TWHL Halo party! Created 14 years ago2010-04-28 15:37:07 UTC by Nightlinks Nightlinks

Created 14 years ago2010-04-28 15:37:07 UTC by Nightlinks Nightlinks

Posted 14 years ago2010-05-19 20:26:37 UTC Post #281365
find me one fighting game released on the PC which doesn't let you use control pads. One.
I don't want to have to buy extra equipment for one version of a game when I can just as easily pick up the same game for a system where a control pad is the standard.
Again, either plug in a controller or even better, use a mouse?
Honestly, I was thinking about JRPGs more so than general RPGs. With regards to this, the abovementioned still stands.

There are also keyboard+mouse controller options on a PS3, which could be approached just the same as buying a controller for a PC. The matter of "why should I when it comes standard elsewhere?" remains.
Strongly disagree. Play Psychonauts to see a platformer done far, far better on PC.
Provide more than one example. I've provided 4 franchises that I've had extensive experience with that I feel fare better on a console. I need you to cite more than one exception to debunk the generalized statement. If you are specifically talking about comparing PC versions to console versions, then I still have 2 franchises that debuted on PC and console.
I recently bought XBox 360 just for FFXIII but I've been wanting to get Halo 3 as well, just so that I can say how much crap it is.
You're really cool. I'm sure that the developer will feel very bad about making the game after hearing what you have to say about it, especially after funding them along with every other fanboy or prick who thinks he's being clever by doing exactly the same thing as you.
Posted 14 years ago2010-05-19 21:08:24 UTC Post #281366
You're really cool. I'm sure that the developer will feel very bad about making the game after hearing what you have to say about it
Not only that, but I'm expecting them to give me a call and hire me as a quality control manager to prevent Halo from happening again.
Posted 14 years ago2010-05-19 21:19:14 UTC Post #281367
It's also worth noting that Valve games especially (although there are examples of others) require console players to pay for new content like the recent add-on for L4D2.
That's EA. You know, the guys who made everything for money.

Consoles and PCs COULD potentially be equal, but money-grubbing devs and the general... uh... intelligence level of most console-only gamers mean that the consoles are left in the dust, save for a few great games by companies like Nintendo and some of the more independent ones.
Posted 14 years ago2010-05-20 03:21:33 UTC Post #281373
I'd say PCs are better in general, but that don't mean the consoles suck. They're just better for different stuff. For bad example, Super Mario Galaxy would be shit on a PC.

You gotta keep an open mind.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 14 years ago2010-05-20 04:53:36 UTC Post #281376
Fighting games are also arguably better suited on a console because the controller is closer to an arcade machine than a keyboard is.
Pfft. To get any real enjoyment from a fighting game you'll have to buy non-standard equipment either way :>

But yes, the controller argument is a bit weak... buying a USB dual-stick controller really isn't that much of a bother for any PC enthusiast. It's true, though, that developers agree with this sentiment. Fewer and fewer platformer titles make it to the PC, which is a shame. I mean, I really liked the first PoP.
Posted 14 years ago2010-05-20 08:03:52 UTC Post #281377
Don't forget that a lot of people can't afford a top of the line pc, so a console is a good choice for them.
Posted 14 years ago2010-05-20 08:40:19 UTC Post #281379
Console games are much more expensive than PC games, so a PC is a better choice.
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 14 years ago2010-05-20 09:12:50 UTC Post #281381
Though you'd have to be buying a lot of games before you could claim that PC gaming is actually cheaper.
Posted 14 years ago2010-05-20 10:17:44 UTC Post #281382
Starcarft 2 is not for consoles :cool: .
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-05-20 11:42:14 UTC Post #281383
Console games are much more expensive than PC games, so a PC is a better choice.
There are plenty of cheap console games available through "Games on Demand" for example.
Posted 14 years ago2010-05-20 14:24:55 UTC Post #281384
There are plenty of cheap console games available through "Games on Demand" for example.
We're comparing the prices of new releases, of course.
Posted 14 years ago2010-05-21 13:56:23 UTC Post #281392
Although the price versus hardware thing is a bit skewed too... you can get a relatively cheap PC (I'm talking the price of a PS3) that can run any console port fine. The consoles are a bit dated in terms of hardware nowadays.

When a console is just released, though, its hardware is pretty awesome (think X360 and PS3 on release), and you'd be hard pressed to build a PC with the same graphical capabilities as that of a PS3, so yeah, I'd definitely say a console is the more economic choice when considering a new-generation console.

Life expectancy is also arguably better on the console... if you get an X360 you're guaranteed it'll run all the games released on the console for as long as you own it.
For PC, on the other hand, you don't know how long it'll be able to run new games, especially not if you're building a budget system (think price of a console, again).

Not to mention the hardware upgrade process is quite daunting for casual players.

Anyway, in closing, this really isn't a black and white issue. Console gaming isn't better than PC games, and vice versa. They both have their strengths and weaknesses, and whether you should be going console or PC as a gamer depends heavily on a lot of different circumstances.

That being said, I'm an avid PC gamer and haven't even owned a console since the PSX (which was pretty kickass, mind you), but I still see the upsides of console gaming.
Posted 14 years ago2010-05-21 18:12:42 UTC Post #281393
Conclusion to this thread: Don't do virtual gaming, go play Scrabble.
Moaby MoabyMk. III
Posted 14 years ago2010-05-21 18:28:23 UTC Post #281394
Or boggle.
Posted 14 years ago2010-05-22 14:30:13 UTC Post #281406
Starting a Halo thread on a Half-Life forum was an idea doomed from its inception.

Although I did have a problem with this:
Consoles limitations also basically halt the advancement of graphics as developers have to scale down everything to work on non-upgradable plastic boxes.
It doesn't really halt the advancement of graphics, it just forces the developers to find more clever ways to work with what they have to achieve better results, much like people are still doing with the Goldsource engine. If more developers worked like this all the time, maybe we wouldn't have to upgrade hardware at such an insane rate to play the latest games. I mean, if you compare PS2 games that were released near the beginning of the console's life-cycle to some of the last games that were ever made for it, the difference is absolutely outstanding. Same with Playstation 1 games, if you look at some of the total shit that came out at the console's release, and then look at games made in ~2000, it's incredible. They're able to throttle more and more out of these machines as time goes on and technology improves, and developers become more accustomed to working with the hardware and development tools.
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