Copy and flipping not resulting good. Created 13 years ago2012-03-01 00:06:24 UTC by camplo camplo

Created 13 years ago2012-03-01 00:06:24 UTC by camplo camplo

Posted 13 years ago2012-03-01 00:06:24 UTC Post #303847
So I got a structure I made. When I duplicate it and flip it horizontally and move out of the original everything looks good in hammer besides both structures coming up as invalid. I couldnt be the wiser to why they come up as invalid...but it compiles... and the original brushes are created as they should be, the mirrored brushes come up almost as they should but but have a few over hangs that arent supposed to be there and one of the vertices is way off where to brushes meet so its so obvious. They show in hammer just fine as they should appear in game...I have the new hl fix installed already...may I should try the old hl fix?
Posted 13 years ago2012-03-01 00:15:02 UTC Post #303849
make sure your hlfix is setup properly and running. (problems with this usually are caused by having an incorrect wad.txt file)

Link to your rmf, and i'll take a look at it if you like. One thing I know, using CTRL-M to roatate very complex objects will automatically make them invalid solids.
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 13 years ago2012-03-01 00:17:41 UTC Post #303850
Often with invalid brushes, they appear fine in Hammer, but they are not. Invalid could mean several things, but the most common are the following:

1: Two faces of the brush are on the same plane. So one flat side of the brush is actually two flat faces. This is not allowed.

2: A brush is concave.

3: One face is twisted or bent and is not perfectly flat. Often caused with vertex manipulation.

Hammer and the compile tools will do their best to fix it if you don't do it yourself. The results are unpredictable and often awful. You should seek out problem brushing in Hammer and rebuild them. It has nothing to do with your HL program.
Posted 13 years ago2012-03-01 01:41:49 UTC Post #303851
I want to say that it was just too complex? I'm not sure but I ported the map to microbrush (such a hassle) and mirrored the group of brushes and even rotated them.....then ported back to hammer (ooooh myyy gooooodnesssss) and everything was fine....The structures still come up as invalid and it compiles just fine and looks
Posted 13 years ago2012-03-01 02:23:53 UTC Post #303852
are you sure its not hammer?

I can't call it. microbrush got er done though....
User posted image
ps-I have that new hlfix thats not called hlfix but it is supposed to be better but I forget what its called.
Posted 13 years ago2012-03-01 03:12:03 UTC Post #303853
OK, what in the fuck is microbrush? :P

edit: ok that looks pretty cool. I like how you can have tons of shit in the scene, and the editor never seems to skp or slow down...
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 13 years ago2012-03-01 04:56:36 UTC Post #303854
It's a Hammer alternative
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
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