TWHL HDD Benchmarks Created 13 years ago2011-07-14 19:27:14 UTC by Striker Striker

Created 13 years ago2011-07-14 19:27:14 UTC by Striker Striker

Posted 13 years ago2011-07-14 19:28:31 UTC Post #296626
I'd like to see how different hdds perform, and to make it more fun, I thought we could post each of us a screenshot of a small and fast benchmark.

You will have to download and install Crystal Disk Mark.

1.Leave all the options on default (Number of tests:5, Test Size: 1000MB).

2.Choose a partition from your HDD(all of my partitions get defragmented regularly so it doesn't really make a difference). Then click "All".

3.If you have more HDDs( I have one of 160GB and one of 500 GB), be sure to include a second benchmark screenshot with one of the second HDD partitions.

Here's my benchmarks:

HDD1( Western Digital(idk the model, it's from 2007) 160GB, 7200 RPM, 8mb Buffer)
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HDD2( Western Digital Caviar Blue(2009), 500GB, 7200 RPM, 16mb Buffer)
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The only actually interesting values are the Write and Read from "Seq". It's self-explanatory what they mean.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-14 20:57:48 UTC Post #296629
I like that the program leaves space for notes at the bottom.
3 Physical drives, 2 came with this PC that I won from PCGamer.
The 750gb Samsung I won at a HL2DM tournament years ago.

You guys should include your system scores as well.
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It's pretty remarkable how much faster at reading the SSD is, but I was really surprised to see how much slower it is at writing.
I use it for video editing because slower drives can sometimes result in dropped frames, which are superbly annoying.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-14 21:05:37 UTC Post #296630
Archie, would be nice to include specific hdd info( like I did). I actually want to use this thread as a reference. I'm tempted to buy a new WD Caviar Blue of 1 Tb.

Oh also, too lazy to make another screenshot for the system score(which is really just a crude measurement of the system performance).
But here's my values:

Processor - 6.4
Memory(RAM): - 6.4
Graphics - 6.9
Gaming Graphics - 6.9
Primary Hard-Disk- 5.9
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-14 21:10:13 UTC Post #296631
I have no idea how to get more details on my drives than I gave in the screenshots themselves short of actually turning off the PC, opening it up and looking, and I can't really be bothered.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-14 21:20:53 UTC Post #296632
Device manager should be able to give you a model number, or CPU-Z.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-15 08:25:19 UTC Post #296633
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Western Digital WD6400AAKS
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-15 08:39:25 UTC Post #296634
Nice transfer speeds Stojke!

Oh and, what the... how come your 1TB HDD has faster( and it's really not by a few numbers!) writing speed than reading Archie? That makes no sense :. Is it fragmented?
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-15 11:01:30 UTC Post #296641
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Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-15 12:08:52 UTC Post #296642
Thanks Striker! :D

WD6400AAKS is a good HDD for the price. It can also be "set up" for insane speeds with some partitioning.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-15 13:12:13 UTC Post #296645
Samsung 500GB 7200rpm 16MB cache SATA-II F3
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Posted 13 years ago2011-07-15 14:08:56 UTC Post #296648
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It's interesting that identical models perform differently based on where on the drive platter your partition is, or where the available free space is. The last drive of mine is a very old 500GB drive, I'm almost done removing everything I need from it, then it's getting retired forever.

Also, why does Windows rate your hardware out of 7.9? What a random number. Why not 10, or a percentage value?
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-15 14:17:49 UTC Post #296649
May I ask what you need so much damn space for? :)
I mean, 5 TB is A LOT of space for home computers.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-15 14:37:58 UTC Post #296650
I'm guessing for video rendering?
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-15 15:09:18 UTC Post #296651
Ask Grim about the size of instrument VST's for pro music creation. :/
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-15 15:23:39 UTC Post #296652
May I ask what you need so much damn space for?
the question is simple and the answer is powerfull

porn, mp3, movies, game iso
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-23 06:39:13 UTC Post #296934
My $110AUD SSD scores 170mb/s read and 60mb/s write speed.

If you really wanted some speeds to boast about, I'd go for an SSD + raid 0 combo.
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-23 06:54:17 UTC Post #296935
It's not worth buying cheap SSDs. They have low capacity and very low performance. In your case, 60mb/s writing speed is easily surpassed by hdds.
170 mb/s is a low performance boost for such a pricey device imo.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-23 09:43:58 UTC Post #296939
I like it, it's not fantastic, but it's good. Computer boots in 10 seconds which is nice. Cstriker write speed almost doesn't matter because if you're writing to your SSD a lot you're doin' it wrong. SSD's are all about read speed in my opinion.

If you can easily afford $100-200 for an SSD I'd recommend doing it. Also waiting for them to be developed a bit more will help. They'll be much better in the near future.
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-23 09:53:26 UTC Post #296940
The expensive ones deliver true quality.

I don't think you can say it's wrong to write to SSDs. Their purpose is to slowly phase out HDDs in the future.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-23 11:08:19 UTC Post #296941
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-23 11:22:21 UTC Post #296943
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lol @ my score being determined by lowest sub-score, being disk data transfer rate :(

edit: epeen
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-25 11:44:20 UTC Post #296996
Well, I installed the new HDD. Installed a fresh windows also, for better performance.

The results blow me:
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Samsung SpinPoint F3, 1TB, 7200 RPM, 32 mb cache
Compared to my other HDDs, this is a jetplane!
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 12 years ago2012-09-17 09:00:21 UTC Post #309885
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 12 years ago2012-09-17 09:31:07 UTC Post #309886
Thank you Daubster.

Ok, so we posted here benchmarks with mostly desktop HDDs.

If anybody uses regularly a laptop, can you please post a benchmark of your HDD\SSD? The rules at the beginning of the thread still apply. I will post one as soon as I get my laptop.
Don't forget to also write the HDD specs, notably RPM and buffer.
Thank you.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 12 years ago2012-09-18 13:38:09 UTC Post #309911
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I have a ATA Samsung HN-M101MBB 1TB, 2.5" drive, 5400rpm, 8MB buffer.

That screenshot is from the disk utility software that comes with Ubuntu. I only did a read only test because it can apparently only do a read/write test on an empty disk. I would however be willing to do the read/write test in a few days when I'm reinstalling Windows.
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 12 years ago2012-09-18 16:03:45 UTC Post #309915
84.9 Mb/s reading rate is quite extraordinary for a 5400 RPM drive :|.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 12 years ago2012-09-18 16:39:50 UTC Post #309916
My laptop: Seagate Momentus 750GB ST9750420AS 7200rpm 16mb
Battery power:
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Wall power:
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Thought it might make a difference.
rufee rufeeSledge fanboy
Posted 12 years ago2012-09-18 16:53:50 UTC Post #309917
Processor - 7.7
Memory(RAM): - 7.7
Graphics - 7.9
Gaming Graphics - 7.9
Primary Hard-Disk- 5.9

I think it's reading my primary hard disk wrong, I have two and it's probably taking the reading from the other one. it's a problem that I cba to go into, too long to explain.
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 12 years ago2012-09-18 19:31:55 UTC Post #309922
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Seagate ST1500DL003-9VT16L 1.5 TB
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Hope this helps :)
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 12 years ago2012-09-18 21:31:54 UTC Post #309927
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SSD makes a difference.

Can someone explain to me why when I upgraded from a GTX 460 to GTX 680, my graphics score went up (7.8) but my SSD score went down (7.3)? I didn't make any other changes to the system except for upgrading to the ASUS GTX 680 CUII TOP.
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 12 years ago2012-09-19 04:58:41 UTC Post #309936
windows "benchmark" is silly
rufee rufeeSledge fanboy
Posted 12 years ago2012-09-19 17:05:40 UTC Post #309949
Alright, here's my result(Acer Aspire V3).

I was expecting such a low performance, since it holds a 5400RPM HDD, but this is rather disappointing.
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Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 12 years ago2012-09-21 09:26:57 UTC Post #309961
Extremely recent build which explains why I'm back after nearly 3 years. Oh and I have a Windows Experience Rating of 6.5 because I'm using the new i7's HD4000 on-die GPU (Had to cheap out somewhere and it ended up being losing a dedicated GPU). Which isn't that bad, ran Black Mesa just fine.

HDD: Mass Storage and General Use

Western Digital Caviar Black 7200RPM 500GB/32MB cache (WDC WD5002AALX) [2012]
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SSD: OS and Read-Intensive Programs

Samsung 830 Series 128GB (MZ-7PC128) [2012]
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Posted 11 years ago2012-09-21 18:03:06 UTC Post #309964
Oh that is so sexy. I bet it moves like a cheetah. How much did you pay for the SSD?

[EDIT] Well, I just tested my USB 3.0 stick on an actualy USB 3.0 port. What the fuck?
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Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-09-21 18:42:03 UTC Post #309969
What did you expect ?
rufee rufeeSledge fanboy
Posted 11 years ago2012-09-21 19:32:14 UTC Post #309971
Did you think USB drives are fast?
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 11 years ago2012-09-21 23:00:55 UTC Post #309973
@The_(c)Striker: I got it for about $99 on sale.
Posted 11 years ago2012-09-22 21:00:32 UTC Post #309989
That's not too bad. I think I'm going to hold off on a solid state drive until the capacity gets bigger. That's maybe $40 less than I paid for a 2TB disc drive.

Even still SSD are really tempting. I could record BF3 and play at my normal skill without 1/3 of the frame rate holding me back. Cut out me dying, add slow-tempo heavy electronica, heloooooooooooo Youtube views.
Posted 11 years ago2012-09-23 13:44:16 UTC Post #310007
I did not even have a traditional magnetic drive in my latest rig until recently.

I got a Vertex 2 at first, and when it started to fill up, I got a Vertex 3 when the price dropped significantly.

The price drop is slower now, and should not have any dramatic reduction in the near future (at least from the current market forecast). If you want a SSD, the time to buy is now.

It's the most important upgrade to a computer if you don't have one yet.
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 11 years ago2012-09-23 14:04:22 UTC Post #310008
the time to buy is now.
The only time I know of this to be true is last year when the floods affected the HDD factories. But of course, nobody instructed nobody to buy HDDs then :).
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-09-23 15:05:07 UTC Post #310009
It's the most important upgrade to a computer if you don't have one yet.
Alright Mr. SSD Salesman. This is a ridiculous statement.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 11 years ago2012-09-23 17:43:58 UTC Post #310012
I swear I don't own stocks in OCZ.
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 11 years ago2012-09-24 10:32:15 UTC Post #310023
If SSD's didn't have that annoying "die after x number of writes" i would have one. When i think about it an ssd with what i would use it for would die in 5-6 years, if you're lucky a HDD will last forever.

Id love to have an SSD but i don't have spare cash for that :(
rufee rufeeSledge fanboy
Posted 11 years ago2012-09-24 16:38:23 UTC Post #310027
From numerous studies, the lifespan of an SSD is estimated to be 40-300 years.

Here is an example calculation.

I think it's likely that I would upgrade to a new rig in 90 years, assuming that I would still be alive at age 130.
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 11 years ago2012-09-24 16:43:50 UTC Post #310028
Too bad i dont have the money for a test ssd, i would prove you all wrong :)
rufee rufeeSledge fanboy
Posted 11 years ago2012-09-25 03:48:36 UTC Post #310035
I have the Vertex 2 and Vertex 3 in my system, and they have been running flawlessly since 2010.
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
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