Worldcraft Dude: My first TWHL username from way back in late 2003.I picked the first relevant name I could think of. I was f
mapping on Worldcraft at the time, I had never been a member of an internet community, and I really just planned on lurking TWHL, so I really didn't care about having a clever name. This is why, to this day, you still might catch TWHLers calling me "WCD".
World Crafter: My second TWHL username, created with my first username in mind. I switched to this one to take on a more "longstanding member" persona. The idea was to convey a creative thinker and a Half Life mapper in one name. It was also influenced by my prior name.
This is still my username for anywhere that I've registered where I haven't been able to change my name.
Soup Miner: My third TWHL username, and likely my last. I used this name for a long time online before deciding to ask a TWHL mod to change my name. Honest to god, I picked these two words because of how much I like seeing the word "soup" in people's names and because of an old VG Cats comic that mentioned "mining for fish". I switch on and off with other names on Steam, but Soup Miner is most definitely "me" in the long run and I always come back to it

Coolfat3459: We're not even going there, just know that it was a name I used.
Edit: @Potatis
So... you went from being a disabled potato to an invalid potato because of a character limit