wait, I thought this topic was about quantum physics?DID SOMEONE SAY QUANTUM PHYSICS?! http://twhl.info/forums.php?thread=17621&page=last
That's a myth.That's what they want you too think

Created 13 years ago2011-07-08 07:39:29 UTC by
wait, I thought this topic was about quantum physics?DID SOMEONE SAY QUANTUM PHYSICS?! http://twhl.info/forums.php?thread=17621&page=last
That's a myth.That's what they want you too think
twins do have some kind of connection, even ending up with the same, occupation, vehicle, spouses of the same name, etc, if they were separated at birth. It's been documented.Probably because no-one gives a shit when they don't. It not happening is probably a hell of a lot more common. It's a really interesting subject though, I'd love for you to prove me wrong.
If anything, we could get some bad-ass ghost in the shell cyborg implants and bodies so we could talk wirelessly without physically speaking, personally see through cameras across the planet, use robotic limbs as our own, or live forever (as long as machines can keep a brain alive without a supporting organic body) <3I fantasize about this all the time Grim. The problem is, there's a constant battle going in my head on whether this is moral or not. Whether if... yes, God accepts this or not. It would be totally not fair to be "upgraded" and other people would have to struggle at their natural capabilities.
In that sense we could also have virtual reality that literally takes over our senses. That would make video-games and hands-on training awesome. You could learn to paint without actually using paint. Sports might even be fun if the game strategy and control is decoupled from physical prowess. We could be having this conversation "face to face".
he'd just use you for his own benefit and than throw you out like waste or make you serve him.So, God then?
So in a way brednamintBred n a mint?
Most people who Attempt Time Travel get very injured or Killed. End of Story.lol, wat?
In that sense, time is the most powerful super weapon in existence, which probably explains man's desire to harness it.So if I wanted to destroy capitalism I'd just have to wait it out?
Most people who Attempt Time Travel get very injured or Killedi read a book in the library about meditation which leads to time travel, ages ago. it said you can time travel with your mind, but only few experienced people can time travel physically though its dangerous, because your body can get lost in space/time in the transition.
What happens is that a significant amount (so as not to say "all") of religious folks get really pissed off when they beliefs are challenged by simple questions they can't answer, and react violently rather than accepting a civilised discussion.i am willing to discuss differnt view points, i enjoy hearing peoples ideas on differnt religions and theorys and I enjoy telling people about the ideas i believe in.
What flaws do you find in a non-belief systemtry this - not believing in something doesnt mean its not real.
What happens is that a significant amount (so as not to say "all") of religious folks get really pissed off when they beliefs are challengedThe same is true of a significant amount of atheists. It's a human nature thing, not a religious (or lack thereof) thing.
try this - not believing in something doesnt mean its not real.Try this - simply believing in something doesn't make it real.
for example, if someone says "i wont go to hell because i dont believe in it" doesnt mean that hell isnt real, simply because they dont believe in it
Imagine you were born in Saudi Arabia, the centre of the Islamic faith. Your parents were Muslim and taught you about the Qur'an from a very early age.Of course, but that's because of the different religions. It's how people think. You'd think in Muslim ways because you were raised to and taught to.
Would you be a Christian today? Of course not, you'd be Muslim.
we just want answers.And you know goddamned well you're not going to get [polite] 'answers'.