Restart Steam and play.
Discuss first impressions and whatnot here.
Created 13 years ago2011-04-19 03:59:28 UTC by
Soup Miner
Portal 2 co-op campaignSigh. Yeah, I love sticking TF2 hats on my aperture science drone and buying gestures for 2$ a piece, but... Isn't valve known for FREE dlc? And shouldn't TF2 stuff, stay in TF2, I mean, just simply recycling it all seems a bit cheap to me.
Restart Steam and play.I restart Steam and nothing out of the ordinary happens that allows me to play. Do I have to buy the game first?
I want to read some impressions about the updated engine(is it still source?).Yes, I don't think Valve will move on from Source anytime soon.
There is NOT dynamic light,But source supports dynamic lighting :. Lazy asses from valve didn't perform any optimizations on that?
This means that you cannot talk about the plot elements of Portal 2 AT ALL. This also includes gameplay screenshots, links to youtube videos (without a big spoiler notice), and so on. This is a bannable offense, you will not get any warnings besides this one.I'm especially concerned with what constitutes a spoiler in your eyes with regards to screenshots. I'd be afraid to post anything at all, because a screenshot showing anything from the game might be considered a spoiler to you based on what you said earlier.
Finished this last night.+1
Wow... My mouth was hanging open for like 10 minutes.