time.. He will write all this because maybe someday he'll pick it up to read and remember... remember the truth in a world of lies... or at least come away from the story and enjoy it as just another work of fiction... just another fictional story he has written and forgot about.

"Erik!" brett shouts again, weakly, running out of breath now as the two turn around to see Brett jog the last couple yards towards them and lean on his knees to catch his breath...

"I'll eat... I'll eat the food... but before i do that.. just let me write my story down... Let me write it down so i might remember it one day."

Erik responded - "But after you write it, you'll eat? And you'll accept the life you're actually living?

"Yes" panted brett

"Good" - Retorted Emily "It's good to know you can accept the truth."
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2010-03-10 15:46:25 UTC Post #279598
You call this a dream? I'd call it a movie script draft. It actually was interesting.
Posted 15 years ago2010-03-10 17:51:52 UTC Post #279603
Jesus, are all your dreams that long?
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 15 years ago2010-03-10 18:57:52 UTC Post #279607
How in the hell did you manage to remember all that from a dream?
Posted 15 years ago2010-03-10 20:34:33 UTC Post #279609
yeah, i would never remember that much detail from a dream... wish i could...


oh yeah btw, tl:dr..

(couldn't resist...)


Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2010-03-11 04:06:56 UTC Post #279619
I only have short dreams, and usually forget them by the end of the day.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 15 years ago2010-03-11 04:26:40 UTC Post #279621
tl;dr, will read it when I'm back from work. This is way too long for a morning breakfast read. ;D

Also, this reminds me - I havent dreamt properly in ~a month. I want my ability to fly back. :<
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 15 years ago2010-03-11 06:49:58 UTC Post #279622
Heh, I wonder how did you manage to remember it all.
Posted 15 years ago2010-03-12 13:18:16 UTC Post #279642
Well i remembered all the large details, and i wrote em all down as soon as i woke up. And i tried to give a lot of detail where i remembered most of it and then just fill in the rest later.

I tried to write it like a movie instead of saying, " well this happened, and this girl died and blah blah blah..."
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 14 years ago2010-03-15 01:13:17 UTC Post #279700
I had a quick nap just before, and the 2nd floor of my house turned into an icecream parlor, and we had 7 dollar bills!
Posted 14 years ago2010-03-15 01:29:04 UTC Post #279701
I had a weird one a while ago. I was a super hero (I don't know what my power was) and I got a distress call from a super hero buddy. I figured it's an emergency, and there's no time to use the stairs. I jumped off the balcony to the one below, and then off that to street level. I shattered both my tibias. I somehow managed to hobble to the nearest hospital despite having completely destroyed my legs, and walked up to the receptionist, before realising I was in America. I don't know what the healthcare system is actually like there but in the dream it meant that I would have had to pay a large amount of money upfront before being treated, so I walked to the other side of the room and made myself a set of splints out of some old straps meant to secure patients to stretchers.

It was very odd. I don't know what happened about the buddy that needed my help.
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 14 years ago2010-03-15 17:37:00 UTC Post #279720
hahahaha TJB that is hilarious, are you sure you were a super hero? XD
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