The Future of TWHL Created 14 years ago2011-01-31 06:49:13 UTC by AJ AJ

Created 14 years ago2011-01-31 06:49:13 UTC by AJ AJ

Posted 14 years ago2011-02-06 13:50:52 UTC Post #290115

(Yay new page!)
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-06 16:16:01 UTC Post #290116
Should you even have an opinion on where the site goes?
So long as I'm not suggesting I become co-leader or head admin, I'm relatively sure the staff doesn't care.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-06 16:21:02 UTC Post #290119
Mould, rimmeh.
Colour, rimmeh.
Mum, rimmeh.
Favourite, rimmeh.
Honour, rimmeh.

Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-06 18:10:24 UTC Post #290124
I came to this site because it was a Half-Life mapping site. If I was into mapping for Unreal engine games, I would have found an Unreal mapping site. I would not have come to a website that previously catered to Valve-developed game engines and contained few members who knew anything about any other engines.

My point is this. You can add new game engines to the mix, but if that's your plan for expanding the community beyond 40-50 active members, you're simply misguided. All it's going to do is provide a new outlet for current Source/Goldsource engine mappers (mostly long-time dedicated members) to upload their maps from other engines. We won't be attracting a new audience with it, because we literally have no backbone from which to work off of besides the Source/Goldsource engines. There's no knowledgebase there, we'd literally be starting from scratch in that department.

We really do have something good going on here, and there's something to be said for a mapping site that aims for one thing and does it really well. I feel that's what we're doing right now with the focus on Valve-designed game engines. I certainly am not one to ignore the merits of expansion, but I can only too well see TWHL, in whatever form it takes on, becoming entirely unfocused.

Thing is, the world needs engine-specific mapping sites. It holds people together with a common interest. We're all here because we share an interest in Goldsource or Source games, and typically the Half-Life universe at large. I feel we'd be apt to lose that sense of community with a more expansive site. That's all.
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-06 18:59:09 UTC Post #290126
(Y) DiscoStu likes this.
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-06 22:11:59 UTC Post #290131
You like cleavage? So do I!

On a serious note however, I agree with srry's points.
Suparsonik SuparsonikI'm going off the edge to meet my maker.
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-06 22:23:55 UTC Post #290132
Those are some squashed boobs if that's true.

A single purpose sight may serve a close together and relating community, but it's also a restricted, narrow set.

Maybe a standalone kitchen [EG restaraunt] will have people who all want to eat food and not watch TV, but wouldn't you think it'd be convenient to have a living room where you can go to if you want to do OTHER things then eat after you're done?
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-06 22:52:09 UTC Post #290133
You are on a site right now called "The Whole Half Life" but we cater to other games as well like Portal and TF2. A name in the general vicinity of level design will work any way you slice it.

@Crollo: You've said the name is narrow 5 times now. Noted, moving on.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-07 00:05:10 UTC Post #290135
Well, if we were only to support Goldsource and Source ONLY, we'd have to excel in our tutorial content. Which we don't. Tutorials don't get submitted often enough for either engine.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-07 00:09:06 UTC Post #290136
I would be willing to submit Goldsource tutorials. I'm an avid mapper for the half life engine and I'm constantly testing the limits on a daily basis. There's people willing to do it.
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-07 00:09:29 UTC Post #290137
@srry: well said! the more I think about what u postedthe more I agree..


Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-07 03:44:40 UTC Post #290139
Ant, that's true. Do you have a plan for coming up with tutorials for all these proposed game engine additions? I can only see the same problem extending itself onto these new game platforms, if you think we're having trouble supporting two of them now.

I can't see people coming to this site for any other reason than as a Source/Goldsource mapping outlet, but maybe that's just me. From what I've seen, that's what attracts people here. That's what makes TWHL appealing. That is our strong point right there, and you're suggesting getting rid of it. As well, there are plenty of other sites that merely focus on Source engine games, not even Goldsource, and have communities larger than ours, so I don't really think expanding the focus of the site will correlate in any way to enlarging its userbase. For instance, you could start a forum with boards for every single mod-able game engine on the market, but why would people start posting there? And I'm just postulating here (I have no real info or anything to back up this claim) but it might even serve to shrink the site if it becomes too decentralized.
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-07 05:25:13 UTC Post #290143
From what I've seen, that's what attracts people here. That's what makes TWHL appealing. That is our strong point right there, and you're suggesting getting rid of it.
You're acting like we intend to destroy everything we already have on these engines. They will obviously be the largest focus, as we already have everything here dedicated to them. We don't honestly expect an abundance of new content to flow in for other engines, we're not that foolish. What then is the harm in simply expanding the site to accomodate other options, should people choose to use them or not?

Interlopers added a subforum recently for the small amount of users there who have been experimenting with the UDK. Funnily enough, it's had no negative impact on the community.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-07 05:50:52 UTC Post #290145
I think srry does have a point, though. There's no need to attempt to cater to all audiences and, as a result, satisfy none. I think we can retain the focus on Valve games, and do just as Interlopers has done, and open up a subforum for discussion of other engines.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-07 10:06:14 UTC Post #290147
Tutorials don't get submitted often enough for either engine
I recently submitted a tutorial proposal (for creating ssbumps). I know there are already tutorials about source textures, but I didn't see them to cover SSbumps.

I was at least expecting a "no". But you ignored that.

[EDIT] I actually feel better somebody responded now.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-07 11:31:04 UTC Post #290152
Honestly, I think we are all splitting hairs over basically nothing.

It doesn't matter either way, whether we support other engines or not. You aren't going to loose people just because you EXPAND a site. And I don't think changing the name is going to have any massive impact either. A simple redirect will take care of anyone trying to get to the old site.

I am not advocating that we cover every engine out there but I don't think it would hurt to add a few others and possibly expand on some other ideas that have been mentioned.

All the posts here are like broken records repeating themselves.
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-07 13:17:33 UTC Post #290153
All the posts here are like broken records repeating themselves.
All the posts here are like broken records repeating themselves.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-07 19:24:21 UTC Post #290162
Frankly, I agree with Srry. Sure, we should expand the site, but let's not lose the focus.
As for the name, We should keep it. I'd like to keep the domain, if not under the part. But that's not what makes a site. (okay, not what makes a community)
I'm sure the admins will know what to do.
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-07 19:51:50 UTC Post #290166
All i know is, It'd be nice to have forums dedicated to the UDK and Starcraft II maps.
Because i currently map for those as well and i'd rather not have another forum (let alone 2) drain my time.
I'm all for the switch.

Who gives a crap if the new site wont be strictly dedicated to HalfLife/source?
The current members develop for many other games, and i'm sure that within a short time frame we can have a decent following on multiple other engines, all spwaned from our current member base.

Regardless, we can't stay here.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-08 08:54:30 UTC Post #290171
I think we've come to a tentative solution: Remain a Half-Life site, but open up possibilities for extra games and engines.

There's still the issue of renaming the site. I'd be okay keeping TWHL, but we don't have a domain name to switch over to. (Anyone want to pay US$1500 for the .com domain? :P)
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-08 09:31:03 UTC Post #290172
Hold on, let me find my ski mask and airsoft gun.
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-08 09:56:09 UTC Post #290173
It'd be nice to have forums dedicated to the UDK and Starcraft II maps.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-08 13:06:08 UTC Post #290175
I noticed was available, so i quickly grabbed it before anyone else could.
Did you actually purchase it? That's awesome. Someone is trying to help.
Unlike some of us...

I would put the money up for the new .com if I had it to give just so we could resolve this issue. I, seriously, don't think we need a .com or need the old name. Why is everyone so stuck on the name for pete's sake? It's just a name; you will get used to the new one.

Is the focus of the site really the name or the people and the actual content. It's not like we would be starting from scratch or anything. Even if you did start from scratch I don't buy all the hype about the soul of the site simply dying.

Take this site to a new place and go from there. At least we will still be up and running, you know?

I am still waiting for this site to just blink out....:(
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-08 13:12:14 UTC Post #290176
Did you actually purchase it? That's awesome.
AFIAK CO.CC are free domains, you can't purchase them.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-08 13:26:58 UTC Post #290177
Aka it's a bad domain. Free can never be good.

PB hit the nail on the head.

On that note: most of you kids need to stop posting. You lost focus as to what the thread is about. And now you're posting for the sake of beng relevant.
The site isn't about to just die.
Names do matter: it's permenant and we don't want to look stupid.
Domain names are important. Shit like look retarded, and that's another reason we want to change.
No one is gout to join a site about mapping for another game if the site has NO content on those games.

We're a fuckig half life site. Let's deal with that instead o
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-08 13:30:03 UTC Post #290179
.CO.CC? Is there also a domain name the same with a K at the end?
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-08 14:21:52 UTC Post #290183
.CO.CC? Is there also a domain name the same with a K at the end?
What do you mean? A domain with a similar name?
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-08 14:37:40 UTC Post #290184
he means .CO.CK
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-08 15:46:37 UTC Post #290186
Well thank you mod for deleting my post but not pending my edit onto the original.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-08 15:58:38 UTC Post #290188
Crap, i thought i did just that. Apparently i was'nt paying attention. I admit, i messed up. Sorry.
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-08 15:59:20 UTC Post #290189 has worked just fine for about a decade, I don't know whether it was paid for or not, but I don't see any problems with free domains. They can't be bad just because they're free. is free and nobody has yet complained.
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-08 17:31:04 UTC Post #290190
People DO judge books by their covers. A lot of you are forgetting that.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-08 17:56:11 UTC Post #290194
Despite the ...strong wording, Luke is pretty much right. If we move TWHL to another domain, I would much prefer a first class TLD (com, org, net) than a dodgy one (info, biz). I really don't want a country-specific domain, because we're an international site. As I said before, I still think that the on the current domain scares potential new users away.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-08 18:55:53 UTC Post #290195
I agree, and it's harder to remember.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-08 23:26:49 UTC Post #290203
This is 2011, you don't need to remember. There's favourites/bookmarks, there's browsing history, and there's Google.
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-09 02:34:33 UTC Post #290204
Considered any names yet pb, ant, strideh?

how about MouseGods

edit: it's barely a suggestion XD
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-09 06:16:17 UTC Post #290210 is available.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-09 06:50:17 UTC Post #290211
close the site! im only up to my 999th login!
and i was the first guy to say "opposing Force" when this new site came in way back when. i dont want to have to reclaim my claim to fame all over again.
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-09 06:56:12 UTC Post #290212
I think is fantastic.
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-09 14:11:31 UTC Post #290220
I have to say, I honestly hate everyone in this thread.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-09 14:29:11 UTC Post #290222
I don't post here to be relevant...

I post here to keep this thread moving forward and to keep people thinking about what the want in the new site. I really really don't see where any kind of changes are going to be all the major. I simply don't agree.

And please, if you are going to call me a child at least check your facts before making such an asinine statement. I was probably mapping, making games, and RUNNING web sites when you were all in diapers.

You are all like a bunch of bitchy little girls that don't get you way.

It really makes me mad that nobody takes me seriously on this site. I don't know why I continue to come here.

Peace. and good luck.
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-09 14:31:29 UTC Post #290223
I lol'd super hard.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-09 15:43:20 UTC Post #290225
I would like to second the motion for a section dedicated to Starcraft mapping.

Also, I would like clearance to form a commitee in effort to track down Lockedown246 and recieve his good-graces in concerns of extending the story of his legendary "padawrath's return" map, into a newer-aged, higher-definition, Starcraft 2 excursion.
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-09 18:29:58 UTC Post #290228
Personally I love starcraft mapping but there are pretty huge sites for those already.

padorath's return is a good rpg map but not the best i played. I don't like how monsters just spawn in front of your face and also evolved units don't use consistent upgrades. I think ozubko rpg's are better both terrain wise and trigger wise but wait, this is a half life forum, forget everything I just said.

*I just want to say that a russian site interpreted this thread as "Twhl is dying/to be reborn?" so really please everyone be careful with the direction you want this idea to develop
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-09 18:58:24 UTC Post #290229
hmm.. I think.. we should kill twhl.. with pitch-forks and torches.
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-09 20:11:02 UTC Post #290234
Don't worry Luke, everyone hates you back. ;)
Suparsonik SuparsonikI'm going off the edge to meet my maker.
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-09 20:39:01 UTC Post #290237
Valve engine games - yesh
Other engine games - Not so yesh

Guys have a point. TWHL should stick to source and GS. Or at least, FPS games.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-09 22:15:31 UTC Post #290238
You guys have got to be kidding me with this Starcraft shit.

Where do you even come up with this stuff?

I'd also like a Knife Appreciation section for Soup Miner and a Car Enthusiast's section for me please.
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-10 00:24:18 UTC Post #290240
Can't we just start with an all-encompassing "other" section and see where that goes?

To reiterate what PB said:
I think we've come to a tentative solution: Remain a Half-Life site, but open up possibilities for extra games and engines.
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-10 01:24:52 UTC Post #290241
That's pretty much the idea, yeah. Just a place for members to chat about non-Valve game mapping.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
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