Now Playing: Fallout: New Vegas.I'm in favour of Fallout 3 / New Vegas and GTAIV personally. Just Cause 2 is unavailable to me for now because it's stuck up it's own arse with DX10 (I'm running WinXP still). I only ever played the demo of Just Cause 1 and I hated it.
GTAIV is appealing to me for its physics system, Euphoria. It is the only game that fully utilises it at the moment which is a huge shame because so many games could benefit from it and enhance it. It makes online dicking around sessions all the more hilarious.
Fallout 3 is astounding if RPG's are your thing. I think too many people expect it to play like an FPS, which it really isn't. If it were then it would be STALKER (the less said about that tripe the better

New Vegas was slandered to high heaven by the console tard market and at the end of the day, I'm not surprised. It is not a console friendly game. It is a hell of a lot better than Fallout 3 mechanics wise. The factions system and weapon upgrades and hours of unmarked quests and locations make it so addictive.
As for consoles, adventure games such as Uncharted 2 are prefect. I think I'm nearly finished with it but it's been a blast so far. The camera work and effects mean that the missus can watch it like an action movie while I play.