dimbark is out, so ill offee the spot to blitz if he wants it, otherwise it's back to archie

Created 13 years ago2012-03-09 07:50:59 UTC by
Captain Terror
I'm going to be at a media festival for the next 2 days (the one I'm pitching to the BBC in) but come Friday I will be in a mega mapping mood.That is good news. You could get some work done on The Core.
[ed[t] so is this sky and lighting temporary? im dying to change it. someoen else can change it again.@topic
FindPortalSide: Couldn't find a good match for which brush to assign to a portal near (1024.0 3584.0 38.0)It means you have a leak, and you need to load the pointfile, find/kill the leak, and recompile until you don't get this message anymore. One of the previous participants had a bunch of these i had to fix but i won't name names<cough>Blitzkrieg<cough><cough> =)
Leaf 0 contents: CONTENTS_SOLID
Guys. Guys. Guys listen. Hey guys, when I set- guys listenThis looks incredible fellas, Archie, you're a god.
-game $gamedir $path$file
-game $gamedir $path$file
-both -final -TextureShadows -StaticPropPolys -game $gamedir $path$file
Copy File
$path$file.bsp $bspdir$file.bsp
RAD will take a bit longer, but the whole thing still finishes in under 10 mins. (Although that time will drastically increase if you don't start nodrawing your shit! :P)Where are you seeing that message, ninja?in compilation window output