I am not trying to be insulting but I am having a hard time figuring out your map. I find all kinds of problems actually. None, that catch the editor's attention but it definitely got mine.
1. Why are you trying to do all this in the skybox? Why not move all the
entities into your map. I am not sure if this is causing a problem.
Maybe someone else can pipe in on that one.
2. Da spinner don't spin. Not sure if you are waiting to troubleshoot the
other before you start da spinna.
3. You got skybox texture on just one side of your boxes. Coat ALL sides.
I have tried the whole no-draw/skytexture thing and I think it causes
problems. I know you are using the device texture....
3. Most importantly, and I believe this to be your main problem. You
func_linears are not defined. Meaning, they don't do anything. They
move one block to the right EVERYTIME cause that's what you have it set
to. Getting a func_linear to move perfectly in a diagonal is going to
be tricky. The destination could be off by a block or two, well, unless
you are a rocket scientist and can figure all that out. Someone might
able to help you with that. I believe a func_train and a few
path_corners would allow you to accomplish your goal much better. If
you use the func_linear then I would suggest making the actual blocks
a uniform shape, i.e., 1x1, 2x2, 4x4. This will make the diagonal
calculation a little more smooth. Then count the number of blocks to
the center and use that as your travel distance. Be sure to set the
angle correctly as it will move in the direction you set it to, even up
and down. It will only move in this direction and back.
example: You have a func_linear that you want to move up and down. The
distance between your floors is 256. Below are the position sets.
Note: these numbers can be negative, i.e. -256.
position 0: (start)
position 1: 256
position 2: 512
position 3: 1024
etc, etc., you can have as many positions or points that you want but they will all be multiplied by your travel distance. You can set the positions with an input into the entity. I think it is something like setposition 1,2,3, etc. Trust me, it confused me for a minute too until I figured it out.
I would fix it up for ya but you would never learn anything so I hope this helps and keep up the good work! You really don't need the skybox.
EDIT: I did get the func_movelinear's to work for me. You just have to set their angles seperately and set the move distance. Don't spin them or whatever you did to get the angle. And I did see that the spinner was on, my bad. I had the same problems however when I parented the tracks to the spinner. I tried parenting everything to the spinner but more problems.
Those are the only two main problems I saw overall.
1. Fix angles on func_movelinear and set distance.
2. unParent the tracks from the spinner.