Map Problem: Solid Entity (func_breakabl Created 12 years ago2012-03-22 09:36:50 UTC by PrivateSnowball PrivateSnowball

Created 12 years ago2012-03-22 09:36:50 UTC by PrivateSnowball PrivateSnowball

Posted 12 years ago2012-03-22 09:36:50 UTC Post #304486
I'm experiencing this problem when I press Alt+P on my latest map.

What I'm trying to do:

I wanted to make a skybridge, in which a portion of the ceiling and the windows are all breakable glass.

What I did:

In an attempt to make all the glass portions of the skybridge have the same stats, I selected all the windows and the ceiling, right-clicked, and chose "Tie to Entity." From here, I was presented with a window asking me which entity I wanted to keep (all of them were func_breakables, save for the ceiling which was not), with which I chose the first "func_breakable" on the scroll-down menu.

Now, whenever I select either one of the windows or the ceiling, it treats all the glass as one collective entity (ie; as if I had selected all of them). I tried ungrouping, and this did not do anything. On top of this, whenever I looked for problems in the map via Alt + P, I get a boatload of items all saying "Solid Entity (func_breakable) is empty."

Is there any way to solve this? Will I have to redo the glass portions of the skybridge to be?
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-22 09:59:37 UTC Post #304487
Click on the glass and press "To World".

Then tie each one to one func_breakable.
Suparsonik SuparsonikI'm going off the edge to meet my maker.
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-22 10:04:55 UTC Post #304488
You'll need to delete the empty ones (They exist but no longer have any brushes associated with them, because you tied them to another entity) by selecting "go to problem" and deleting them. You may be able to use the fix button to delete them, I can't remember for sure. Then move the glass to world and tie each pane to entity separately. After they are all individual func_breakables, select them all and change their values simultaneously.

Basically, when an func_breakable has multiple disconnected brushes, it still treats it as the same object, so it all breaks when you break one of them. When you get the "which entity do you want to keep" message, just undo or cancel, because it will basically always result in an empty entity when you combine them.

EDIT: Hm, beaten to the punch. I guess I talk too much. :P
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-22 10:35:54 UTC Post #304489
Yea it's a stupid error.

Do what joebamba said to avoid getting these, but if you do have these errors you must fix them, as they can cause other problems with your map.

If source, clicking "fix" button will eliminate all those errors instantly. If gsource however, you need to select each of those "solid entity..." notifications from the "check for problems" dialog window, and:

1. click "go to error"
2. exit check for problems
3. click "delete" key on your keyboard
4. repeat for each error.
5. profit.
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-22 20:34:15 UTC Post #304493
Also. You can just create all the brushes, setup one glass entity, hit the nifty "copy" button, and just use the also nifty "Ctrl+T" hot key to tie to entities to save you more time.
Keep the Properties window open, just select something, CTRL-T, paste, Rinse and repeat.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-22 20:54:10 UTC Post #304506
shouldn't this be in the another forum category?
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-22 21:02:18 UTC Post #304508
Yep. Moved it.
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