Colony 42 Created 16 years ago2009-01-28 12:15:54 UTC by Notewell Notewell

Created 16 years ago2009-01-28 12:15:54 UTC by Notewell Notewell

Posted 14 years ago2011-03-03 17:35:56 UTC Post #291061
Woah, Joe, tone it down. Keep it civil, please.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 14 years ago2011-03-03 18:06:44 UTC Post #291063
I didn't waste it. Potatis and I talked about it way before I quit, and we agreed that if I chose to quit (which I did) or go to the source engine (which I did not) that he would get to keep the mod and continue everything.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2011-03-03 18:37:07 UTC Post #291065
The thing is, he's not going to continue it, as he has no idea where to go with it.
Suparsonik SuparsonikI'm going off the edge to meet my maker.
Posted 14 years ago2011-03-03 18:38:41 UTC Post #291066
Of course he does. He's the potatis.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2011-03-03 18:41:51 UTC Post #291067
I'm not going to keep working on TD but I might use the code for something else.
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 14 years ago2011-03-03 18:43:25 UTC Post #291068
It has been stated.
Suparsonik SuparsonikI'm going off the edge to meet my maker.
Posted 14 years ago2011-03-03 18:52:59 UTC Post #291069
Well, he's keeping the code. All you really wanted, right Joebama? I, too, am impressed by potatis's coding. It's amazing how he creates new entities, edits the foundation of the game to his liking, and in general, makes everything cooler.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2011-03-03 20:19:49 UTC Post #291070
well if you want, u can give me the maps for my mod I'm needing some maps at the moment you will be credited
Posted 14 years ago2011-03-06 21:17:15 UTC Post #291226
Okay, so right now I'm in the process of making a bounce design where the player has to activate a generator further within the map to make a door switch work. However, I'm worried that the player might not get that the switch will work once the power is on again. I don't want to kill the lights in the room, because it looks nice and I'd have to rework it to have toggleable lights.
So, how do I make it obvious?
Posted 14 years ago2011-03-06 21:21:01 UTC Post #291228
Perhaps put the letter A by the door, and put an A by the switch? Either that, or make a bar that follows the button to the door.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2011-03-06 21:25:05 UTC Post #291230
Bar? Perhaps you could place a visible cable from the button to a box and from that box to the generator. Or, place some sort of sign or symbol next to the button and next to the generator. Or both, for dull players.
Posted 14 years ago2011-03-06 21:26:41 UTC Post #291231
OR have a voiceover voice that announces - "Door to [area name] has been released."
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2011-03-06 21:28:21 UTC Post #291233
I think the problem is hinting the player needs to start the generator in the first place.
Posted 14 years ago2011-03-06 21:34:58 UTC Post #291234
I have a cable/wire type brush set coming out of the switch, one goes down, the other goes left, towards the wall closest to the generator.
The only way for the player to advance is to go into the control room through a vent and into the hallway leading to the generator, which will be dark.
Perhaps make the door work, but have another door in the hallway that leads back down to the opposite side?
Posted 14 years ago2011-03-06 22:48:43 UTC Post #291241
However, I'm worried that the player might not get that the switch will work once the power is on again.
Put a power display (the on/off button or the yellow POWER light) next to the switch. Light it up once the generator is turned on. Place the same textured power display next to the generator and that should automatically indicate to players that the two are related.
Posted 14 years ago2011-03-06 22:57:48 UTC Post #291242
Add some camera effects so it shows the door open.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2011-03-07 08:40:26 UTC Post #291251
Can't; It's goldsource, so any simulated cameras would look like crap, being just a texture. Also, they have to open the door themselves. The light might go on, and I guess I'll make an alternate way down from that corridor. (right now you have to jump out a window to get back)
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-24 00:07:48 UTC Post #292219
When do you think it will be ready.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-24 00:26:49 UTC Post #292220
What, the mod? When it's done. Which won't be for a while.
Also, Joebama, is there any progress on that model?
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-24 09:20:20 UTC Post #292236
Oh shit, totally forgot. I have time today so I'll get it done.
Suparsonik SuparsonikI'm going off the edge to meet my maker.
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-24 09:32:30 UTC Post #292238
Alright, thanks.
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-24 20:08:38 UTC Post #292253
Argh, the bones are named differently, this may take a bit longer than I wanted it to, but I'll still get it done.

Also, you can do some camera effects! Just make a one sided brush in front of the camera and put a little texture on it, make it additive, and voila! Just look at Blue Shift for some examples.
Suparsonik SuparsonikI'm going off the edge to meet my maker.
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-24 21:31:17 UTC Post #292344
No problem, just don't forget about it again, okay? ;)

I could do a camera like that, but I find it annoying when control is taken away from me when I'm playing a game, and I'm sure many players would agree. I do have a few screens for CCTV, but they're just screenshots with all the monsters and dynamic ents removed.
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-24 21:44:49 UTC Post #292345
Will there be anything multiplayer-like on the game?
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-25 14:28:23 UTC Post #292358
Um... no? If there was it'd just be HLDM on the spirit code base, which equals no change since there'd be no new maps.
I need some voiceacting again, this time for the hazard course. It's 12 lines, with a total of 19 lines of text. Just a scientist, no specific accent required, no effects added. I'd do it myself, but my voice is still crap, and I seem to not be capable of even talking into a mic. (Despite the fact that I love acting)

Also, I was going to post some media, but I don't currently know any image hosting sites that work and don't require an account. (imageshack has apparently decided that you're not allowed to upload anything unless you have an account, because it keeps giving me error messages and redirecting to the main page after the progress bar fills.)
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-25 15:16:19 UTC Post #293891 is a good one!
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-25 16:42:56 UTC Post #293895
Why not just register to imageshack? It doesn't cost anything and you can find your old pics that you've uploaded should the need arise.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-25 17:38:20 UTC Post #293899
I suppose I could register... I dunno, I don't like giving out my email and passwords.
EDIT: Bullet has been biten.
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-25 17:47:02 UTC Post #293900
yeah, ImageShack is pwn/easy/fast/free image hosting. unless of course if you live in china, it will not work in any way..


Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-25 17:49:23 UTC Post #293901
User posted image
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-25 19:15:47 UTC Post #293902
Simple, but nice.
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-28 17:14:28 UTC Post #296025
As you can see (if you squint) in this image, there's a security guard at the bottom of that elevator shaft. I need someone to do voice work for him. There are three lines, or if you're the count-every letter kind, 504 characters.
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-28 17:32:10 UTC Post #296026
Hey, Jeff were you ever able to get those decay anims working?

I can do it now, since I know what I'm actually doing.
Suparsonik SuparsonikI'm going off the edge to meet my maker.
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-28 17:33:28 UTC Post #296027
That's $3 per letter and $2 per space. Just because it's you, punctuation marks are free.
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-28 17:33:57 UTC Post #296028
I haz mic, I can try?
brendanmint brendanmintBrendan
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-28 17:51:38 UTC Post #296029
Joe: Yeah, it's already done. Thanks for asking, though.
Stu and Brendan: I'll send you guys one of the lines for an audition/demo (I'm assuming Stu was sarcastic but offering, as per previous experience with such replies)
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-28 18:01:35 UTC Post #296030
I wasn't really, I'm not sure I have the time. But I'll look into it.
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-28 19:02:36 UTC Post #296031
No problem.
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-30 10:49:26 UTC Post #296056
You know me. I never shy away from a quick VO job.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-30 11:01:04 UTC Post #296058
Alright, I'll send you the lines if Brendan can't do it after all. And I will likely (read: will) have more needs for voice acting later, just as soon as I finalize the dialog and write it down.
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-23 16:24:34 UTC Post #296945
User posted image
User posted image
Jacob's Bar and Grill is the favorite watering hole and restaurant on Colony 42. Located in the Atrium Mall at the top of the station, it is completely filled almost every night. The Proprietor, Jacob, has been described as the perfect bartender; Quick to end trouble, always willing and ready to lend a sympathetic ear, and instantly likable, he also knows how to mix up a plethora of drinks, and almost every recipe prepared in his kitchen was invented by him or comes from a family recipe.
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-23 17:18:30 UTC Post #296946
Looks great. Maybe add some "off" light fixtures in the middle of the ceiling. That low level of light is good when there are customers, but after closing time when the staff have to clean up, they'd turn on the main lights.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-23 17:47:47 UTC Post #296947
that floor needs some rugs, or 2 seat tables. Also add light that hang down from the ceiling and illuminate just the tables. Its too dark otherwise.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-23 19:05:16 UTC Post #296950
Hanging lights would be an excellent addition indeed.
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-24 02:06:10 UTC Post #296956
The floor could use some work. The texture you used is pretty repetitive, and it could use some things to mix it up a bit. Like different textures to make different patterns of tiles, or carpeting, or even having a center area that goes down a bit.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-24 11:18:38 UTC Post #296962
Nah, floor is fine i guess, fits very well in a bar/cafetaria/restaurant aera.

But your lighting needs some work. It's too dark. You want to be able to read your newspaper while you eat and that requires pretty strong light. All i see are small spotlights.
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-24 13:03:29 UTC Post #296967
It's a bar & grill, Muzz. Mood lighting, booze, food & mates, not newspapers :P
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-24 21:14:14 UTC Post #296971
Needs dimmer lighting, rave music, and strip poles.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-25 00:01:52 UTC Post #296977
No. No it doesn't. It's a pub, but it's also a family establishment. In the middle of a public mall.
And you're too young to know about strip clubs, let alone be interested in them.

Everyone else: Thanks for the input, I'll add more lighting, and maybe see if I can fit in some tables built for two. Maybe along the picture wall?
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-25 01:14:03 UTC Post #296981
And you're too young to know about strip clubs, let alone be interested in them
ha ha.

is a scientist meant to be manning the bar?
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