Competition 30 chit chat Created 14 years ago2011-01-19 15:57:12 UTC by zeeba-G zeeba-G

Created 14 years ago2011-01-19 15:57:12 UTC by zeeba-G zeeba-G

Posted 14 years ago2011-01-20 19:57:49 UTC Post #289420
How does Crollo manage to inject so much fail into literally ANY topic?
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-20 20:02:29 UTC Post #289422
I really don't get most of his points, he needs to make them more clear.

I can't help the fact that I'm retarded, so...
Suparsonik SuparsonikI'm going off the edge to meet my maker.
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-20 20:11:47 UTC Post #289423
How does Crollo manage to inject so much fail into literally ANY topic?


This thread was about competition ideas, not about an expired game.

I must emphasize that having a "Texture it!" compo for source with custom textures allowed would help(force) a lot of members from TWHL to learn more about Source, in this case the material system. Therefore, making them better mappers!
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-20 20:17:43 UTC Post #289424
Ha, learning Source doesn't make you a better mapper. You could totally suck at GoldSource, and just learning about Source a little bit isn't instantly gonna make you 2pro at mapping. And then going back to GoldSource after the fact, you'd still suck. I don't really get the point you are trying to prove...?
Suparsonik SuparsonikI'm going off the edge to meet my maker.
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-20 20:19:34 UTC Post #289426
I wasn't addressing to those who suck at mapping. Those members should not participate at competitions.
And I am just trying to help the community to move from goldsource to source. Source is much more wonderful and let's you be more creative than goldsource.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-20 20:21:37 UTC Post #289428
I sucked at Goldsource. Moved to Source for 4 years. Back on goldsource now for TC, and people seem to like what I can do now... Well, everything I learned to do now, I learned from Source.
Make of that what you will.

It's totally off topic, but I can't help myself when Joebama makes it so clear that he still thinks Goldsource is a better engine in the literal, technical sense.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-20 20:22:32 UTC Post #289429
Yeah, well... I don't think very many people care.

Directed at Striker.
Suparsonik SuparsonikI'm going off the edge to meet my maker.
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-20 20:22:49 UTC Post #289430
I wasn't addressing to those who suck at mapping. Those members should not participate at competitions.
Erm, no. Competitions are for anyone to enter. They allow mappers to foster their skills by focusing their imagination and abilities to a clear task. Competitions are, in no way, limited to the skills of the mapper.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-20 20:23:33 UTC Post #289432
I agree, which makes it even more entertaining to provoke your militant responses to any promotion of the Source engine.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-20 20:23:37 UTC Post #289434
Those members should not participate at competitions.
Why the hell not? This isn't a professional portfolio here, working on a competition map could be a good way to learn a lot about mapping.

Anyway, I suck at mapping and I was thinking of entering the next competition. I may be insulted. :|
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-20 20:24:23 UTC Post #289435
so much edit blockage. My edit was blocked, then a further edit upon the original edit which is now a standalone post has been blocked.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-20 20:25:32 UTC Post #289436
Lol, first response, (not saying ATDestroy sucks at mapping, from what I have seen from the WIP screens he has posted, they look good.)
Suparsonik SuparsonikI'm going off the edge to meet my maker.
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-20 20:26:06 UTC Post #289438
Huntey blocked my edit with his post about blocked edits.
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-20 20:27:10 UTC Post #289439
More edit blockage?
Suparsonik SuparsonikI'm going off the edge to meet my maker.
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-20 20:27:37 UTC Post #289440
Sorry AtDestroy, didn't want to sound like insulting somebody...
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-20 20:29:32 UTC Post #289442
Fair enough :)

Anyway Joe, whats depicted in those screens I posted took months to do, I have a terrible time coming up with ideas, and then when I actually get started on something, I look back, see how terrible it is, and tweak it for months and prevent myself from making progress.
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-20 20:31:17 UTC Post #289443
when I actually get started on something, I look back, see how terrible it is, and tweak it for months and prevent myself from making progress.
Hmm, well that sounds familiar. I think that's why gm_nightfield took about a year to get released...
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-20 20:39:21 UTC Post #289446
Why map from a template. Why not mix it up and say, make a map using nothing other than textures from a custom WAD (to be provided)
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-20 20:41:32 UTC Post #289447
nw.wad please.
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-20 20:44:10 UTC Post #289448
mapping to one pre-defined .wad is actually a really good idea. That could present some very interesting takes on a theme.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-20 21:06:31 UTC Post #289455
@potatis i think you misunderstood me
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-20 21:14:53 UTC Post #289458
Urby/Huntey: I like that idea.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-20 21:22:31 UTC Post #289460
@ninja defuse: No, I think you wrote one thing when you meant another.
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-20 22:16:24 UTC Post #289463
i said that 1.6 is the only one and popular counter strike worth playing
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-21 01:01:14 UTC Post #289472
I'd like to hype-up the idea about mapping from a single wad as well.

Though I think the was should be provided by a member of this forum (for all legitimacy purposes), with no less than 100 images.

//double edit, too prove my mad-priority supremacy
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-21 01:20:07 UTC Post #289474
100 textures is a lot! In order for a competition requiring single-wad/single texture set to be a challenge shouldn't it have few textures? like, say, make a map with only a set of wall, floor, ceiling, and trim/glue textures or something?
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-21 01:23:58 UTC Post #289475
I don't know why ya'll are being hard headed. Condition zero wasn't "repainted" with flameable paint. Its actually nice and I like playing it . I was just trying to recommend a fun game that is cheap to youg guys. If you "like" counterstrike than you'll "love" condition zero. I wasn't targeting you who don't like counterstrike...

And Ant, I guess your right.
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-21 01:24:12 UTC Post #289476
Why map from a template. Why not mix it up and say, make a map using nothing other than textures from a custom WAD (to be provided)
This is fucking brilliant.
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-21 01:33:31 UTC Post #289477
Cs 1.6 sucks I just compared it to condition zero and its like walking into a room of sheeeeiittt. lol

Ninja Defuse; Give something a try before bashing it!!!!!!!!

Also, for those who map. Condition zero's fgd. includes rain and snow which is nearly impossible to include in large maps or any for that matter without highly negatively effecting the map's gameplay otherwise.

Wow thats a great idea guys! Nice one Urby.
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-21 02:11:40 UTC Post #289478
100 textures is a lot! In order for a competition requiring single-wad/single texture set to be a challenge shouldn't it have few textures? like, say, make a map with only a set of wall, floor, ceiling, and trim/glue textures or something?
Definitely, 100 is ridiculous.

The textures will have to be made with Source in mind originally, too. That means normals/ssbumps, and spec maps (if necessary) need to be made with the diffuse. Easiest part is shrinking them down for the WAD, heh.

A small set with a couple of walls, floors, ceilings and trims is the best bet. But... what theme?

EDIT: I should mention that we already had something in mind for this competition, a quick and easy one. It might be worth keeping this idea for the next one, give us some time to have the textures made up.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-21 02:23:10 UTC Post #289479
Whatever it is I hope I can dedicate enough time to get a decent entry in.
But the .wad idea is sheer brilliance
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-21 03:57:01 UTC Post #289480
Yea! Short and quick one would be cool too though. Both are sounding good.
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-21 06:05:19 UTC Post #289483
Wait a sec, wasn't this topic about ideas for the next competition? What the hell are you guys talking about? Lets get this back on track please.

Let me throw out some ideas for the next competition:

1. Map an Xen map. [The thing with xen maps these days, is there's rarely any of them released, and I don't recall lately having any competition similar to this, so why not? Most mappers here haven't really done the theme a lot, so it would be a nice challenge.]

2. Map a space station / space ship?

3. How about an entity challenge for once? Here's an idea for that: Map a gman styled dream, it doesn't have to include gman in it, but it has to be short, use cameras, fade effects and so on.
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-21 06:15:05 UTC Post #289484
Uh, Skals... this whole thread has been about the next competition.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-21 06:20:48 UTC Post #289485
2. Map a space station / space ship?
If I'd be allowed to submit my map (which I've been working on for over a year), that would be great ;)
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-21 08:39:00 UTC Post #289486
UHMU.. I don't know how to use dynamic camera angles. >_<
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-21 08:45:30 UTC Post #289487
zeeba-g: ok prima aprilis is gone so stop talking about shitty joke called condtion zero (1.6 > condition zero)
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-21 08:47:50 UTC Post #289488
heh.. this.. is a given. No need to rip on condition zero though.. I'm certain there are features worth experiencing in this as well (psi has never played).
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-21 12:32:45 UTC Post #289490
I like the "map from a WAD" idea. It would have to be the right size, and pretty diverse. Maybe someone could make a custom one specifically for a compo.

I'm aware the mods are deciding this one, but it's a good idea for the near future.
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-21 12:42:40 UTC Post #289491
Map from wad.

//Raises hand.
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-21 12:51:34 UTC Post #289492
submerged.wad plz plz plz plz plz
Suparsonik SuparsonikI'm going off the edge to meet my maker.
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-21 13:10:15 UTC Post #289494
Mapping from a .wad could be fun but I don't have HL1 installed anymore....

I know...blasphemy!!

As long as I can map from a texture pack then it's all good for me. I still want to see another brush compo. Make it a single object like a building or a bridge or whatever you want...the freaking Eiffel tower hasn't been done here yet. Doesn't have to be a working map necessarily. Allows more focus on the work and not details like lighting and multiple end tasks that leave alot of maps unfinished. A lot of my maps are unfinished simply because I am not good at everything and I hate releasing something that is not finished.
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-21 14:09:27 UTC Post #289495
I say map from materials :biggrin:.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-21 14:24:27 UTC Post #289496
The textures will have to be made with Source in mind originally, too. That means normals/ssbumps, and spec maps (if necessary) need to be made with the diffuse. Easiest part is shrinking them down for the WAD, heh.
Already been covered.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-21 14:37:18 UTC Post #289497
Map from a wad sounds awesome.
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-21 14:55:44 UTC Post #289498
So that means that textures will be originally made for source and then exported to a wad?
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-21 15:19:19 UTC Post #289499
Yes, so it's a competition for both engines again.

Also, a rule like you must use every texture at least once might add to the challenge.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-21 16:58:11 UTC Post #289506
/me likes where this is going
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-21 23:49:20 UTC Post #289515
HAHAHA.. I totally just heard in my head: "DiscoStu, Likes where this is going~!" In the cartoon voice-actor's voice.

Posted 14 years ago2011-01-22 05:37:51 UTC Post #289518
Every now and then a good and (relatively) original idea like "map from wad" comes along.

Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
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